Q TECHNA, Institut za zagotavljanje in kontrolo kakovosti d.o.o.

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 1 / 4

Reg. št. / Ref. No.: 3150-0176/10-0016

Velja od / Valid as of: 10. december 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of: 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost je mogoče preveriti na spletni strani SA, www.slo-akreditacija.si.
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status is available at the SA website, www.slo-akreditacija.si.

Annex to Accreditation Certificate


1 AKREDITIRANI ORGAN / Accredited Body

Q TECHNA, Institut za zagotavljanje in kontrolo kakovosti d.o.o.

Cvetkova ulica 27, 1000 Ljubljana

2 ZAHTEVE ZA USPOSOBLJENOST / Competence Requirements

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012

3 OBSEG AKREDITACIJE / Scope of accreditation

V okviru te akreditacijske listine Slovenska akreditacija priznava akreditiranemu organu usposobljenost

za opravljanje naslednjih dejavnosti: / SA hereby recognizes the accredited body as being competent to

perform the following activities:

3.1 Skrajšan opis obsega akreditacije / Brief description of the scope

Certificiranje osebja:

• varilsko osebje

• osebje za NDT preskušanje
Certification of persons:

• welding personnel

• NDT personnel

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CO-001

Velja od / Valid as of 10. december 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Žadovinek 37, 8273 Leskovec pri Krškem

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 2 / 4

3.2 Podroben opis obsega akreditacije / Detailed scope of accreditation

3.2.1 Žadovinek 37, 8273 Leskovec pri Krškem Certificiranje varilskega osebja / Certification of welding personnel

Tabela / Table 1

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje varilskega osebja skladno s shemo SP-07.02 /
Certification of welding personnel in accordance with scheme SP-07.02

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)


SIST EN 9606-1:2018
samo 9.3a
only 9.3.a

Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev - Talilno varjenje
- 1. del: Jekla
Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part
1: Steels


SIST EN ISO 9606-2:2005 Preskušanje varilcev - Talilno varjenje - 2. del:
Aluminij in aluminijeve zlitine
Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2:
Aluminium and aluminium alloys

* Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. uvedba novo izdanih dodatkov k normativnemu dokumentu).
Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may
introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g. introduction of newly issued additions to the normative document). Data on the current status of the
scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 2

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje varilskega osebja skladno s shemo SP-07.02 /
Certification of welding personnel in accordance with scheme SP-07.02

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti
oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

operaterji varjenja
welding operators

SIST EN ISO 14732:2013
samo 5.3a
only 5.3a

Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev za popolnoma
mehanizirano talilno in uporovno varjenje kovinskih
Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding
operators and weld setters for mechanized and
automatic welding of metallic materials

* Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. uvedba novo izdanih dodatkov k normativnemu dokumentu).
Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may
introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g. introduction of newly issued additions to the normative document). Data on the current status of the
scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CO-001

Velja od / Valid as of 10. december 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Cesta krških žrtev 135c, 8270 Krško

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 3 / 4

3.2.2 Cesta krških žrtev 135c, 8270 Krško Certificiranje osebja za NDT preskušanje / Certification of NDT personnel

Tabela / Table 3

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje osebja za NDT preskušanje skladno s shemo SP-
10.01 / Certification of NDT personnel in accordance with scheme SP-10.01

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

osebje za NDT VT
NDT personnel for VT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Vizualna preiskava / Visual testing (VT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT RT
NDT personnel for RT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Radiografska preiskava / Radiographic testing (RT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT RT-S
NDT personnel for RT-S

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Radioskopska preiskava / Radioscopy testing (RT-S)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT RT-FI
NDT personnel for RT-FI

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Interpretacija radiografskih filmov / Radiographic films
interpretation (RT-FI)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: w
Nivoji / Levels: 2

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT UT
NDT personnel for UT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Ultrazvočna preiskava / Ultrasonic testing (UT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT UT-PA
NDT personnel for UT-PA

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Ultrazvočna preiskava s faznim krmiljenjem / Phased
array testing (UT-PA)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT PT
NDT personnel for PT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Preiskava s tekočimi penetranti / Liquid penetrant
testing (PT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT MT
NDT personnel for MT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Preiskava z magnetnimi delci / Magnetic particle
testing (MT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CO-001

Velja od / Valid as of 10. december 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Cesta krških žrtev 135c, 8270 Krško

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 4 / 4

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje osebja za NDT preskušanje skladno s shemo SP-
10.01 / Certification of NDT personnel in accordance with scheme SP-10.01

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

osebje za NDT MT-FL
NDT personnel for MT-FL

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Magnetna preiskava z merjenjem odklona
magnetnega polja / Flux leakage testing (MT-FL)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT LT-P
NDT personnel for LT-P

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Preiskava tesnosti - tlačna metoda / Leak test -
pressure method (LT-P)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

Opombe / Notes:
Seznam akreditiranih dejavnosti z aktualnimi podatki o dejavnostih iz fleksibilnega dela obsega certifikacijski organ objavlja na:
A list of accredited activities with relevant data on the activities from the flexible part of the scope is published by the certification body on the
website: https://www.qtechna.si/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/priloga-CO-001_16.3.2022.pdf

Lokacije v tujini, vključene v obseg akreditacije / Foreign locations included under the accreditation:

− ni relevantno / not relevant

Datum / Date: 12.12.2024 Direktor / Director

Dr. Boštjan Godec

Kopija priloge k akreditacijski listini za objavo na spletnem mestu.
Podpisani original priloge na vpogled na sedežu SA.

Copy of Annex to the accreditation certificate for web publishing.

Signed original of Annex available for consultation at the SA head office.


OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran 1 od 2

Reg. št. / Ref. No.: 3150-0184/10-0011

Velja od / Valid as of: 6.oktober 2022

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of: 23. januar 2019

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost je mogoče preveriti na spletni strani SA, www.slo-akreditacija.si.
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status is available at the SA website, www.slo-akreditacija.si.

Annex to Accreditation Certificate


1 AKREDITIRANI ORGAN / Accredited Body


Mencingerjeva ulica 7, 1001 Ljubljana

2 ZAHTEVE ZA USPOSOBLJENOST / Competence Requirements

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012

3 OBSEG AKREDITACIJE / Scope of accreditation

V okviru te akreditacijske listine Slovenska akreditacija priznava akreditiranemu organu usposobljenost

za opravljanje naslednjih dejavnosti: / SA hereby recognizes the accredited body as being competent to

perform the following activities:

3.1 Skrajšan opis obsega akreditacije / Brief description of the scope

Certificiranje osebja: varilsko osebje

Certification of persons: welding personnel

Priloga k akreditacijski listini št. /
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate No. CO-002

Datum izdaje / Issued on 6. oktober 2022

Zamenjuje izdajo z dne / Replaces Annex dated 23. januar 2019

Veljavnost akreditacije je mogoče preveriti na:
Information on current accreditation status is available at:


Mencingerjeva ulica 7, 1001 Ljubljana

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 2 / 2

3.2 Podroben opis obsega akreditacije / Detailed scope of accreditation

3.2.1 Mencingerjeva ulica 7, 1001 Ljubljana Certificiranje varilskega osebja / Certification of welding personnel

Tabela / Table 1

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: 2-C-00

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)


SIST EN ISO 9606-1:2018 Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev - Talilno varjenje
- 1. del: Jekla
Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part
1: Steels

Tabela / Table 2

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: 2-C-00

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

operaterji varjenja
welding operators

SIST EN ISO 14732:2013 Varilno osebje – Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev
za popolnoma mehanizirano talilno in uporovno
varjenje kovinskih materialov
Welding personnel - Approval testing of welding
operators and weld setters for mechanized and
automatic welding of metallic materials

Lokacije v tujini, vključene v obseg akreditacije / Foreign locations included under the accreditation:

-ni relevantno / not relevant

Datum / Date: 10.10.2022 Direktor / Director

Dr. Boštjan Godec

Kopija priloge k akreditacijski listini za objavo na spletnem mestu.
Podpisani original priloge na vpogled na sedežu SA.

Copy of Annex to the accreditation certificate for web publishing.

Signed original of Annex available for consultation at the SA head office.


OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 1 / 4

Reg. št. / Ref. No.: 3150-0002/13-0019

Velja od / Valid as of: 5. marec 2025

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of: 22. april 2024

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost je mogoče preveriti na spletni strani SA, www.slo-akreditacija.si.
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status is available at the SA website, www.slo-akreditacija.si.

Annex to Accreditation Certificate


1 AKREDITIRANI ORGAN / Accredited Body


Ptujska ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana

2 ZAHTEVE ZA USPOSOBLJENOST / Competence Requirements

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012

3 OBSEG AKREDITACIJE / Scope of accreditation

V okviru te akreditacijske listine Slovenska akreditacija priznava akreditiranemu organu usposobljenost

za opravljanje naslednjih dejavnosti: / SA hereby recognizes the accredited body as being competent to

perform the following activities:

3.1 Skrajšan opis obsega akreditacije / Brief description of the scope

Certificiranje osebja:

• varilsko osebje

• osebje za NDT

Certification of persons:

• welding personnel

• NDT personnel

Priloga k akreditacijski listini št. /
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate No. CO-003

Datum izdaje / Issued on 5. marec 2025

Zamenjuje izdajo z dne / Replaces Annex dated 22. april 2024

Veljavnost akreditacije je mogoče preveriti na:
Information on current accreditation status is available at:


Ptujska ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 2 / 4

3.2 Podroben opis obsega akreditacije / Detailed scope of accreditation

3.2.1 Ptujska ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana Certificiranje varilskega osebja / Certification of welding personnel

Tabela / Table 1

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: certificiranje varilskega osebja skladno s shemo DP-201,
Priloga 1a / certification of welding personnel in accordance with scheme DP-201, Annex 1a

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)


SIST EN ISO 9606-1:2018 Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev - Talilno varjenje
- 1. del: Jekla
Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part
1: Steels


SIST EN ISO 9606-1:2018

AD 2000-Merkblatt HP-3:2020

Preskušanje usposobljenosti varilcev - Talilno varjenje
- 1. del: Jekla
Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part
1: Steels

Nadzorniki varjenja, varilci
Welding supervisors, welders


SIST EN ISO 9606-2:2005 Preskušanje varilcev - Talilno varjenje - 2. del: Aluminij
in aluminijeve zlitine
Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2:
Aluminium and aluminium alloys


SIST EN ISO 9606-2:2005

AD 2000-Merkblatt HP-3:2020

Preskušanje varilcev - Talilno varjenje - 2. del: Aluminij
in aluminijeve zlitine
Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2:
Aluminium and aluminium alloys

Nadzorniki varjenja, varilci
Welding supervisors, welders


SIST EN ISO 9606-5:2001 Preskušanje varilcev - Talilno varjenje - 5. del: Titan in
titanove zlitine, cirkonij in cirkonijeve zlitine
Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 5:
Titanium and titanium alloys, zirconium and zirconium


SIST EN ISO 9606-5:2001

AD 2000-Merkblatt HP-3:2020

Preskušanje varilcev - Talilno varjenje - 5. del: Titan in
titanove zlitine, cirkonij in cirkonijeve zlitine
Approval testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 5:
Titanium and titanium alloys, zirconium and zirconium

Nadzorniki varjenja, varilci
Welding supervisors, welders

Priloga k akreditacijski listini št. /
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate No. CO-003

Datum izdaje / Issued on 5. marec 2025

Zamenjuje izdajo z dne / Replaces Annex dated 22. april 2024

Veljavnost akreditacije je mogoče preveriti na:
Information on current accreditation status is available at:


Ptujska ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 3 / 4

Tabela / Table 2

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: certificiranje varilskega osebja skladno s shemo DP-201,
Priloga 1g / certification of welding personnel in accordance with scheme DP-201, Annex 1g

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

operaterji varjenja
welding operators

SIST EN ISO 14732:2013 Varilno osebje - Preskušanje usposobljenosti
operaterjev varjenja za popolnoma mehanizirano talilno
in uporovno varjenje kovinskih materialov
Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding
operators and weld setters for mechanized and
automatic welding of metallic materials

operaterji varjenja
welding operators

SIST EN ISO 14732:2013

AD 2000-Merkblatt HP-3:2020

Varilno osebje - Preskušanje usposobljenosti
operaterjev varjenja za popolnoma mehanizirano talilno
in uporovno varjenje kovinskih materialov
Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding
operators and weld setters for mechanized and
automatic welding of metallic materials

Nadzorniki varjenja, varilci
Welding supervisors, welders Certificiranje osebja za NDT / Certification of NDT personnel

Tabela / Table 3

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: certificiranje osebja za NDT skladno s shemo DP-202, Priloga 1 /
certification of NDT personnel in accordance with scheme DP-202, Annex 1

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

osebje za NDT RT
NDT personnel for RT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Radiografska preiskava (RT) /
Radiographic testing (RT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT UT
NDT personnel for UT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Ultrazvočna preiskava (UT) / Ultrasonic testing (UT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT PT
NDT personnel for PT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Preiskava s tekočimi penetranti (PT) /
Liquid penetrant testing (PT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT MT
NDT personnel for MT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Preiskava z magnetnimi delci (MT) /
Magnetic particle testing (MT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT VT SIST EN ISO 9712:2022 Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in

Priloga k akreditacijski listini št. /
Annex to the Accreditation Certificate No. CO-003

Datum izdaje / Issued on 5. marec 2025

Zamenjuje izdajo z dne / Replaces Annex dated 22. april 2024

Veljavnost akreditacije je mogoče preveriti na:
Information on current accreditation status is available at:


Ptujska ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-64  Izdaja / Revision: 8 Stran / Page: 4 / 4

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: certificiranje osebja za NDT skladno s shemo DP-202, Priloga 1 /
certification of NDT personnel in accordance with scheme DP-202, Annex 1

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed

Certificirano osebje
Persons certified

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v
celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

NDT personnel for VT Vizualna preiskava (VT) / Visual testing (VT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 1, 2, 3

certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT RT.FI
NDT personnel for RT.FI

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Ocenjevanje radiografskih filmov (RT.FI) /
Evaluation of radiographic films (RT.FI)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: 2

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

osebje za NDT UTT
NDT personnel for UTT

SIST EN ISO 9712:2022
Merjenje debelin z ultrazvokom (UTT) /
Ultrasonic thickness testing (UTT)

Industrijski sektorji / Industrial sectors: m, s, PED
Sektorji izdelkov / Product sectors: c, f, w, t, wp
Nivoji / Levels: /

Neporušitveno preskušanje - Kvalificiranje in
certificiranje osebja za neporušitvene preiskave -
Splošna načela
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification
of NDT personnel - General principles

Lokacije v tujini, vključene v obseg akreditacije / Foreign locations included under the accreditation:

- ni relevantno / not relevant

Datum / Date: 5.3.2025 Direktor / Director

Dr. Boštjan Godec

Kopija priloge k akreditacijski listini za objavo na spletnem mestu.
Podpisani original priloge na vpogled na sedežu SA.

Copy of Annex to the accreditation certificate for web publishing.

Signed original of Annex available for consultation at the SA head office.


OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 1 / 86

Reg. št. / Ref. No.: 3150-0021/10-0029

Velja od / Valid as of: 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of: 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost je mogoče preveriti na spletni strani SA, www.slo-akreditacija.si.
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status is available at the SA website, www.slo-akreditacija.si.

Annex to Accreditation Certificate


1 AKREDITIRANI ORGAN / Accredited Body

Mašera - Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

2 ZAHTEVE ZA USPOSOBLJENOST / Competence Requirements

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012

Dodatne zahteve, ki veljajo za nekatere vrste ugotavljanja skladnosti, so opredeljene v podrobnem opisu

obsega akreditacije za to vrsto ugotavljanja skladnosti, v poglavju 3.2. / Additional requirements

applicable to certain types of conformity assessment are defined in the detailed description of

accreditation scope for this type of conformity assessment, under 3.2.

3 OBSEG AKREDITACIJE / Scope of accreditation

V okviru te akreditacijske listine Slovenska akreditacija priznava akreditiranemu organu usposobljenost

za opravljanje naslednjih dejavnosti: / SA hereby recognizes the accredited body as being competent to

perform the following activities:

3.1 Skrajšan opis obsega akreditacije / Brief description of the scope

Certificiranje proizvodov:

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje
kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom:
gospodinjska in podobna oprema, varnostni transformatorji, prenosna orodja, informacijske

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 2 / 86

tehnologije audio-video, elektronika za razvedrilo, oprema za meritve, nadzor in laboratorijsko
uporabo, močnostna elektronika, električna oprema za medicinsko uporabo, razsvetljava,
pripomočki za instalacije in priključne naprave, oprema za nadzor in vodenje cestnega prometa,
stikala in avtomatske električne krmilne naprave, sistemi za napajanje električnih vozil, baterije,
močnostni pretvorniki, elektromagnetna združljivost;

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda: gospodinjska in podobna
oprema, varnostni transformatorji, prenosna orodja, informacijske tehnologije audio-video,
elektronika za razvedrilo, oprema za meritve, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo, močnostna
elektronika, električna oprema za medicinsko uporabo, razsvetljava, pripomočki za instalacije in
priključne naprave, oprema za nadzor in vodenje cestnega prometa, stikala in avtomatske
električne krmilne naprave, sistemi za napajanje električnih vozil, baterije, močnostni pretvorniki,
elektromagnetna združljivost, radijska oprema, stroji;

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi pregleda zasnove: merilni instrumenti;

• certificiranje na podlagi 100% preskušanja proizvodov: električne in neelektrične naprave in
oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere;

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda z rednim nadzorom proizvoda iz
proizvodnje: električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere;

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi pregleda in preskusa vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje:
električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere;

• certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi nadzora notranje kontrole proizvodnje in nadzorovanih
preskusov proizvodov za vsak proizvod iz proizvodnje: električne in neelektrične naprave in
oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere.

Certification of products:

• product certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control
and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality
control and the testing of samples from the factory: household and similar equipment, safety
transformers, portable tools, information technology audio video, entertainment electronics,
measurement, control and laboratory equipment, power electronics, electrical equipment for
medical use, lighting, installation accessories and connection devices, traffic control equipment,
switches and automatic controls, batteries, electric vehicle charging systems, power conversion
equipment, electreomagnetic compatibility;

• type test certification: household and similar equipment, safety transformers, portable tools,
information technology audio video, entertainment electronics, measurement, control and
laboratory equipment, power electronics, electrical equipment for medical use, lighting,
installation accessories and connection devices, traffic control equipment, switches and
automatic controls, batteries, electric vehicle charging systems, power conversion equipment,
electreomagnetic compatibility, radio equipment, machinery;

• certification based on design examination: measuring instruments;

• certification based on 100 % testing: electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for
potentially explosive atmospheres;

• type testing certification followed by testing of samples from the factory: electrical and non
electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres;

• product certification based on verification and testing of all products from the production:
electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres;

• product certification based on surveillance internal production control and supervised product
testing of all products from the production: electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for
potentially explosive atmospheres.

Certificiranje procesov:

• certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole
proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje: električne in neelektrične
naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere;

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 3 / 86

• certificiranje skladnosti s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvodnje in z rednim
nadzorom nad kakovostjo proizvodnje: električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za
potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere;

• certificiranje skladnosti s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvoda in z rednim
nadzorom nad kakovostjo proizvoda: električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno
eksplozivne atmosfere.

Certification of processes:

• factory quality control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control:
electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres;

• conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and regular surveillance
of production control: electrical and nonelectrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive

• conformity to type based on product quality assurance and regular surveillance of product
control: electrical and nonelectrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres.

Certificiranje storitev: certificiranje kvalificiranih storitev zaupanja

Certification of services: certification of qualified trust services

Akreditacija za namen priglasitve:

• Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011,

• Direktiva 2014/53/EU.

Accreditation for notification purposes:

• Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011,

• Directive 2014/53/EU.

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 4 / 86

3.2 Podroben opis obsega akreditacije / Detailed scope of accreditation

3.2.1 Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

Certificiranje proizvodov / Certification of products

Tabela / Table 1 – Gospodinjska in podobna oprema, varnostni transformatorji, prenosna orodja,
informacijske tehnologije audio-video, elektronika za razvedrilo, oprema za meritve, nadzor in
laboratorijsko uporabo, močnostna elektronika, električna oprema za medicinsko uporabo, razsvetljava,
pripomočki za instalacije in priključne naprave, oprema za nadzor in vodenje cestnega prometa, stikala
in avtomatske električne krmilne naprave, sistemi za napajanje električnih vozil, baterije, močnostni
pretvorniki / Household and similar equipment, safety transformers, portable tools, information
technology audio video, entertainment electronics, measurement, control and laboratory equipment,
power electronics, electrical equipment for medical use, lighting, installation accessories and connection
devices, traffic control equipment, switches and automatic controls, batteries, electric vehicle charging
systems, power conversion equipment.

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

1. Gospodinjski električni
Household electrical

IEC 60335-1
SIST EN 60335-1
EN 60335-1

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
1. del: Splošne zahteve
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 1: General requirements

2. Sesalniki
Vacuum cleaners

IEC 60335-2-2
SIST EN 60335-2-2
EN 60335-2-2

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-2. del: Posebne zahteve za sesalnike prahu in
aparate za čiščenje s sesanjem vode
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners
and water-suction cleaning appliances

3. Likalniki

IEC 60335-2-3
SIST EN 60335-2-3
EN 60335-2-3

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-3. del: Posebne zahteve za električne likalnike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons

4. Centrifuge za perilo
Spin extractors

IEC 60335-2-4
SIST EN 60335-2-4
EN 60335-2-4

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-4. del: Posebne zahteve za centrifuge
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors

5. Pomivalni stroji

IEC 60335-2-5
EN 60335-2-5

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-5. del: Posebne zahteve za pomivalne stroje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers

6. Štedilniki, kuhalniki,
Cooking ranges, hobs,

IEC 60335-2-6
SIST EN 60335-2-6
EN 60335-2-6

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-6. del: Posebne zahteve za nepremične štedilnike,
kuhalnike, pečice in podobne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary
cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 5 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

7. Pralni stroji
Washing machines

IEC 60335-2-7
SIST EN 60335-2-7
EN 60335-2-7

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-7. del: Posebne zahteve za pralne stroje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing

8. Bivniki, strižniki za lase
Shavers, hair clippers

IEC 60335-2-8
SIST EN 60335-2-8
EN 60335-2-8

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-8. del: Posebne zahteve za električne brivnike,
strižnike za lase in podobno
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair
clippers and similar appliances

9. Žari, opekači in podobni
prenosni aparati za
pripravo hrane
Grills, toasters and similar
portable cooking

IEC 60335-2-9
SIST EN 60335-2-9
EN 60335-2-9

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-9. del: Posebne zahteve za žare, opekače in
podobne prenosne aparate za pripravo hrane
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters
and similar portable cooking appliances

10. Stroji za nego tal in mokro
Floor treatment and wet
scrubbing machines

IEC 60335-2-10
SIST EN 60335-2-10
EN 60335-2-10

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-10. del: Posebne zahteve za stroje za nego tal in za
stroje za mokro ščetkanje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment
machines and wet scrubbing machines

11. Sušilniki perila
Tumble dryers

IEC 60335-2-11
SIST EN 60335-2-11
EN 60335-2-11

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-11. del: Posebne zahteve za bobenske sušilnike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers

12. Grelne plošče
Warming plates

IEC 60335-2-12
SIST EN 60335-2-12
EN 60335-2-12

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-12. del: Posebne zahteve za grelne plošče in
podobne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates
and similar appliances

13. Cvrtniki, ponve za cvrtje
Deep fat fryers, frying

IEC 60335-2-13
SIST EN 60335-2-13
EN 60335-2-13

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-13. del: Posebne zahteve za cvrtnike, ponve za
cvrtje in podobne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers,
frying pans and similar appliances

14. Kuhinjski stroji
Kitchen machines

IEC 60335-2-14
SIST EN 60335-2-14
EN 60335-2-14

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-14. del: Posebne zahteve za električne kuhinjske
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen

15. Aparati za gretje tekočin
Appliances for heating

IEC 60335-2-15
SIST EN 60335-2-15
EN 60335-2-15

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-15. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za gretje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for
heating liquids

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 6 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

16. Drobilniki odpadne hrane
Food waste disposers

IEC 60335-2-16
SIST EN 60335-2-16
EN 60335-2-16

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-16. del: Posebne zahteve za drobilnike odpadne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-16: Particular requirements for food waste

17. Akumulacijski grelniki
Storage water heaters

IEC 60335-2-21
SIST EN 60335-2-21
EN 60335-2-21

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-21. del: Posebne zahteve za akumulacijske grelnike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water

18. Aparati za nego kože in
Appliances for skin or hair

IEC 60335-2-23
SIST EN 60335-2-23
EN 60335-2-23

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-23. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za nego kože
ali las
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for
skin or hair care

19. Hladilniki, zamrzovalniki,
aparati za pripravo
sladoleda in ledu
Refrigerating appliances,
ice-cream appliances, ice

IEC 60335-2-24
SIST EN 60335-2-24
EN 60335-2-24

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-24. del: Posebne zahteve za hladilnike,
zamrzovalnike in aparate za pripravo sladoleda in
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating
appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice makers

20. Mikrovalovne pečice
Microwave ovens

IEC 60335-2-25
SIST EN 60335-2-25
EN 60335-2-25

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-25. del: Posebne zahteve za mikrovalovne pečice,
vključno s kombiniranimi mikrovalovnimi pečicami
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-25: Particular requirements for microwave
ovens, including combination microwave ovens

21. Ure

IEC 60335-2-26
SIST EN 60335-2-26
EN 60335-2-26

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-26. del: Posebne zahteve za ure
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-26: Particular requirements for clocks

22. Aparati za nego kože z
ultravijoličnim in
infrardečim sevanjem
Appliances for skin
exposure to ultraviolet
and infrared radiation

IEC 60335-2-27
SIST EN 60335-2-27
EN 60335-2-27

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-27. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za nego kože
z ultravijoličnim in infrardečim sevanjem
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for
skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation

23. Šivalni stroji
Sewing machines

IEC 60335-2-28
SIST EN 60335-2-28
EN 60335-2-28

Safety of household and similar electrical
Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-28. del: Posebne zahteve za šivalne stroje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-28: Particular requirements for sewing

24. Polnilniki baterij
Battery chargers

IEC 60335-2-29
SIST EN 60335-2-29
EN 60335-2-29

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-29. del: Posebne zahteve za polnilnike baterij
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 7 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

25. Sobni grelniki
Room heaters

IEC 60335-2-30
SIST EN 60335-2-30
EN 60335-2-30

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-30. del: Posebne zahteve za sobne grelnike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters

26. Kuhinjske nape
Range hoods

IEC 60335-2-31
SIST EN 60335-2-31
EN 60335-2-31

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-31. del: Posebne zahteve za kuhinjske nape
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods

27. Masažni aparati
Massage appliances

IEC 60335-2-32
SIST EN 60335-2-32
EN 60335-2-32

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-32. del: Posebne zahteve za masažne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage

28. Pretočni grelniki vode
Instantaneous water

IEC 60335-2-35
SIST EN 60335-2-35
EN 60335-2-35

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-35. del: Posebne zahteve za pretočne grelnike
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-35: Particular requirements for instantaneous
water heaters

29. Komercialni električni
štedilniki, pečice, kuhalne
Commercial electric
cooking ranges, ovens,

IEC 60335-2-36
SIST EN 60335-2-36
EN 60335-2-36

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-36. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
štedilnike, pečice, kuhalne plošče in njihove elemente
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial
electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob

30. Komercialni električni
Commercial electric deep
fat fryers

IEC 60335-2-37
SIST EN 60335-2-37
EN 60335-2-37

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-37. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial
electric deep fat fryers

31. Komercialne električne
plošče in žari
Commercial electric
griddles and griddle grills

IEC 60335-2-38
SIST EN 60335-2-38
EN 60335-2-38

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-38. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
plošče in žare
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-38: Particular requirements for commercial
electric griddles and griddle grills

32. Komercialne električne
večnamenske kuhalne
Commercial electric multi-
purpose cooking pans

IEC 60335-2-39
SIST EN 60335-2-39
EN 60335-2-39

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-39. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
večnamenske kuhalne posode
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial
electric multi-purpose cooking pans

33. Električne toplotne
črpalke, klimatske
naprave, sušilniki zraka
Electrical heat pumps, air-

IEC 60335-2-40
SIST EN 60335-2-40
EN 60335-2-40

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-40. del: Posebne zahteve za električne toplotne
črpalke, klimatske naprave in sušilnike zraka
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat
pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 8 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

34. Črpalke

IEC 60335-2-41
SIST EN 60335-2-41
EN 60335-2-41

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-41. del: Posebne zahteve za črpalke
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps

35. Komercialne električne
pečice s prisilnim
kroženjem zraka, parne
kuhalnike, pečice s
kroženjem pare
Commercial electric
forced convection ovens,
steam cookers and
steam-convection ovens

IEC 60335-2-42
SIST EN 60335-2-42
EN 60335-2-42

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-42. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
pečice s prisilnim kroženjem zraka, parne kuhalnike
in pečice s kroženjem pare
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-42: Particular requirements for commercial
electric forced convection ovens, steam cookers and
steam-convection ovens

36. Sušilniki oblačil in brisač
Clothes dryers and towel

IEC 60335-2-43
SIST EN 60335-2-43
EN 60335-2-43

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-43. del: Posebne zahteve za sušilnike oblačil in
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes dryers
and towel rails

37. Likalni stroji

IEC 60335-2-44
SIST EN 60335-2-44
EN 60335-2-44

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-44. del: Posebne zahteve za likalne stroje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers

38. Prenosna električna
grelna orodja
Portable heating tools

IEC 60335-2-45
SIST EN 60335-2-45
EN 60335-2-45

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-45. del: Posebne zahteve za prenosna električna
grelna orodja in podobne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-45: Particular requirements for portable
heating tools and similar appliances

39. Komercialni električni kotli
Commercial electric
boiling pans

IEC 60335-2-47
EN 60335-2-47

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-47. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-47: Particular requirements for commercial
electric boiling pans

40. Komercialne električne
žari in opekači
Commercial electric
grillers and toasters

IEC 60335-2-48
SIST EN 60335-2-48
EN 60335-2-48

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-48. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
žare in opekače
Household and similar electrical applicances - Safety
- Part 2-48: Particular requirements for commercial
electric grillers and toasters

41. Komercialne gostinske
električne grelne omare
Commercial electric
appliances for keeping
food and crockery warm

IEC 60335-2-49
EN 60335-2-49

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-49. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne gostinske
električne grelne omare
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-49: Particular requirements for commercial
electric appliances for keeping food and crockery

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 9 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

42. Komercialne električne
vodne kopeli za gretje
Commercial electric

IEC 60335-2-50
SIST EN 60335-2-50
EN 60335-2-50

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-50. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne električne
vodne kopeli za gretje hrane
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-50: Particular requirements for commercial
electric bains-marie

43. Obtočne črpalke
Circulation pumps

IEC 60335-2-51
SIST EN 60335-2-51
EN 60335-2-51

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-51. del: Posebne zahteve za vgrajene obtočne
črpalke za grelne sisteme in vodovodne inštalacije
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary
circulation pumps for heating and service water

44. Aparati za ustno nego
Oral hygiene appliances

IEC 60335-2-52
SIST EN 60335-2-52
EN 60335-2-52

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-52. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za ustno nego
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene

45. Aparate za čiščenje
površin s tekočinami ali
appliances for household
use employing liquids or

IEC 60335-2-54
SIST EN 60335-2-54
EN 60335-2-54

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-54. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za čiščenje
površin s tekočinami ali paro
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-
cleaning appliances for household use employing
liquids or steam

46. Električni aparati za
uporabo v akvarijih in
vrtnih ribnikih
Electrical appliances for
use with aquariums and
garden ponds

IEC 60335-2-55
SIST EN 60335-2-55
EN 60335-2-55

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-55. del: Posebne zahteve za električne aparate za
uporabo v akvarijih in vrtnih ribnikih
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-55: Particular requirements for electrical
appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds

47. Projektorji

IEC 60335-2-56
SIST EN 60335-2-56
EN 60335-2-56

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-56. del: Posebne zahteve za projektorje in podobne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-56: Particular requirements for projectors and
similar appliances

48. Uničevalniki insektov
Insect killers

IEC 60335-2-59
SIST EN 60335-2-59
EN 60335-2-59

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-59. del: Posebne zahteve za uničevalnike insektov
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers

49. Masažne kadi, masažni
Whirlpool baths and
whirlpool spas

IEC 60335-2-60
SIST EN 60335-2-60
EN 60335-2-60

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-60. del: Posebne zahteve za masažne kadi in
masažne bazene
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-60: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths
and whirlpool spas

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 10 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

50. Komercialna električna
pomivalna korita
Commercial electric
rinsing sinks

IEC 60335-2-62
SIST EN 60335-2-62
EN 60335-2-62

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-62. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialna električna
pomivalna korita
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-62: Particular requirements for commercial
electric rinsing sinks

51. Komercialni električni
kuhinjski stroji
Commercial electric
kitchen machines

IEC 60335-2-64
SIST EN 60335-2-64
EN 60335-2-64

Varnost gospodinjskih in podobnih električnih
aparatov - 2-64. del: Posebne zahteve za
komercialne električne kuhinjske stroje
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-64: Particular requirements for commercial
electric kitchen machines

52. Aparati za čiščenje zraka
Air-cleaning appliances

IEC 60335-2-65
SIST EN 60335-2-65
EN 60335-2-65

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-65. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate za čiščenje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning

53. Sesalniki za suho in
mokro sesanje za
komercialno uporabo
Wet and dry vacuum
cleaners for commercial

IEC 60335-2-69
SIST EN 60335-2-69
EN 60335-2-69

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-69. del: Posebne zahteve za sesalnike za suho in
mokro sesanje, vključno s krtačo, za komercialno
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry
vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for
commercial use

54. Molzni aparati
Milking machines

IEC 60335-2-70
SIST EN 60335-2-70
EN 60335-2-70

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-70. del: Posebne zahteve za molzne aparate
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-70: Particular requirements for milking

55. Električni grelni aparati za
vzrejo in rejo živali
Electrical heating
appliances for breeding
and rearing animals

IEC 60335-2-71
SIST EN 60335-2-71
EN 60335-2-71

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-71. del: Posebne zahteve za električne grelne
aparate za vzrejo in rejo živali
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-71: Particular requirements for electrical
heating appliances for breeding and rearing animals

56. Pritrjeni potopni grelniki
Fixed immersion heaters

IEC 60335-2-73
SIST EN 60335-2-73
EN 60335-2-73

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-73. del: Posebne zahteve za pritrjene potopne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-73: Particular requirements for fixed immersion

57. Prenosni potopni grelniki
Portable immersion

IEC 60335-2-74
SIST EN 60335-2-74
EN 60335-2-74

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati – Varnost -
2-74. del: Posebne zahteve za prenosne potopne
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable
immersion heaters

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 11 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

58. Komercialni aparati za
prodajo hrane in pijače in
prodajni avtomati
Commercial dispensing
appliances and vending

IEC 60335-2-75
SIST EN 60335-2-75
EN 60335-2-75

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-75. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne aparate
za prodajo hrane in pijače in prodajne avtomate
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety -
Part 2-75: Particular requirements for commercial
dispensing appliances and vending machines

59. Ročno vodene električne
vrtne kosilnice
walk-behind electrically
powered lawn mowers

IEC 60335-2-77
SIST EN 60335-2-77
EN 60335-2-77

Varnost gospodinjskih in podobnih električnih
aparatov - 2-77. del: Posebne zahteve za ročno
vodene električne vrtne kosilnice
Safety of household and similar appliances - Part 2-
77: Particular requirements for pedestrian-controlled
walk-behind electrically powered lawn mowers

60. Ražnji za uporabo na
Outdoor barbecues

IEC 60335-2-78
SIST EN 60335-2-78
EN 60335-2-78

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-78. del: Posebne zahteve za ražnje za uporabo na
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-78: Particular requirements for outdoor

61. Visokotlačni in parni
High pressure cleaners
and steam cleaner

IEC 60335-2-79
SIST EN 60335-2-79
EN 60335-2-79

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-79. del: Posebne zahteve za visokotlačne in parne
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
– Part 2: Particular requirements for high pressure
cleaners and steam cleaner

62. Ventilatorji

IEC 60335-2-80
SIST EN 60335-2-80
EN 60335-2-80

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-80. del: Posebne zahteve za ventilatorje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans

63. Delovni stroji in stroji za
Amusement machines
and personal service

IEC 60335-2-82
SIST EN 60335-2-82
EN 60335-2-82

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-82. del: Posebne zahteve za delovne stroje in stroje
za zabavo
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-82: Particular requirements for amusement
machines and personal service machines

64. Stranišča

IEC 60335-2-84
SIST EN 60335-2-84
EN 60335-2-84

Varnost gospodinjskih in podobnih električnih
aparatov - 2-84. del: Posebne zahteve za stranišča
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-84: Particular requirements for toilets

65. Parni aparati za tkanine
Fabric steamers

IEC 60335-2-85
SIST EN 60335-2-85
EN 60335-2-85

Varnost gospodinjskih in podobnih električnih
aparatov - 2-85. del: Posebne zahteve za parne
aparate za tkanine
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-85: Particular requirements for fabric steamers

66. Vlažilniki zraka

IEC 60335-2-88
SIST EN 60335-2-88
EN 60335-2-88

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-88. del: Posebne zahteve za vlažilnike zraka,
namenjene za uporabo v grelnih, prezračevalnih ali
klimatskih sistemih
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-88: Particular requirements for humidifiers
intended for use with heating, ventilation, or air-
conditioning systems

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 12 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

67. Komercialne hladilne
Commercial refrigerating

IEC 60335-2-89
EN 60335-2-89

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-89. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne hladilne
naprave z vgrajeno ali zunanjo hladilno
kondenzatorsko enoto ali kompresorjem
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-89: Particular requirements for commercial
refrigerating appliances with an incorporated or
remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor

68. Komercialne
mikrovalovne pečice
Commercial microwave

IEC 60335-2-90
SIST EN 60335-2-90
EN 60335-2-90

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-90. del: Posebne zahteve za komercialne
mikrovalovne pečice
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-90: Particular requirements for commercial
microwave ovens

69. Ročno vodljive in
prenosne motorne kose
za trate in robove trat
Walk-behind and hand-
held lawn trimmers and
lawn edge trimmers

IEC 60335-2-91
SIST EN 60335-2-91
EN 60335-2-91

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-91. del: Posebne zahteve za ročno vodljive in
prenosne motorne kose za trate in robove trat
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-91: Particular requirements for walk-behind
and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers

70. Pogonski sklopi dvižnih
garažnih vrat za
stanovanjsko rabo
Drives for vertically
moving garage doors for
residential use

IEC 60335-2-95
SIST EN 60335-2-95
EN 60335-2-95

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-95. del: Posebne zahteve za pogonske sklope
dvižnih garažnih vrat za stanovanjsko rabo
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-95: Particular requirements for drives for
vertically moving garage doors for residential use

71. Vlažilniki zraka

IEC 60335-2-98
SIST EN 60335-2-98
EN 60335-2-98

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-98. del: Posebne zahteve za vlažilnike zraka
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-98: Particular requirements for humidifiers

72. Vlažilniki zraka

IEC 60335-2-101
SIST EN 60335-2-101
EN 60335-2-101

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-101. del: Posebne zahteve za vlažilnike zraka
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-101: Particular requirements for vaporizers

73. Aparati na plin, olje in
trdna goriva z električnimi
Gas, oil and solid-fuel
burning appliances having
electrical connections

IEC 60335-2-102
SIST EN 60335-2-102
EN 60335-2-102

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-102. del: Posebne zahteve za aparate na plin, olje
in trdna goriva z električnimi priključki
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-102: Particular requirements for gas, oil and
solid-fuel burning appliances having electrical

74. Pogonski sklopi vrat in
Drives for gates, doors
and windows

IEC 60335-2-103
SIST EN 60335-2-103
EN 60335-2-103

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-103. del: Posebne zahteve za pogonske sklope vrat
in oken
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-103: Particular requirements for drives for
gates, doors and windows

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 13 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

75. Večnamenske kabine za
Multifunctional shower

IEC 60335-2-105
SIST EN 60335-2-105
EN 60335-2-105

Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost -
2-105. del: Posebne zahteve za večnamenske kabine
za prhanje
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety -
Part 2-105: Particular requirements for multifunctional
shower cabinets

76. Gospodinjski električni
Household electrical

SIST EN 50366
EN 50366

Gospodinjski in aparati - Elektromagnetna polja -
Metode za ocenjevanje in meritve
Household and similar electrical appliances -
Electromagnetic fields - Methods for evaluation and

77. Gospodinjski električni
Household electrical

IEC 62233
SIST EN 62233
EN 62233

Metode merjenja elektromagnetnih sevanj
gospodinjskih in podobnih električnih aparatov z
vidika izpostavljenosti ljudi
Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of
household appliances and similar apparatus with
regard to human exposure

78. Gospodinjski električni
Household electrical

IEC 62301
SIST EN 62301
EN 62301

Gospodinjski električni aparati – Merjenje moči v
stanju pripravljenosti
Household electrical appliances – Measurement of
standby power

79. Močnostni transformatorji,
napajalniki, reaktorji
Power transformers,
power supplies, reactors

IEC 61558-1
SIST EN 61558-1
EN 61558-1

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, napajalnikov,
reaktorjev in podobnih izdelkov – 1. del: Splošne
zahteve in preskusi
Safety of power transformers, power supplies,
reactors and similar products - Part 1: General
requirements and tests

80. Ločilni transformatorji in
napajalniki z ločilnimi
Separating transformers
and power supplies
incorporating separating

IEC 61558-2-1
SIST EN 61558-2-1
EN 61558-2-1

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, napajalnikov,
reaktorjev in podobnih izdelkov - 2-1. del: Posebne
zahteve za ločilne transformatorje in napajalnike z
ločilnimi transformatorji za splošno rabo
Safety of power transformers, power supplies,
reactors and similar products - Part 2-1: Particular
requirements and tests for separating transformers
and power supplies incorporating separating
transformers for general applications

81. Kontrolni transformatorji in
napajalniki s kontrolnimi
Control transformers and
power supplies
incorporating control

IEC 61558-2-2
SIST EN 61558-2-2
EN 61558-2-2

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, napajalnikov,
reaktorjev in podobnih izdelkov - 2-2. del: Posebne
zahteve za kontrolne transformatorje in napajalnike s
kontrolnimi transformatorji
Safety of power transformers, power supplies,
reactors and similar products - Part 2-2: Particular
requirements and tests for control transformers and
power supplies incorporating control transformers

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 14 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

82. Ločilni transformatorji in
napajalniki z ločilnimi
Isolating transformers and
power supply units
incorporating isolating

IEC 61558-2-4
SIST EN 61558-2-4
EN 61558-2-4

Varnost transformatorjev, dušilk, napajalnikov in
podobnih izdelkov za napajalne napetosti do 1100 V -
2-4. del: Posebne zahteve in preskusi za ločilne
transformatorje in napajalnike z ločilnimi
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and similar products for voltages up to 1100 V - Part
2-4: Particular requirements and tests for isolating
transformers and power supply units incorporating
isolating transformers

83. Transformatorji za
brivnike in napajalniki
Transformer for shavers,
power supply units for
shavers and shaver
supply units

IEC 61558-2-5
SIST EN 61558-2-5
EN 61558-2-5

Varnost transformatorjev, dušilk, napajalnikov in
kombinacij teh elementov - 2-5. del: Posebne zahteve
in preskusi za transformatorje za brivnike in
napajalnike brivnikov
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and combinations thereof - Part 2-5: Particular
requirements and tests for transformer for shavers,
power supply units for shavers and shaver supply

84. Varnostno ločilni
transformatorji in
napajalniki z varnostnimi
ločilnimi transformatorji
Safety isolating
transformers and power
supply units incorporating
safety isolating

IEC 61558-2-6
SIST EN 61558-2-6
EN 61558-2-6

Varnost transformatorjev, dušilk, napajalnikov in
podobnih izdelkov za napajalne napetosti do 1100 V -
2-6. del: Posebne zahteve in preskusi za varnostne
ločilne transformatorje in napajalnike z varnostnimi
ločilnimi transformatorji
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and similar products for voltages up to 1100 V - Part
2-6: Particular requirements and tests for safety
isolating transformers and power supply units
incorporating safety isolating transformers

85. Transformatorji in
napajalniki za igrače
Transformers and power
supplies for toys

IEC 61558-2-7
SIST EN 61558-2-7
EN 61558-2-7

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, napajalnikov,
reaktorjev in podobnih izdelkov - 2-7. del: Posebne
zahteve za transformatorje in napajalnike za igrače
Safety of power transformers, power supplies,
reactors and similar products - Part 2-7: Particular
requirements and tests for transformers and power
supplies for toys

86. Transformatorji za zvonce
in gonge
Transformers and power
supply units for bells and

IEC 61558-2-8
SIST EN 61558-2-8
EN 61558-2-8

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, dušilk,
napajalnikov in kombinacij teh elementov - 2-8. del:
Posebne zahteve za transformatorje za zvonce in
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and combinations thereof - Part 2-8: Particular
requirements and tests for transformers and power
supply units for bells and chimes

87. Avtotransformatorji in
napajalniki z
Auto transformers and
power supply units
incorporating auto

IEC 61558-2-13
SIST EN 61558-2-13
EN 61558-2-13

Varnost transformatorjev, dušilk, napajalnikov in
podobnih izdelkov za napajalne napetosti do 1100 V -
2-13. del: Posebne zahteve in preskusi za
avtotransformatorje in napajalnike z
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and similar products for voltages up to 1100 V - Part
2-13: Particular requirements and tests for auto
transformers and power supply units incorporating
auto transformers

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 15 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

88. Stikalni napajalniki in
transformatorji za stikalne
Switch mode power
supply units and
transformers for switch
mode power supply units

IEC 61558-2-16
SIST EN 61558-2-16
EN 61558-2-16

Varnost močnostnih transformatorjev, napajalnikov,
dušilk in podobnih izdelkov za napetosti do 1100 V -
2-16. del: Posebne zahteve in preskusi za stikalne
napajalnike in transformatorje za stikalne napajalnike
Safety of transformers, reactors, power supply units
and similar products for voltages up to 1100 V - Part
2-16: Particular requirements and tests for switch
mode power supply units and transformers for switch
mode power supply units

89. Električna motorna ročna
orodja, prenosna orodja
ter stroji za trato in vrt
Electric motor-operated
hand-held, transportable
tools and lawn and
garden machinery

IEC 62841-1
SIST EN 62841-1
EN 62841-1

Električna motorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held, Transportable
Tools and Lawn and Garden Machinery - Safety -
Part 1: General requirements

90. Ročni vrtalniki in udarne
(vibracijski) vrtalniki
Hand-held drills and
impact drills

IEC 62841-2-1
SIST EN 62841-2-1
EN 62841-2-1

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-1. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne vrtalnike in udarne (vibracijske)
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for hand-
held drills and impact drills

91. Ročni vijačniki in udarni
vijačniki (račne)
Hand-held screwdrivers
and impact wrenches

IEC 62841-2-2
SIST EN 62841-2-2
EN 62841-2-2

Električna motorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-2. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne vijačnike in udarne vijačnike (račne)
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-2: Particular requirements
for hand-held screwdrivers and impact wrenches

92. Ročni peskalniki in
polirniki, ki niso v diskovni
Hand-held sanders and
polishers other than disc

IEC 62841-2-4
SIST EN 62841-2-4
EN 62841-2-4

Električna motorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-4. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne peskalnike in polirnike, ki niso v
diskovni izvedbi
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements
for hand-held sanders and polishers other than disc

93. Ročne krožne žage
Hand-held circular saws

IEC 62841-2-5
SIST EN 62841-2-5
EN 62841-2-5

Električna motorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-5. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne krožne žage
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-5: Particular requirements
for hand-held circular saws

94. Ročna kladiva
Hand-held hammers

IEC 62841-2-6
EN IEC 62841-2-6
SIST EN IEC 62841-2-6

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-6. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročna kladiva
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-6: Particular requirements for hand-
held hammers

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 16 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

95. Ročne škarje in sekalniki
Hand-held shears and

IEC 62841-2-8
SIST EN 62841-2-8
EN 62841-2-8

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-8. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne škarje in sekalnike
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-8: Particular requirements
for hand-held shears and nibblers

96. Ročni stroji za vrezovanje
Hand-held tappers and

IEC 62841-2-9
SIST EN 62841-2-9
EN 62841-2-9

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-9. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne stroje za vrezovanje navojev
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for hand-
held tappers and threaders

97. Ročni mešalniki
Hand-held mixers

IEC 62841-2-10
SIST EN 62841-2-10
EN 62841-2-10

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-10. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne mešalnike
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-10: Particular requirements for hand-
held mixers

98. Ročne povratne žage
(vbodne in sabljaste žage)
Hand-held reciprocating
saws (jig and sabre saws)

IEC 62841-2-11
SIST EN 62841-2-11
EN 62841-2-11

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-11. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne povratne žage (vbodne in sabljaste
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular
requirements for hand-held reciprocating saws (jig
and sabre saws)

99. Ročni skobeljniki
Hand-held planers

IEC 62841-2-14
SIST EN 62841-2-14
EN 62841-2-14

Električna motorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-14. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne skobeljnike
Electric Motor- Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 2-14: Particular
requirements for hand-held planers

100. Ročni skobeljniki
Hand-held routers

IEC 62841-2-17
SIST EN 62841-2-17
EN 62841-2-17

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-17. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne skobeljnike
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-17: Particular requirements for hand-
held routers

101. Ročni čistilniki
Hand-held drain cleaners

IEC 62841-2-21
SIST EN 62841-2-21
EN 62841-2-21

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 2-21. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročne čistilnike kanalizacije
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 2-21: Particular requirements for hand-
held drain cleaners

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 17 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

102. Prenosne
namizne žage
Transportable table saws

IEC 62841-3-1
SIST EN 62841-3-1
EN 62841-3-1

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-1. del: Posebne
zahteve za prenosne namizne žage
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 3-1: Particular requirements for
transportable table saws

103. Prenosni namizni
Transportable bench

IEC 62841-3-4
SIST EN 62841-3-4
EN 62841-3-4

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-4. del: Posebne
zahteve za prenosne namizne brusilnike
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 3-4: Particular requirements
for transportable bench grinders

104. Prenosne zajeralne žage
Transportable mitre saws

IEC 62841-3-9
SIST EN 62841-3-9
EN 62841-3-9

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-9. del: Posebne
zahteve za prenosne zajeralne žage
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 3-9: Particular requirements for
transportable mitre saws

105. Premični rezalniki
Transportable cut-off

IEC 62841-3-10
SIST EN 62841-3-10
EN 62841-3-10

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-10. del: Posebne
zahteve za premične rezalnike
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 3-10: Particular requirements for
transportable cut-off machines

106. Prenosni vrtalniki
Transportable drills

IEC 62841-3-13
SIST EN 62841-3-13
EN 62841-3-13

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-13. del: Posebne
zahteve za prenosne vrtalnike
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety - Part 3-13: Particular requirements for
transportable drills

107. Škarje za živo mejo
Hedge trimmers

IEC 62841-4-2
SIST EN 62841-4-2
EN 62841-4-2

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 4-2. del: Posebne
zahteve za škarje za živo mejo
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 4-2: Particular requirements
for hedge trimmers

108. Električna ročna orodja
Hand-held motor-
operated electric tools

IEC 60745-1
SIST EN 60745-1
EN 60745-1

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 1. del: Splošne
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 1: General requirements

109. Vrtalniki in udarni vrtalniki
Drills and impact drills

IEC 60745-2-1
SIST EN 60745-2-1
EN 60745-2-1

Ročna električna orodja - Varnost - 2-1. del: Posebne
zahteve za vrtalnike in udarne (vibracijske) vrtalnike
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements for drills and impact

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 18 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

110. Brusilniki, polirniki,
diskovni peskalniki
Grinders, polishers, disk-
type sanders

IEC 60745-2-3
SIST EN 60745-2-3
EN 60745-2-3

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-3. del: Posebne
zahteve za brusilnike, polirnike in diskovne
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for grinders,
polishers and disk-type sanders

111. Kladiva

IEC 60745-2-6
SIST EN 60745-2-6
EN 60745-2-6

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-6. del: Posebne
zahteve za kladiva
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-6: Particular requirements for hammers

112. Brizgalne pištole za
nevnetljive tekočine
Spray guns for non-
flammable liquids

IEC 60745-2-7
SIST EN 50144-2-7
EN 50144-2-7

Varnost električnih ročnih orodij - 2. del: Posebne
zahteve za brizgalne pištole za nevnetljive tekočine
Safety of hand-held motor-operated electric tools.
Part 2: Particular requirements for spray guns for
non-flammable liquids

113. Vibratorji za beton
Concrete vibrator

IEC 60745-2-12
SIST EN 60745-2-12
EN 60745-2-12

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-12. del: Posebne
zahteve za vibratorje za beton
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-12: Particular requirements for concrete

114. Verižne žage
Chain saws

IEC 60745-2-13
SIST EN 60745-2-13
EN 60745-2-13

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-13. del: Posebne
zahteve za verižne žage
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-13: Particular requirements for chain saws

115. Škarje za živo mejo
Hedge trimmers

IEC 60745-2-15
SIST EN 60745-2-15
EN 60745-2-15

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-15. del: Posebne
zahteve za škarje za živo mejo
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-15: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers

116. Kladiva (pribijači)

IEC 60745-2-16
SIST EN 60745-2-16
EN 60745-2-16

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-16. del: Posebne
zahteve za kladiva (pribijače)
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-16: Particular requirements for tackers

117. Rezkarji in obrezovalniki
Routers and trimmers

IEC 60745-2-17
SIST EN 60745-2-17
EN 60745-2-17

Ročna električna orodja - Varnost - 2-17. del:
Posebne zahteve za rezkalnike in obrezovalnike
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-17: Particular requirements for routers and

118. Ročno orodje za
zategovanje pakirnih
Strapping tools

IEC 60745-2-18
SIST EN 60745-2-18
EN 60745-2-18

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-18. del: Posebne
zahteve za ročno orodje za zategovanje pakirnih
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-18: Particular requirements for strapping tools

119. Rezalnike z rezalno
ploščo za rezanje rež in

IEC 60745-2-19
SIST EN 60745-2-19
EN 60745-2-19

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-19. del: Posebne
zahteve za rezalnike z rezalno ploščo za rezanje rež
in utorov
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-19: Particular requirements for jointers

120. Tračne žage
Band saws

IEC 60745-2-20
SIST EN 60745-2-20
EN 60745-2-20

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-20. del: Posebne
zahteve za tračne žage
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-20: Particular requirements for band saws

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 19 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

121. Čistilniki odtokov
Drain cleaners

IEC 60745-2-21
SIST EN 60745-2-21
EN 60745-2-21

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-21. del: Posebne
zahteve za čistilnike odtokov
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-21: Particular requirements for drain cleaners

122. Rezalniki
Cut-off machines

IEC 60745-2-22
SIST EN 60745-2-22
EN 60745-2-22

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-22. del: Posebne
zahteve za rezalnike
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-22: Particular requirements for cut-off

123. Brusilniki čipov in mala
rotacijska orodija
Die grinders and small
rotary tools

IEC 60745-2-23
SIST EN 60745-2-23
SIST EN 60745-2-23

Električna ročna orodja - Varnost - 2-23. del: Posebne
zahteve za brusilnike čipov in mala rotacijska orodij
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety -
Part 2-23: Particular requirements for die grinders
and small rotary tools

124. Premična električna
Transportable motor-
operated electric tools

IEC 61029-1
SIST EN 61029-1
EN 61029-1

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 1. del: Splošne
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 1: General requirements

125. Ročne radialne žage
Radial arm saws

IEC 61029-2-2
SIST EN 61029-2-2
EN 61029-2-2

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-2. del:
Posebne zahteve za ročne radialne žage
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools.
Part 2: Particular requirements for radial arm saws

126. Skobeljniki, debelinski
skobeljni stroji
Planers, thicknessers

IEC 61029-2-3
SIST EN 61029-2-3
EN 61029-2-3

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-3. del:
Posebne zahteve za skobeljnike in debelinske
skobeljne stroje
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for planers and

127. Namizni brusilniki
Bench grinders

IEC 61029-2-4
SIST EN 61029-2-4
EN 61029-2-4

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-4. del:
Posebne zahteve za namizne brusilnike
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for bench grinders

128. Tračne žage
Band saws

IEC 61029-2-5
SIST EN 61029-2-5
EN 61029-2-5

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-5. del:
Posebne zahteve za tračne žage
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements for band saws

129. Diamantne žage z
dovodom vode
Diamond saws with water

IEC 61029-2-7
SIST EN 61029-2-7
SIST EN 61029-2-7

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-7. del:
Posebne zahteve za diamantne žage z dovodom
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools.
Part 2: Particular requirements for diamond saws with
water supply

130. Enovretenski namizni
rezkalni stroji
Single spindle vertical

IEC 61029-2-8
SIST EN 61029-2-8
EN 61029-2-8

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-8. del:
Posebne zahteve za enovretenske namizne rezkalne
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-8: Particular requirements for single spindle
vertical moulders

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 20 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

131. Kombinirane krožne žage
z delovno mizo, zajeralne
Combined mitre, bench

IEC 61029-2-11
SIST EN 61029-2-11
EN 61029-2-11

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-11. del:
Posebne zahteve za kombinirane krožne žage z
delovno mizo in za zajeralne žage
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-11: Particular requirements for combined mitre
and bench saws

132. Pletilni stroji
Threading machines

IEC 61029-2-12
SIST EN 61029-2-12
EN 61029-2-12

Varnost premičnih električnih orodij - 2-12. del:
Posebne zahteve za pletilne stroje
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools -
Part 2-12: Particular requirements for threading

133. Oprema za audio/video,
informacijsko in
komunikacijsko tehologijo
Audio/video, information
and communication
technology equipment

IEC 62368-1
SIST EN 62368-1
EN 62368-1

Oprema za audio/video, informacijsko in komunikacijsko
tehologijo - 1. del: Varnostne zahteve
Audio/video, information, and communication
technology equipment- Part 1: Safety requirements

134. Oprema za informacijsko
Information technology

IEC 60950-1
SIST EN 60950-1
EN 60950-1

Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Varnost - 1.
del: Splošne zahteve
Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 1:

135. Oprema za informacijsko
Information technology

IEC 60950-21
SIST EN 60950-21
EN 60950-21

Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Varnost - 21.
del: Daljinsko napajanje
Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 21:
Remote power feeding

136. Oprema za informacijsko
Information technology

IEC 60950-22
SIST EN 60950-22
EN 60950-22

Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Varnost - 22.
del: Oprema na prostem
Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 22:
Equipment to be installed outdoors

137. Oprema za informacijsko
Information technology

IEC 60950-23
SIST EN 60950-23
EN 60950-23

Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Varnost - 23.
del: Oprema za hranjenje velike količine podatkov
Information technology equipment – Safety – Part 23:
Large data storage equipment

138. Sistemi z neprekinjanim
Uninterruptible power

IEC 62040-1
SIST EN 62040-1
EN 62040-1

Sistemi z neprekinjanim napajanjem (UPS) - 1. del:
Splošne in varnostne zahteve za UPS
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 1:
General and safety requirements for UPS

139. Sistemi z neprekinjanim
Uninterruptible power

IEC 62040-3
SIST EN 62040-3
EN 62040-3

Sistemi z neprekinjanim napajanjem (UPS) - 3. del:
Metode določanja tehničnih lastnosti in zahtev
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 3:
Method of specifying the performance and test

140. Avdio, video in sorodni
elektronski aparati
Audio, video and similar
electronic apparatus

IEC 60065
SIST EN 60065
EN 60065

Avdio, video in sorodni elektronski aparati -
Varnostne zahteve
Audio, video, and similar electronic apparatus –
Safety requirements

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 21 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

141. Električna oprema za
meritve, nadzor in
laboratorijsko uporabo
Electrical equipment for
measurement, control,
and laboratory use

IEC 61010-1
SIST EN 61010-1
EN 61010-1

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 1. del: Splošne
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 1:
General requirements

142. Laboratorijska oprema za
gretje materialov
Laboratory equipment for
the heating of material

IEC 61010-2-010
SIST EN 61010-2-010
EN 61010-2-010

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-010. del:
Posebne zahteve za opremo za laboratorijsko
opremo za gretje materialov
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
010: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment
for the heating of material

143. Laboratorijske centrifuge

Laboratory centrifuges

IEC 61010-2-020
SIST EN 61010-2-020
EN 61010-2-020

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-020. del:
Posebne zahteve za laboratorijske centrifuge
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
020: Particular requirements for laboratory

144. Hladilna oprema
Refrigerating equipment

SIST EN IEC 61010-2-011
EN IEC 61010-2-011
IEC 61010-2-011

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - Posebne zahteve
za hladilno opremo
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Particular
requirements for refrigerating equipment

145. Climatic and
environmental testing and
other temperature
conditioning equipment

IEC 61010-2-012
EN 61010-2-012

Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-
012: Particular requirements for climatic and
environmental testing and other temperature
conditioning equipment

146. Preskusna in merilna
Testing and measuring

IEC 61010-2-030
SIST EN 61010-2-030
EN 61010-2-030

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-030. del:
Posebne zahteve za preskusna in merilna vezja
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-
030: Particular requirements for testing and
measuring circuits

147. Ročne sonde za
električne meritve in
Hand-held probe
assemblies for electrical
measurement and test

IEC 61010-2-031
SIST EN 61010-2-031
EN 61010-2-031

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo - 031. del:
Varnostne zahteve za ročne sonde za električne
meritve in preskušanja
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 031:
Particular requirements for hand-held probe
assemblies for electrical measurement and test

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 22 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

148. Ročne in ročno vodene
tokovne senzorje za
električno testiranje
preskušanje in meritve
Hand-held and hand-
manipulated current
sensors for electrical test
and measurement

IEC 61010-2-032
SIST EN 61010-2-032
EN 61010-2-032

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-032. del:
Posebne zahteve za ročne in ročno vodene tokovne
senzorje za električno testiranje preskušanje in
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
032: Particular requirements for hand-held and hand-
manipulated current sensors for electrical test and

149. Ročni multimetri in drugi
ročni merilniki za domačo
in profesionalno uporabo,
ki omogočajo merjenje
omrežne napetosti
Hand-held multimeters
and other hand-held
meters, for domestic and
professional use, capable
of measuring mains

IEC 61010-2-033
SIST EN 61010-2-033
EN 61010-2-033

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo – 2-033. del:
Posebne zahteve za ročne multimetre in druge ročne
merilnike za domačo in profesionalno uporabo, ki
omogočajo merjenje omrežne napetosti
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
033: Particular requirements for hand-held
multimeters and other hand-held meters, for domestic
and professional use, capable of measuring mains

150. Sterilizatorji in
dezinfektorji pralnikov, ki
se uporabljajo za
obdelavo medicinskih
Sterilizers and washer-
disinfectors used to treat
medical materials

IEC 61010-2-040
SIST EN 61010-2-040
EN 61010-2-040

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za merjenje,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-040. del:
Posebne zahteve za sterilizatorje in dezinfektorje
pralnikov, ki se uporabljajo za obdelavo medicinskih
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use – Part 2-
040: Particular requirements for sterilizers and
washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials

151. Laboratorijska oprema za
mešanje in premešavanje
Laboratory equipment for
mixing and stirring

IEC 61010-2-051
SIST EN 61010-2-051
EN 61010-2-051

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-051. del:
Posebne zahteve za opremo za laboratorijsko
opremo za mešanje in premešavanje
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
051: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment
for mixing and stirring

152. Laboratorijski atomske
spektrometri s toplotno
atomizacijo in ionizacijo
Laboratory atomic
spectrometers with
thermal atomization and

IEC 61010-2-061
SIST EN 61010-2-061
EN 61010-2-061

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-061. del:
Posebne zahteve za laboratorijske atomske
spektrometre s toplotno atomizacijo in ionizacijo
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
061: Particular requirements for laboratory atomic
spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization

153. Avtomatska in
laboratorijska oprema, ki
se uporablja za analizo in
druge namene
Automatic and semi-
automatic laboratory
equipment for analysis
and other purposes

IEC 61010-2-081
SIST EN 61010-2-081
EN 61010-2-081

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-081. del:
Posebne zahteve za avtomatsko in polavtomatsko
laboratorijsko opremo, ki se uporablja za analizo in
druge namene
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use – Part 2-
081: Particular requirements for automatic and semi-
automatic laboratory equipment for analysis and other

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 23 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

154. Diagnostična medicinska
oprema in vitro (IVD)
In vitro diagnostic (IVD)
medical equipment

IEC 61010-2-101
SIST EN 61010-2-101
EN 61010-2-101

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzorovanje in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-101. del:
Posebne zahteve za diagnostično medicinsko
opremo in vitro (IVD)
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control and laboratory use
Part 2-101: Particular requirements for in vitro
diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment

155. Oprema za nadzor in
Control equipment

IEC 61010-2-201
SIST EN 61010-2-201
EN 61010-2-201

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-201. del:
Posebne zahteve za opremo za nadzor in upravljanje
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-
201: Particular requirements for control equipment

156. Nizkonapetostni (d.c.)
Low voltage d.c. power

IEC 61204-7
SIST EN 61204-7
EN 61204-7

Nizkonapetostni napajalniki, enosmerni (d.c.) izhod -
7. del: Varnostne zahteve
Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 7:
Safety requirements

157. Električni pogonski
sistemi z nastavljivo
Adjustable speed
electrical power drive

IEC 61800-5-1
SIST EN 61800-5-1
EN 61800-5-1

Električni pogonski sistemi z nastavljivo hitrostjo - 5-
1. del: Varnostne zahteve - Električne, toplotne in
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems -
Part 5-1: Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and

158. Močnostni polprevodniški
pretvorniški sistemi
Power semiconductor
converter systems

IEC 62477-1
SIST EN 62477-1
EN 62477-1

Varnostne zahteve za močnostne polprevodniške
pretvorniške sisteme - 1. del: Splošno
Safety requirements for power semiconductor
converter systems - Part 1: General

159. Laserski izdelki
Laser products

IEC 60825-1
SIST EN 60825-1
EN 60825-1

Varnost laserskih izdelkov - 1. del: Klasifikacija
opreme in zahteve
Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment
classification and requirements

160. Medicinska električna
Medical electrical

IEC 60601-1
SIST EN 60601-1
EN 60601-1

Medicinska električna oprema - 1. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene zmogljivosti
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1: General
requirements for basic safety and essential

161. Medicinski električni
Medical electrical systems

IEC 60601-1-1
SIST EN 60601-1-1
EN 60601-1-1

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-1. del: Splošne
varnostne zahteve - Spremljevalni standard:
Varnostne zahteve za medicinske električne sisteme
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-1: General
requirements for safety. Collateral standard for safety
requirements for medical electrical systems

162. Programirljivi električni
medicinski sistemi
Programmable electrical
medical systems

IEC 60601-1-4
SIST EN 60601-1-4
EN 60601-1-4

Medicinska električna oprema - 1. del: Splošne
varnostne zahteve - 4. spremljevalni standard:
Programirljivi električni medicinski sistemi
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-4: General
requirements for safety. Collateral standard for
programmable electrical medical systems

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 24 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

163. Medicinska električna
Medical electrical

IEC 60601-1-6
SIST EN 60601-1-6
EN 60601-1-6

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-6. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene tehnične
lastnosti - Spremljevalni standard: Uporabnost
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-6: General
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Usability

164. Medicinska električna
Medical electrical

IEC 60601-1-8
SIST EN 60601-1-8
EN 60601-1-8

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-8. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti -
Spremljevalni standard: Splošne zahteve,
preskušanje in napotki za alarmne sisteme pri
medicinski električni opremi in medicinskih električnih
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-8: General
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: General
requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems
in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical

165. Medicinska električna
Medical electrical

IEC 60601-1-9
SIST EN 60601-1-9
EN 60601-1-9

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-9. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti -
Spremljevalni standard: Zahteve za okoljsko
osveščeno snovanje
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-9: General
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral Standard: Requirements for
environmentally conscious design

166. Medicinska električna
oprema in medicinski
električni sistemi, ki se
uporabljajo v okolju
domače zdravstvene
Medical electrical
equipment and medical
electrical systems used in
the home healthcare

IEC 60601-1-11
SIST EN 60601-1-11
EN 60601-1-11

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-11. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti -
Spremljevalni standard: Zahteve za medicinsko
električno opremo in medicinske električne sisteme, ki
se uporabljajo v okolju domače zdravstvene oskrbe
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-11: General
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral standard: Requirements for
medical electrical equipment and medical electrical
systems used in the home healthcare environment

167. Elektromedicinska
oprema in
elektromedicinski sistemi,
namenjeni za uporabo v
okolju nujne medicinske
Medical electrical
equipment and medical
electrical systems
intended for use in the
emergency medical
services environment

IEC 60601-1-12
SIST EN 60601-1-12
EN 60601-1-12

Medicinska električna oprema - 1-12. del: Splošne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti -
Spremljevalni standard: Zahteve za
elektromedicinsko opremo in elektromedicinske
sisteme, namenjene za uporabo v okolju nujne
medicinske pomoči
Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-12: General
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance - Collateral standard: Requirements for
medical electrical equipment and medical electrical
systems intended for use in the emergency medical
services environment

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 25 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

168. Visokofrekvenčna kirurška
oprema in
visokofrekvenčni kirurški
High frequency surgical
equipment and high
frequency surgical

IEC 60601-2-2
SIST EN 60601-2-2
EN 60601-2-2

Medicinska električna oprema - Posebne zahteve za
osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
visokofrekvenčne kirurške opreme in
visokofrekvenčnega kirurškega pribora
Medical electrical equipment - Particular requirements
for the basic safety and essential performance of high
frequency surgical equipment and high frequency
surgical accessories

169. Endoskopska oprema
Endoscopic equipment

IEC 60601-2-18
SIST EN 60601-2-18
EN 60601-2-18

Medicinska električna oprema - 2. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za endoskopsko opremo
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Particular
requirements for the safety of endoscopic equipment

170. Diagnostična in
terapevtska laserska
Diagnostic and
therapeutic laser

IEC 60601-2-22
SIST EN 60601-2-22
EN 60601-2-22

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-22. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve ter bistvene lastnosti kirurške,
terapevtske in diagnostične laserske opreme
Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-22: Particular
requirements for the safety of diagnostic and
therapeutic laser equipment

171. Elektrokardiografi

IEC 60601-2-25
SIST EN 60601-2-25
EN 60601-2-25

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-25. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za elektrokardiografe
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-25: Particular
requirements for the safety of electrocardiographs

172. Elektrokardiografska
nadzorna oprema
monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-27
SIST EN 60601-2-27
EN 60601-2-27

Medicinska električna oprema – 2-27. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve, vključno z bistvenimi lastnostmi
za elektrokardiografsko nadzorno opremo
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27: Particular
requirements for the safety, including essential
performance, of electrocardiographic monitoring

173. Avtomatizirani neinvazivni
Automated non-invasive

IEC 80601-2-30
SIST EN 80601-2-30
EN 80601-2-30

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-30. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
avtomatiziranih neinvazivnih sfigmomanometrov
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular
requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of automated non-invasive

174. Oprema za neposredno
nadzorovanje krvnega
Invasive blood pressure
monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-34
SIST EN 60601-2-34
EN 60601-2-34

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-34. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za opremo za neposredno
nadzorovanje krvnega tlaka, vključno z njenimi
osnovnimi lastnostmi
Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-34: Particular
requirements for the safety, including essential
performance, of invasive blood pressure monitoring

175. Električno nastavljive
bolnišnične postelje
Electrically operated
hospital beds

IEC 60601-2-38
SIST EN 60601-2-38
EN 60601-2-38

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-38. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za električno nastavljive
bolnišnične postelje
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-38: Particular
requirements for the safety of electrically operated
hospital beds

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 26 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

176. Elektromiografi in oprema
za izzvane odzive
Electromyographs and
evoked response

IEC 60601-2-40
SIST EN 60601-2-40
EN 60601-2-40

Medicinska električna oprema - Posebne zahteve za
osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti za
elektromiografe in opremo za izzvane odzive
Medical Electrical Equipment - Particular
requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of electromyographs and evoked
response equipment

177. Kirurške in diagnostične
Surgical luminaires and
luminaires for diagnosis

IEC 60601-2-41
SIST EN 60601-2-41
EN 60601-2-41

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-41. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
kirurških in diagnostičnih svetilk
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-41: Particular
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for

178. Operacijske mize
Operating tables

IEC 60601-2-46
SIST EN 60601-2-46
EN 60601-2-46

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-46. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
operacijskih miz
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-46: Particular
requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of operating tables

179. Ambulantni

IEC 60601-2-47
SIST EN 60601-2-47
EN 60601-2-47

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-47. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za ambulantne
elektrokardiografske sisteme, vključno z bistvenimi
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular
requirements for the safety, including essential
performance, of ambulatory electrocardiographic

180. Pacientova večfunkcijska
nadzorovalna oprema
Multifunction patient
monitoring equipment

IEC 60601-2-49
SIST EN 60601-2-49
EN 60601-2-49

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-49. del: Posebne
varnostne zahteve za pacientovo večfunkcijsko
nadzorovalno opremo
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-49: Particular
requirements for the safety of multifunction patient
monitoring equipment

181. Medicinske postelje
Medical beds

IEC 60601-2-52
SIST EN 60601-2-52
EN 60601-2-52

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-52. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
medicinskih postelj
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-52: Particular
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of medical beds

182. Opreme z nelaserskim
svetlobnim virom,
namenjene za
terapevtsko, diagnostično,
nadzorovalno in
Non-laser light source
equipment intended for
therapeutic, diagnostic,
monitoring and
cosmetic/aesthetic use

IEC 60601-2-57
SIST EN 60601-2-57
EN 60601-2-57

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-57. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
opreme z nelaserskim svetlobnim virom, namenjene
za terapevtsko, diagnostično, nadzorovalno in
kozmetično/estetsko uporabo
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-57: Particular
requirements for the basic safety and essential
performance of non-laser light source equipment
intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and
cosmetic/aesthetic use

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 27 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

183. Zobozdravstvena oprema
Dental equipment

IEC 80601-2-60
SIST EN 80601-2-60
EN 80601-2-60

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-60. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
zobozdravstvene opreme Medical electrical
equipment - Part 2-60: Particular requirements for the
basic safety and essential performance of dental

184. Robotsko podprta kirurška
Robotically assisted
surgical equipment

IEC 80601-2-77
SIST EN 80601-2-77
EN 80601-2-77

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-77. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
robotsko podprte kirurške opreme
Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 2-77: Particular
requirements for the basic safety and
essential performance of robotically assisted surgical

185. Medicinski roboti za
nadomestitev funkcij ali
lajšanje simptomov
Medical robots for
compensation or

IEC 80601-2-78
SIST EN 80601-2-78
EN 80601-2-78

Medicinska električna oprema - 2-78. del: Posebne
zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene lastnosti
medicinskih robotov za rehabilitacijo, ocenjevanje,
nadomestitev funkcij ali lajšanje simptomov
Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 2-78: Particular
requirements for basic safety and essential
performance of medical robots for rehabilitation,
assessment, compensation or alleviation

186. Programska oprema za
medicinske aparate
Medical device software

IEC 62304
SIST EN 62304
EN 62304

Programska oprema za medicinske aparate – Procesi
v življenjskem ciklu programske opreme
Medical device software - Software life-cycle

187. Medicinske naprave
Medical devices

IEC 62366-1
SIST EN 62366-1
EN 62366-1

Medicinske naprave - 1. del: Izvedba tehnik uporabe
pri medicinskih napravah
Medical devices - Part 1: Application of usability
engineering to medical devices

188. Medicinske naprave
Medical devices

IEC 62366
SIST EN 62366
EN 62366

Medicinske naprave - Uporaba inženirstva
uporabljivosti pri medicinskih napravah
Medical devices - Application of usability engineering
to medical devices

189. Svetilke

IEC 60598-1
SIST EN 60598-1
EN 60598-1

Svetilke - 1. del: Splošne zahteve in preskusi
Luminaires - Part 1: General requirements and tests

190. Trajno nameščene
svetilke za splošno
Fixed general purpose

IEC 60598-2-1
SIST EN 60598-2-1
EN 60598-2-1

Svetilke – 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve - Trajno
nameščene svetilke za splošno uporabo
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section
1: Fixed general purpose luminaires

191. Vgradne svetilke
Recessed luminaires

IEC 60598-2-2
SIST EN 60598-2-2
EN 60598-2-2

Svetilke - 2-2. del: Posebne zahteve - Vgradne
Luminaires - Part 2-2: Particular requirements -
Recessed luminaires

192. Svetilke za cestno in
ulično razsvetljavo
Luminaires for road and
street lighting

IEC 60598-2-3
SIST EN 60598-2-3
EN 60598-2-3

Svetilke - 2-3. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetilke za
cestno in ulično razsvetljavo
Luminaires - Part 2-3: Particular requirements -
Luminaires for road and street lighting

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 28 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

193. Prenosne svetilke za
splošno uporabo
Portable general purpose

IEC 60598-2-4
SIST EN 60598-2-4
EN 60598-2-4

Svetilke – 2-4. del: Posebne zahteve - Prenosne
svetilke za splošno uporabo
Luminaires - Part 2-4: Particular requirements -
Portable general purpose luminaires

194. Žarometi in sojniki

IEC 60598-2-5
SIST EN 60598-2-5
EN 60598-2-5

Svetilke - 2-5. del: Posebne zahteve - Žarometi in
Luminaires - Part 2-5: Particular requirements –

195. Prenosne svetilke za
uporabo na vrtovih
Portable luminaires for
garden use

IEC 60598-2-7
SIST EN 60598-2-7
EN 60598-2-7

Svetilke – 2-7. del: Posebne zahteve - Prenosne
svetilke za uporabo na vrtovih
Luminaires - Part 2-7: Particular requirements -
Portable luminaires for garden use

196. Ročne svetilke

IEC 60598-2-8
SIST EN 60598-2-8
EN 60598-2-8

Svetilke - Part 2: Posebne zahteve - 2- 8. del: Ročne
Luminaires - Part 2-8: Particular requirements –

197. Fotografske in filmske
Photo and film luminaires

IEC 60598-2-9
SIST EN 60598-2-9
EN 60598-2-9

Svetilke – 2-9. del: Posebne zahteve - Fotografske in
filmske svetilke (neprofesionalne)
Luminaires - Part 2-9: Particular requirements - Photo
and film luminaires (non-professional)

198. Prenosne svetilke za
Portable luminaires for

IEC 60598-2-10
SIST EN 60598-2-10
EN 60598-2-10

Svetilke - 2-10. del: Posebne zahteve - Prenosne
svetilke za otroke
Luminaires - Part 2-10: Particular requirements -
Portable luminaires for children

199. Svetilke za akvarije
Aquarium luminaires

IEC 60598-2-11
SIST EN 60598-2-11
EN 60598-2-11

Svetilke - 2-11. del: Posebne zahteve – Svetilke za
Luminaires - Part 2-11: Particular requirements -
Aquarium luminaires

200. Nočne svetilke,
priključene na izvode
omrežnih vtičnic
Mains socket-outlet
mounted nightlights

IEC 60598-2-12
SIST EN 60598-2-12
EN 60598-2-12

Svetilke - 2-12. del: Posebne zahteve - Nočne
svetilke, priključene na izvode omrežnih vtičnic
Luinaires - Part 2-12: Particular requirements - Mains
socket-outlet mounted nightlights

201. Talne vgradne svetilke
Ground recessed

IEC 60598-2-13
SIST EN 60598-2-13
EN 60598-2-13

Svetilke - 2-13. del: Posebne zahteve - Talne vgradne
Luminaires - Part 2-13: Particular requirements -
Ground recessed luminaires

202. Svetilke za cevaste sijalke
Luminaires for cold
cathode tubular discharge

IEC 60598-2-14
SIST EN 60598-2-14
EN 60598-2-14

Svetilke - 2-14. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetilke za
cevaste sijalke (neonske cevi) in podobne naprave
Luminaires - Part 2-14: Particular requirements -
Luminaires for cold cathode tubular discharge lamps
(neon tubes) and similar equipment

203. Svetilke za razsvetljavo
odrov ter televizijskih,
filmskih in fotografskih
Luminaires for stage
lighting, television film and
photographic studios

IEC 60598-2-17
SIST EN 60598-2-17
EN 60598-2-17

Svetilke - 2. del: Posebne zahteve - 17. oddelek:
Svetilke za razsvetljavo odrov ter televizijskih, filmskih
in fotografskih studiev (zunanja in notranja uporaba)
Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section
17: Luminaires for stage lighting, television film and
photographic studios (outdoor and indoor)

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 29 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

204. Svetilke za bazene in
podobno uporabo
Luminaires for swimming
pools and similar

IEC 60598-2-18
SIST EN 60598-2-18
EN 60598-2-18

Svetilke – 2-18. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetilke za
bazene in podobno uporabo
Luminaires - Part 2-18: Particular requirements -
Luminaires for swimming pools and similar

205. Prezračevalne svetilke
Air-handling luminaires

IEC 60598-2-19
SIST EN 60598-2-19
EN 60598-2-19

Svetilke – 2-19. del: Posebne zahteve -
Prezračevalne svetilke (varnostne zahteve)
Luminaires - Part 2-19: Particular requirements - Air-
handling luminaires (safety requirements)

206. Svetlobni nizi
Lighting chains

IEC 60598-2-20
SIST EN 60598-2-20
EN 60598-2-20

Svetilke - 2-20. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetlobni nizi
Luminaires - Part 2-20: Particular requirements -
Lighting chains

207. Zatesnjene verige za
Sealed lighting chains

IEC 60598-2-21
SIST EN 60598-2-21
EN 60598-2-21

Svetilke - 2-21. del: Posebne zahteve - Zatesnjene
verige za razsvetljavo
Luminaires - Part 2-21: Particular requirements -
Sealed lighting chains

208. Malonapetostni sistemi za
razsvetljavo z žarnicami
Extra low-voltage lighting
systems for filament

IEC 60598-2-23
SIST EN 60598-2-23
EN 60598-2-23

Svetilke - 2-23. del: Posebne zahteve -
Malonapetostni sistemi za razsvetljavo z žarnicami
Luminaires - Part 2-23: Particular requirements -
Extra low-voltage lighting systems for filament lamps

209. Svetilke z omejeno
temperaturo površine
Luminaires with limited
surface temperatures

IEC 60598-2-24
SIST EN 60598-2-24
EN 60598-2-24

Svetilke – 2-24. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetilke z
omejeno površinsko temperaturo
Luminaires - Part 2-24: Particular requirements -
Luminaires with limited surface temperatures

210. Svetilke za uporabo v
kliničnih območjih
bolnišnic in zdravstvenih
Luminaires for use in
clinical areas of hospitals
and health care buildings

IEC 60598-2-25
SIST EN 60598-2-25
EN 60598-2-25

Svetilke - 2-25. del: Posebne zahteve - Svetilke za
uporabo v kliničnih območjih bolnišnic in zdravstvenih
Luminaires - Part 2-25: Particular requirements -
Luminaires for use in clinical areas of hospitals and
health care buildings

211. Električni tračni napajalni
sistemi za svetilke
Electrical supply track
systems for luminaires

IEC 60570
SIST EN 60570
EN 60570

Električni tračni napajalni sistemi za svetilke
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires

212. Električni tračni napajalni
sistemi za svetilke
Electrical supply track
systems for luminaires

IEC 60570-2-1
SIST EN 60570-2-1
EN 60570-2-1

Električni tračni napajalni sistemi za svetilke - 2. del:
Mešani napajalni sistemi - 1. oddelek: Razreda I in III
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires - Part 2:
Mixed supply systems - Section 1: Classes I and III

213. Okovi za žarnice in sijalke
z Edisonovim navojem
Edison screw lampholders

IEC 60238
SIST EN 60238
EN 60238

Okovi za žarnice in sijalke z Edisonovim navojem
Edison screw lampholders

214. Stikalne naprave za
Lamp controlgear

IEC 61347-1
SIST EN 61347-1
EN 61347-1

Stikalne naprave za sijalke - 1. del: Splošne in
varnostne zahteve
Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 30 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

215. Vžigne naprave
Starting devices

IEC 61347-2-1
SIST EN 61347-2-1
EN 61347-2-1

Regulatorji žarnic – 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve za
vžigne naprave (ki niso tlivni starterji)
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-1: Particular requirements
for starting devices (other than glow starters)

216. Enosmerno ali izmenično
napajane elektronske
pretvornike za žarnice
d.c. or a.c. supplied
eletronic step-down
convertors for filament

IEC 61347-2-2
SIST EN 61347-2-2
EN 61347-2-2

Regulatorji žarnic - 2-2. del: Posebne zahteve za
enosmerno ali izmenično napajane elektronske
pretvornike za žarnice
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2: Particular requirements
for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down
convertors for filament lamps

217. Enosmerno napajane
elektronske predstikalne
naprave za nujnostno
Battery supplied
electronic controlgear for
emergency lighting (self-

IEC 61347-2-7
SIST EN 61347-2-7
EN 61347-2-7

Stikalne naprave za sijalke - 2-7. del: Posebne
zahteve za enosmerno napajane elektronske
predstikalne naprave za nujnostno razsvetljavo
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-7: Particular requirements
for battery supplied electronic controlgear for
emergency lighting (self-contained)

218. Dušilke za sijalke
Ballasts for discharge

IEC 61347-2-9
SIST EN 61347-2-9
EN 61347-2-9

Krmilne stikalne naprave - 2-9. del: Posebne zahteve
za dušilke za sijalke (razen fluorescenčnih sijalk)
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-9: Particular requirements
for ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent

219. Elektronske sisteme v
Miscellaneous electronic
circuits used with

IEC 61347-2-11
SIST EN 61347-2-11
EN 61347-2-11

Krmilne stikalne naprave za sijalke - 2-11. del:
Posebne zahteve za različne elektronske sisteme v
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-11: Particular requirements
for miscellaneous electronic circuits used with

220. Elektronske predstikalne
naprave za sijalke z
enosmernim ali
izmeničnim napajanjem
d.c. or a.c. supplied
electronic ballasts for
discharge lamps

IEC 61347-2-12
SIST EN 61347-2-12
EN 61347-2-12

Predstikalni pribor za sijalke – 2-12. del: Posebne
zahteve za elektronske predstikalne naprave za
sijalke z enosmernim ali izmeničnim napajanjem
(razen fluorescenčnih sijalk)
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-12: Particular requirements
for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for
discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)

221. Krmilne stikalne naprave
za module LED
Electronic controlgear for
LED modules

IEC 61347-2-13
SIST EN 61347-2-13
EN 61347-2-13

Krmilne stikalne naprave - 2-13. del: Posebne
zahteve za enosmerno ali izmenično napajane
krmilne stikalne naprave za module LED
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-13: Particular requirements
for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic controlgear for LED

222. Dušilke za sijalke
Ballasts for discharge

IEC 60923
SIST EN 60923
EN 60923

Pribor za sijalke – Dušilke za sijalke (razen cevastih
fluorescenčnih sijalk) – Zahteve glede tehničnih
Auxiliaries for lamps - Ballasts for discharge lamps
(excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - Performance

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 31 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

223. Vžigne naprave
Starting devices

IEC 60927
SIST EN 60927
EN 60927

Pribor za sijalke - Vžigne naprave (razen tlivnih
starterjev) - Tehnične zahteve
Auxiliaries for lamps - Starting devices (other than
glow starters) - Performance requirements

224. Moduli LED za splošno
LED modules for general

IEC 62031
SIST EN 62031
EN 62031

Moduli LED za splošno razsvetljavo - Varnostne
LED modules for general lighting - Safety

225. Napajane krmilne stikalne
naprave za module LED
Electronic control gear for
LED modules

IEC 62384
SIST EN 62384
EN 62384

Enosmerno ali izmenično napajane krmilne stikalne
naprave za module LED - Tehnične zahteve
DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED
modules - Performance requirements

226. Sijalke in sistemi s
Lamps and lamp systems

IEC 62471
SIST EN 62471
EN 62471

Fotobiološka varnost sijalk in sistemov s sijalkami
Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems

227. LED sijalke z dvema
Double-capped LED

IEC 62776
SIST EN 62776
EN 62776

LED sijalke z dvema vznožkoma za splošno
razsvetljavo - Varnostne specifikacije Double-capped
LED lamps designed to retrofit linear fluorescent
lamps - Safety specifications

228. Vtiči in vtičnice za
Socket-outlets for
domestic purpose


Dimenzijske zahteve za vtiče in vtičnice za
gospodinjstva in podobno uporabo
Specification for plugs and socket-outlets for
domestic and similar purpose

229. Vtiči in vtičnice za
Socket-outlets for
domestic purpose

IEC 60884-1 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstvo in podobne namene
- 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 1: General requirements

230. Vtiči z vgrajenimi
Fused plugs

IEC 60884-2-1 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve za vtiče z vgrajenimi
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-1: Particular requirements for fused

231. Vtičnice za aparate
Socket-outlets for

IEC 60884-2-2 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-2. del: Posebne zahteve za vtičnice za aparate
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-2: Particular requirements for
socket-outlets for appliances

232. Vtičnice s stikali brez
zapore za fiksne
Switched socket-outlets
without interlock for fixed

IEC 60884-2-3 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-3. del: Posebne zahteve za vtičnice s stikali brez
zapore za fiksne inštalacije
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-3: Particular requirements for
switched socket-outlets without interlock for fixed

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 32 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

233. Vtiče in vtičnice za SELV
Plugs and socket-outlets
for SELV

IEC 60884-2-4 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-4. del: Posebne zahteve za vtiče in vtičnice za
SELV (varnostna mala napetost)
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-4: Particular requirements for plugs
and socket-outlets for SELV

234. Adapterji

IEC 60884-2-5 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-5. del: Posebne zahteve za adapterje
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-5: Particular requirements for

235. Vtičnice z vgrajenim
stikalom in zaporo za
fiksne električne
Switched socket-outlets
with interlock for fixed
electrical installations

IEC 60884-2-6 Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-6. del: Posebne zahteve za vtičnice z vgrajenim
stikalom in zaporo za fiksne električne inštalacije
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes – Part 2-6: Particular requirements for
switched socket-outlets with interlock for fixed
electrical installations

236. Kabeljski podaljšek
Cord extension sets

IEC 60884-2-7

Vtiči in vtičnice za gospodinjstva in podobne namene
- 2-6. del: Posebne zahteve za kabeljske podaljške
Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar
purposes - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for cord
extension sets

237. Vtičnice in vtiči
Plugs and socket-outlets

AS/NZS 3112 Odobritev in preskusna specifikacija - vtičnice in vtiči
Approval and test specification - plugs and socket-

238. Vtiči, vtičnice, adapterji in
povezovalne enote
Plugs, socket-outlets,
adaptors and connection

BS 1363-1 13 A vtiči, vtičnice, adapterji in povezovalne enote.
Specifikacije za razstavljive in nerazstavljive vtiče s
13 A varovalko
13 A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection
units. Specification for rewirable and non-rewirable 13
A fused plugs

239. Sistemi kabelskih korit in
sistemi kabelskih cevi za
električne inštalacije
Cable trunking systems
and cable ducting
systems for electrical

SIST EN 50085-1
EN 50085-1

Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi za
električne inštalacije - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations – Part 1: General

240. Sistemi kabelskih korit in
sistemi kabelskih cevi za
montažo na stene in
Cable trunking systems
and cable ducting
systems intended for
mounting on walls and

SIST EN 50085-2-1
EN 50085-2-1

Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi za
električne inštalacije - 2-1. del: Sistemi kabelskih korit
in sistemi kabelskih cevi za montažo na stene in
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations – Part 2-1: Cable trunking
systems and cable ducting systems intended for
mounting on walls and ceilings

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 33 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

241. Utorski sistemi kabelskih
korit za inštalacije v
priključnih omaricah
Slotted cable trunking
systems intended for
installation in cabinets

SIST EN 50085-2-3
EN 50085-2-3

Sistemi kabelskih korit in sistemi kabelskih cevi za
električne inštalacije - 2-3. del: Posebne zahteve za
utorske sisteme kabelskih korit za inštalacije v
priključnih omaricah
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems
for electrical installations – Part 2-3: Particular
requirements for slotted cable trunking systems
intended for installation in cabinets

242. Kabelske police in
kabelske lestvice
Cable tray systems and
cable ladder systems

IEC 61537
SIST EN 61537
EN 61537

Urejanje okablenja – Sistemi kabelskih polic in
kabelskih lestvic
Cable management – Cable tray systems and cable
ladder systems

243. Sistemi kanalov za
električne inštalacije
Conduit systems for
electrical installations

IEC 61386-1
SIST EN 61386-1
EN 61386-1

Sistemi kanalov za električne inštalacije - 1. del:
Splošne zahteve
Conduit systems for electrical installations – Part 1:
General requirements

244. Togi sistemi kanalov
Rigid conduit systems

IEC 61386-21
SIST EN 61386-21
EN 61386-21

Sistemi kanalov za električne inštalacije - 21. del:
Posebne zahteve - Togi sistemi kanalov
Conduit systems for cable management – Part 21:
Particular requirements – Rigid conduit systems

245. Upogljivi sistemi kanalov
Pliable conduit systems

IEC 61386-22
SIST EN 61386-22
EN 61386-22

Sistemi kanalov za električne inštalacije - 22. del:
Posebne zahteve - Upogljivi sistemi kanalov
Conduit Systems for cable management – Part 22:
Particular requirements – Pliable conduit systems

246. Zvijavi sistemi kanalov
Flexible conduit systems

IEC 61386-23
SIST EN 61386-23
EN 61386-23

Sistemi kanalov za električne inštalacije – 23. del:
Posebne zahteve - Zvijavi sistemi kanalov
Conduit systems for cable management – Part 23:
Particular requirements – Flexible conduit systems

247. Podzemni zasuti kanalski
Conduit systems buried

IEC 61386-24
SIST EN 61386-24
EN 61386-24

Sistemi kanalov za električne inštalacije - 24. del:
Posebne zahteve - Podzemni zasuti kanalski sistemi
Conduit systems for cable management – Part 24:
Particular requirements – Conduit systems buried

248. Sestavi nizkonapetostnih
stikalnih in krmilnih
Low-voltage switchgear
and controlgear

IEC 61439-1
SIST EN 61439-1
EN 61439-1

Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav -
1. del: Splošna pravila
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 1: General rules

249. Sklopi močnostnih
stikalnih in krmilnih
Power switchgear and
controlgear assemblies

IEC 61439-2
SIST EN 61439-2
EN 61439-2

Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav -
2. del: Sklopi močnostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 2: Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies

250. Električni razdelilniki, s
katerimi lahko ravnajo
navadni ljudje
Distribution boards
intended to be operated
by ordinary persons

IEC 61439-3
SIST EN 61439-3
EN 61439-3

Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav -
3. del: Električni razdelilniki, s katerimi lahko ravnajo
navadni ljudje (DBO)
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 3: Distribution boards intended to be operated by
ordinary persons (DBO)

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 34 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

251. Sestavi na gradbiščih
Assemblies for
construction sites

IEC 61439-4
SIST EN 61439-4
EN 61439-4

Sestavi nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in krmilnih naprav -
4. del: Posebne zahteve za sestave na gradbiščih
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 4: Assemblies for construction sites (ACS)

252. Sestavi za distribucijo
električne energije v
javnih omrežjih
Assemblies for power
distribution in public

IEC 61439-5
SIST EN 61439-5
EN 61439-5

Nizkonapetostne stikalne in krmilne naprave - 5. del:
Sestavi za distribucijo električne energije v javnih
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 5: Assemblies for power distribution in public

253. Stikala za gospodinjske in
podobne fiksne električne
Switches for household
and similar fixed-electrical

IEC 60669-1
SIST EN 60669-1
EN 60669-1

Stikala za gospodinjske in podobne fiksne električne
napeljave - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical
installations – Part 1: General requirements

254. Elektronska stikala
Electronic switches

IEC 60669-2-1
SIST EN 60669-2-1
EN 60669-2-1

Stikala za gospodinjstva in podobne nepremične
električne inštalacije – 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve –
Elektronska stikala
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations – Part 2-1: Particular requirements –
Electronic switches

255. Elektromagnetna stikala z
daljinskim krmiljenjem
Electromagnetic remote-
control switches (RCS)

IEC 60669-2-2
SIST EN 60669-2-2
EN 60669-2-2

Stikala za gospodinjstva in podobne nepremične
električne inštalacije - 2-2. del: Posebne zahteve -
Elektromagnetna stikala z daljinskim krmiljenjem
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations – Part 2-2: Particular requirements –
Electromagnetic remote-control switches (RCS)

256. Stikala s časovno
Time-delay switches

IEC 60669-2-3
SIST EN 60669-2-3
EN 60669-2-3

Stikala za gospodinjstva in podobne nepremične
električne inštalacije - 2-3. del: Posebne zahteve -
Stikala s časovno zakasnitvijo
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations – Part 2-3: Particular requirements –
Time-delay switches (TDS)

257. Ločilniki
Isolating switches

IEC 60669-2-4
SIST EN 60669-2-4
EN 60669-2-4

Stikala za gospodinjstva in podobne nepremične
električne inštalacije – 2-4.del: Posebne zahteve –
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations – Part 2-4: Particular requirements –
Isolating switches

258. Stikala in pripadajoči
pribor za uporabo
elektronskih sistemov v
stanovanjih in stavbah
Switches and related
accessories for use in
home and building
electronic systems

IEC 60669-2-5
SIST EN 60669-2-5
EN 60669-2-5

Stikala za gospodinjstva in podobne nepremične
električne inštalacije - 2-5. del: Stikala in pripadajoči
pribor za uporabo elektronskih sistemov v stanovanjih
in stavbah
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations - Part 2-5: Particular requirements -
Switches and related accessories for use in home
and building electronic systems (HBES)

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 35 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

259. Nizkonapetostne stikalne
Low-voltage switchgear
and controlgear

IEC 60947-1
SIST EN 60947-1
EN 60947-1

Nizkonapetostne stikalne naprave – 1. del: Splošna
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1:
General rules

260. Elektromehanske krmilne
Electromechanical control
circuit devices

IEC 60947-5-1
SIST EN 60947-5-1
EN 60947-5-1

Nizkonapetostne stikalne in krmilne naprave – 5-1.
del: Krmilne naprave in stikalni elementi –
Elektromehanske krmilne naprave
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 5-1:
Control circuit devices and switching elements –
Electromechanical control circuit devices

261. Škatle in ohišja za
električno opremo za
gospodinjstvo in podobne
nepremične električne
Boxes and enclosures for
electrical accessories for
household and similar
fixed electrical

IEC 60670-1
SIST EN 60670-1
EN 60670-1

Škatle in ohišja za električno opremo za
gospodinjstvo in podobne nepremične električne
inštalacije - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for
household and similar fixed electrical installations –
Part 1: General requirements

262. Priključne omarice in
Connecting boxes and

IEC 60670-22
SIST EN 60670-22
EN 60670-22

Omarice in ohišja za električno opremo za
gospodinjstvo in podobne nepremične električne
inštalacije - 22. del: Posebne zahteve za priključne
omarice in ohišja
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for
household and similar fixed electrical installations –
Part 22: Particular requirements for connecting boxes
and enclosures

263. Talne omarice in ohišja
Floor boxes and

IEC 60670-23
SIST EN 60670-23
EN 60670-23

Omarice in ohišja za električni pribor za gospodinjstva
in podobne fiksne inštalacije - 23. del: Posebne
zahteve za talne omarice in ohišja
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for
household and similar fixed electrical installations –
Part 23: Particular requirements for floor boxes and

264. Prazna ohišja za sestave
nizkonapetostnih stikalnih
in krmilnih naprav
Empty enclosures for low-
voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies

IEC 62208
SIST EN 62208
EN 62208

Prazna ohišja za sestave nizkonapetostnih stikalnih in
krmilnih naprav - Splošne zahteve
Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and
controlgear assemblies – General requirements

265. Ohišja stanovanjskih
zaščitnih naprav in druge
električne opreme, ki
razsipa energijo
Enclosures for housing
protective devices and
similar power consuming

IEC 60670-24
SIST EN 60670-24
EN 60670-24

Omarice in ohišja za električni pribor za gospodinjske
in podobne nepremične električne napeljave - 24. del:
Posebne zahteve za ohišja stanovanjskih zaščitnih
naprav in druge električne opreme, ki razsipa energijo
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for
household and similar fixed electrical
installations – Part 24: Particular requirements for
enclosures for housing protective devices and similar
power consuming devices

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 36 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

266. Kompleti priključnih in
povezovalnih kablov
Cord sets and
interconnection cord sets

IEC 60799
SIST EN 60799
EN 60799

Električni pribor – Kompleti priključnih in povezovalnih
Electrical accessories – Cord sets and
interconnection cord sets

267. Povezovalne naprave v
tokokrogih za uporabo v
Connecting devices for
low-voltage circuits for

IEC 60998-1
SIST EN 60998-1
EN 60998-1

Povezovalne naprave v nizkonapetostnih tokokrogih
za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in za podobne namene -
1. del: Splošne zahteve
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for
household and similar purposes – Part 1: General

268. Samostojne povezovalne
naprave z vijačnimi
pritrdilnimi enotami
Connecting devices as
separate entities with
screw-type clamping units

IEC 60998-2-1
SIST EN 60998-2-1
EN 60998-2-1

Povezovalne naprave v nizkonapetostnih tokokrogih
za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in za podobne namene –
2-1. del: Posebne zahteve za samostojne
povezovalne naprave z vijačnimi pritrdilnimi enotami
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for
household and similar purposes – Part 2-1: Particular
requirements for connecting devices as separate
entities with screw-type clamping units

269. Samostojne povezovalne
naprave z brezvijačnimi
pritrdilnimi enotami
Connecting devices as
separate entities with
screwless-type clamping

IEC 60998-2-2
SIST EN 60998-2-2
EN 60998-2-2

Povezovalne naprave v nizkonapetostnih tokokrogih
za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in za podobne namene –
2-2. del: Posebne zahteve za samostojne
povezovalne naprave z brezvijačnimi pritrdilnimi
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for
household and similar purposes – Part 2-2: Particular
requirements for connecting devices as separate
entities with screwless-type clamping units

270. Kabelski bobni za
gospodinjske in podobne
Cable reels for household
and similar purposes

IEC 61242
SIST EN 61242
EN 61242

Električni pribor - Kabelski bobni za gospodinjske in
podobne namene
Electrical accessories – Cable reels for household
and similar purposes

271. Konektorji

IEC 61984
SIST EN 61984
EN 61984

Konektorji - Varnostne zahteve in preskusi
Connectors – Safety requirements and tests

272. Stikala za aparate
Switches for appliances

IEC 61058-1
SIST EN 61058-1
EN 61058-1

Stikala za aparate - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Switches for appliances – Part 1: General

273. Stikala za aparate
Switches for appliances

IEC 61058-1-1
SIST EN 61058-1-1
EN 61058-1-1

Stikala za aparate - 1-1. del: Zahteve za mehanske
stikalne konstrukcije
Switches for appliances - Part 1-1: Requirements for
mechanical switches

274. Stikala za aparate
Switches for appliances

IEC 61058-1-2
SIST EN 61058-1-2
EN 61058-1-2

Stikala za aparate - 1-2. del: Zahteve za konstrukcije
elektronskih stikal
Switches for appliances - Part 1-2: Requirements for
electronic switches

275. Vrvična stikala
Cord switches

IEC 61058-2-1
SIST EN 61058-2-1
EN 61058-2-1

Stikala za aparate - 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve za
vrvična stikala
Switches for appliances; part 2-1: particular
requirements for cord switches

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 37 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

276. Samostojno nameščena
Independently mounted

IEC 61058-2-4
SIST EN 61058-2-4
EN 61058-2-4

Stikala za aparate – 2-4. del: Posebne zahteve za
samostojno nameščena stikala
Switches for appliances – Part 2-4: Particular
requirements for independently mounted switches

277. Predizbiralniki
Change-over selectors

IEC 61058-2-5
SIST EN 61058-2-5
EN 61058-2-5

Stikala za aparate - 2-5. del: Posebne zahteve za
Switches for appliances – Part 2-5: Particular
requirements for change-over selectors

278. Avtomatske električne
krmilne naprave za
uporabo v gospodinjstvu
in za podobno uporabo
Automatic electrical
controls for household
and similar use

IEC 60730-1
SIST EN 60730-1
EN 60730-1

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 1. del:
Splošne zahteve
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use – Part 1: General requirements

279. Stikala, ki se uporabljajo v
električnih ročnih orodjih
na motorni pogon,
prenosnih orodjih ter
strojih za trato in vrt
Switches used in electric
motor-operated hand-held
tools, transportable tools
and lawn and garden

IEC 61058-2-6
SIST EN 61058-2-6
EN 61058-2-6

Stikala za aparate - 2-6. del: Posebne zahteve za
stikala, ki se uporabljajo v električnih ročnih orodjih na
motorni pogon, prenosnih orodjih ter strojih za trato in
Switches for appliances - Part 2-6: Particular
requirements for switches used in electric motor-
operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and
lawn and garden machinery

280. Električne krmilne
naprave za električne
gospodinjske aparate
Electrical controls for
electrical household

IEC 60730-2-1
SIST EN 60730-2-1
EN 60730-2-1

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-1. del:
Posebne zahteve za električne krmilne naprave za
električne gospodinjske aparate
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use – Part 2-1: Particular requirements for
electrical controls for electrical household appliances

281. Toplotna zaščita
predstikalnih naprav
cevnih fluorescenčnih
Thermal protectors for
ballasts for tubular
fluorescent lamps

IEC 60730-2-3
SIST EN 60730-2-3
EN 60730-2-3

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-3. del:
Posebne zahteve za toplotno zaščito predstikalnih
naprav cevnih fluorescenčnih sijalk
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-3: Particular requirements for
thermal protectors for ballasts for tubular fluorescent

282. Avtomatske električne, na
tlak občutljive naprave
Automatic electrical
pressure sensing controls

SIST EN 60730-2-6
EN 60730-2-6
IEC 60730-2-6

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-6. del:
Posebne zahteve za avtomatske električne, na tlak
občutljive naprave, vključno z mehanskimi zahtevami
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use -- Part 2-6: Particular requirements for
automatic electrical pressure sensing controls
including mechanical requirements

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 38 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

283. Stikalne ure in časovna
Timers and time switches

IEC 60730-2-7
SIST EN 60730-2-7
EN 60730-2-7

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-7. del:
Posebne zahteve za stikalne ure in časovna stikala
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for
timers and time switches

284. Električni ventili za vodo
Electrically operated
water valves

IEC 60730-2-8
SIST EN 60730-2-8
EN 60730-2-8

Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for
electrically operated water valves, including
mechanical requirements
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-8: Particular requirements for
electrically operated water valves, including
mechanical requirements

285. Temperaturni regulatorji
Temperature sensing

IEC 60730-2-9
SIST EN 60730-2-9
EN 60730-2-9

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-9. del:
Posebne zahteve za temperaturne regulatorje
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-9: Particular requirements for
temperature sensing controls

286. Električne zapore vrat
Electrically operated door

IEC 60730-2-12
SIST EN 60730-2-12
EN 60730-2-12

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo – 2-12. del:
Posebne zahteve za električne zapore vrat
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use – Part 2-12: Particular requirements for
electrically operated door locks

287. Električna prožila
Electric actuators

IEC 60730-2-14
SIST EN 60730-2-14
EN 60730-2-14

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-14. del:
Posebne zahteve za električna prožila
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for
electric actuators

288. Sistem za napajanje
električnih vozil prek kabla
Electric vehicle
conductive charging

IEC 61851-1
SIST EN 61851-1
EN 61851-1

Sistem za napajanje električnih vozil prek kabla - 1.
del: Splošne zahteve
Electric vehicle conductive charging system -Part 1:
General requirements

289. Električna vozila z
enosmernim ali
izmeničnim napajanjem
prek kabla
Electric vehicles for
conductive connection to
an a.c/d.c. supply

IEC 61851-21
SIST EN 61851-21
EN 61851-21

Sistem za napajanje električnih vozil prek kabla - 21.
del: Zahteve za električna vozila z enosmernim ali
izmeničnim napajanjem prek kabla
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21:
Electric vehicle requirements for conductive
connection to an a.c/d.c. supply

290. Polnilne postaje z
izmeničnim tokom za
električna vozila
Electric vehicle
conductive charging

IEC 61851-22
SIST EN 61851-22
EN 61851-22

Sistem za napajanje električnih vozil prek kabla - 22.
del: Polnilna postaja z izmeničnim tokom za
električna vozila
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 22:
AC electric vehicle charging station

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 39 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

291. Postaja za kabelsko
DC electric vehicle
charging station

IEC 61851-23
SIST EN 61851-23
EN 61851-23

Sistem kabelskega napajanja električnih vozil - 23.
del: Postaja za kabelsko napajanje električnega
vozila z enosmernim tokom
Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 23:
DC electric vehicle charging station

292. Baterije

IEC 62133-2
SIST EN 62133-2
EN 62133-2

Sekundarni členi in baterije z alkalnimi ali drugimi
nekislinskimi elektroliti - Varnostne zahteve za
prenosne zatesnjene sekundarne člene in za baterije,
narejene iz njih, za uporabo v prenosnih napravah -
2. del: Litijevi sistemi
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for
portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries
made from them, for use in portable applications -
Part 2: Lithium systems

293. Baterije

IEC 62133
SIST EN 62133
EN 62133

Sekundarni členi in baterije z alkalnimi ali drugimi
nekislinskimi elektroliti - Varnostne zahteve za
prenosne zatesnjene sekundarne člene in za baterije,
narejene iz njih, za uporabo v prenosnih napravah
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for
portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries
made from them, for use in portable applications

294. Baterije

IEC 62281
SIST EN 62281

Varnost primarnih in sekundarnih litijevih členov in
baterij med transportom
Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and
batteries during transport

295. Sekundarni litijevi členi in
baterije za industrijsko
Secondary lithium cells
and batteries, for use in
industrial applications

IEC 62619
EN 62619
SIST EN 62619

Sekundarni členi in baterije z alkalnimi ali drugimi
nekislinskimi elektroliti - Varnostne zahteve za
sekundarne litijeve člene in baterije za industrijsko
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or
other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for
secondary lithium cells and batteries, for use in
industrial applications

296. Močnostni pretvorniki
Power conversion

IEC 62109-1
SIST EN 62109-1

Varnost močnostnih pretvornikov, ki se uporabljajo v
fotonapetostnih sistemih - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Safety of power conversion equipment for use in
photovoltaic power systems - Part 1: General

297. Močnostni pretvorniki
Power conversion

IEC 62109-2
SIST EN 62109-2
EN 62109-2

Varnost močnostnih pretvornikov, ki se uporabljajo v
fotonapetostnih sistemih - 2. del: Posebne zahteve za
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic
power systems - Part 2: Particular requirements for

298. LED sijalke, LED moduli
in LED svetila
LED lamps, LED modules
and LED luminaires

SIST EN 13032-4
EN 13032-4

Svetloba in razsvetljava - Merjenje in podajanje
fotometričnih podatkov sijalk in svetil - 4. del: LED
sijalke, LED moduli in LED svetila
Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of
photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 4:
LED lamps, LED modules and LED luminaires

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 40 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

299. LED moduli za splošno
LED modules for general

EPRS 001 (EN 62717 modificiran z EPRS 001)
EPRS 001 (EN 62717 modified by EPRS 001)

LED moduli za splošno razsvetljavo - Tehnične
LED modules for general lighting - Performance

300. Svetilke

EPRS 002 (EN 62722-1 modificiran z EPRS 002)
EPRS 002 (EN 62722-1 modified by EPRS 002)

Tehnične lastnosti svetilk - 1. del: Splošne zahteve
Luminaire performance - Part 1: General

301. LED svetilke
LED luminaries

EPRS 003 (EN 62722-2-1 modificiran z EPRS 003)
EPRS 003 (EN 62722-2-1 modified by EPRS 003)

Tehnične lastnosti svetilk - 2-1. del: Posebne zahteve
za LED svetilke
Luminaire performance - Part 2-1: Particular
requirements for LED luminaires

302. Prenosni čistilniki
Transportable drain

IEC 62841-3-14
SIST EN 62841-3-14
EN 62841-3-14

Elektromotorna ročna orodja, prenosna orodja ter
stroji za trato in vrt - Varnost - 3-14. del: Posebne
zahteve za prenosne čistilnike kanalizacije
Electric Motor-Operated Hand-Held Tools,
Transportable Tools and Lawn and Garden
Machinery - Safety - Part 3-14: Particular
requirements for transportable drain cleaners

303. Dušilke fluorescenčnih
Ballasts for fluorescent

IEC 61347-2-8
SIST EN 61347-2-8
EN 61347-2-8

Regulatorji žarnic - 2-8. del: Posebne zahteve za
dušilke fluorescenčnih sijalk
Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8: Particular requirements
for ballasts for fluorescent lamps

304. Predstikalne naprave za
cevaste fluorescenčne
Ballasts for tubular
fluorescent lamps

IEC 60921
SIST EN 60921
EN 60921

Predstikalne naprave za cevaste fluorescenčne
sijalke – Zahteve za tehnične karakteristike
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance

305. Regulatorji energije
Energy regulators

IEC 60730-2-11
SIST EN 60730-2-11
EN 60730-2-11

Avtomatske električne krmilne naprave za uporabo v
gospodinjstvu in za podobno uporabo - 2-11. del:
Posebne zahteve za regulatorje energije
Automatic electrical controls for household and
similar use - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for
energy regulators

306. Oprema za avdio/video,
informacijsko in
Audio/video, information
and communication
technology equipment

IEC 62368-3
SIST EN 62368-3
EN 62368-3

Oprema za avdio/video, informacijsko in
komunikacijsko tehnologijo - 3. del: Vidiki varnosti za
prenos enosmerne moči skozi komunikacijske kable
ali porte
Audio/video, information and communication
technology equipment - Part 3: Safety aspects for DC
power transfer through communication cables and

307. Merilna oprema za
izolacijsko upornost in
preskusna opremo za
preskus električne trdnosti
Measurement equipment
for insulation resistance
and test equipment for
electric strength

IEC 61010-2-034
SIST EN 61010-2-034
EN 61010-2-034

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve,
nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-034. del:
Posebne zahteve za merilno opreme za izolacijsko
upornost in preskusno opremo za preskus električne
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for
measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-
034: Particular requirements for measurement
equipment for insulation resistance and test
equipment for electric strength

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001

Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 41 / 86

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda ali tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo
kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of
type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the
audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

308. Oprema za merjenje
električne energije
(izmenični tok)
Electricity metering
equipment (AC)

SIST EN 62052-31
EN 62052-31

Oprema za merjenje električne energije (izmenični
tok) - Splošne zahteve, preskusi in pogoji
preskušanja - 31. del: Varnostne zahteve in preskusi
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General
requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 31:
Safety requirements and tests

* Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o

trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce

minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are

maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 2 – Elektromagnetna združljivost / Electromagnetic Compatibility

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad
proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov /
Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by
surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product
certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification.

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

309. Električni proizvodi in
Electrical products and

SIST EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-2
IEC 61000-3-2

Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 3-2. del: Mejne
vrednosti - Mejne vrednosti za oddajanje harmonskih
tokov (vhodni tok opreme do vključno 16 A na fazo)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2:
Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current ≤ 16 A per phase)

310. Električni proizvodi in
Electrical products and

SIST EN 61000-3-3
EN 61000-3-3
IEC 61000-3-3

Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 3-3. del: Mejne
vrednosti - Omejitev vrednosti kolebanja napetosti in
flikerja v nizkonapetostnih napajalnih sistemih za
opremo z naznačenim tokom do 16 A in ni priključena
pod posebnimi pogoji
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-3:
Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage
fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply
systems for equipment with rated current ≤ 16 A

311. Električni proizvodi in
Electrical products and

SIST EN 61000-3-11
EN 61000-3-11
IEC 61000-3-11

Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 3-11. del:
Omejitve – Omejitve napetostnih sprememb,
napetostnih kolebanj in flikerja v javnih
nizkonapetostnih napajalnih sistemih – Oprema z
naznačenim tokom <= 75 A in pogojevano priključitvijo Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to conditional connection Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 42 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 312. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-3-12 EN 61000-3-12 IEC 61000-3-12 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 3-12. del: Mejne vrednosti – Mejne vrednosti za harmonske tokove, ki jih povzroča oprema, priključena na nizkonapetostne napajalne sisteme z naznačenim tokom, večjim od 16 A in <= 75 A po liniji Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems with input current > 16 A and <= 75 A per phase 313. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-2 IEC 61000-4-2 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-2. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti elektrostatični razelektritvi Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-2: Testing and measuring techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity test 314. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-3 EN 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-3 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 4-3. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike – Preskušanje odpornosti proti sevanim radiofrekvenčnim elektromagnetnim poljem Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-3: Testing and measuring techniques – Radiated, radio- frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test 315. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-4 EN 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-4 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-4. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti hitrim električnim prehodnim pojavom/razpoku Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test 316. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-5 EN 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-5 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-5. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti napetostnemu udaru Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity test 317. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-6 EN 61000-4-6 IEC 61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques - Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measuring techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields 318. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-8 EN 61000-4-8 IEC 61000-4-8 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-8. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti magnetnemu polju omrežne frekvence Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency magnetic field immunity test Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 43 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 319. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-9 EN 61000-4-9 IEC 61000-4-9 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-9. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti impulznemu magnetnemu polju Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-9: Testing and measurement techniques - Pulse magnetic field immunity test 320. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-10 EN 61000-4-10 IEC 61000-4-10 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-10. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti magnetnemu polju dušenega nihanja Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-10: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test 321. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-11 EN 61000-4-11 IEC 61000-4-11 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 4-11. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike – Preskusi odpornosti proti upadom napetosti, kratkotrajnim prekinitvam in napetostnim kolebanjem Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests 322. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-12 EN 61000-4-12 IEC 61000-4-12 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-12. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti zadušenemu nihajnemu valu Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-12: Testing and measurement techniques - Ring wave immunity test 323. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-13 EN 61000-4-13 IEC 61000-4-13 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 4-13. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike – Harmoniki in med harmoniki vsebujoč napetosne signale na izmeničnem močnostnem viru, nizkofrekvenčni preskusi imunosti Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-13: Testing and measurement techniques - Harmonics and interharmonics including mains signalling at a.c. power port, low frequency immunity tests 324. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-14 EN 61000-4-14 IEC 61000-4-14 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 4-14. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike – preskus imunost napetostnih nihanj Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-14: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage fluctuation immunity test 325. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-16 EN 61000-4-16 IEC 61000-4-16 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 4-16. del: Preskušanje in merilne tehnike - Preskušanje odpornosti proti prevajanim motnjam skupne zvrsti v frekvenčnem območju od 0 Hz do 150 kHz Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-16: Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 44 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 326. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-17 EN 61000-4-17 IEC 61000-4-17 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-17. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti valovitosti na vhodu za napajanje z enosmerno napetostjo Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-17: Testing and measurement techniques - Ripple on d.c. input power port immunity test 327. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-18 EN 61000-4-18 IEC 61000-4-18 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-18. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskus odpornosti proti nihajnemu valu Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-18: Testing and measurement techniques - Damped oscillatory wave immunity test 328. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-19 EN 61000-4-19 IEC 61000-4-19 Preskušanje in merilne tehnike – Preskus odpornosti proti prevajanim motnjam skupne zvrsti v frekvenčnem območju od 2 kHz do 150 kHz na izmeničnih napajalnih vhodih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-19: Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to conducted, differential mode disturbances and signalling in the frequency range 2 kHz to 150 kHz at a.c. power ports 329. Odbojne sobe Reverberation chamber IEC 61000-4-21 SIST EN 61000-4-21 EN 61000-4-21 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-21. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskusne metode za odbojne sobe Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-21: Testing and measurement techniques - Reverberation chamber test methods 330. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-29 EN 61000-4-29 IEC 61000-4-29 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-29: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-29: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests 331. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-34 EN 61000-4-34 IEC 61000-4-34 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 4-34. del: Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Preskusi odpornosti proti napetostnim upadom, kratkim prekinitvam in spreminjanju napetosti za naprave z vhodnim tokom več kot 16 A na fazo Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-34: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with input current more than 16 A per phase 332. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-4-39 EN 61000-4-39 IEC 61000-4-39 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - Preskusne in merilne tehnike - Sevana polja v bližini - Preskus odpornosti Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Radiated fields in close proximity - Immunity test Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 45 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 333. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-6-1 EN 61000-6-1 IEC 61000-6-1 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 6-1. del: Osnovni standardi - Odpornost v stanovanjskih, poslovnih in manj zahtevnih industrijskih okoljih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-1: Generic standards – Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments 334. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-2 IEC 61000-6-2 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) – 6-2. del: Osnovni standardi – Odpornost za industrijska okolja Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environments 335. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-6-3 EN 61000-6-3 IEC 61000-6-3 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 6-3. del: Osnovni standardi - Standard oddajanja motenj v stanovanjskih, poslovnih in manj zahtevnih industrijskih okoljih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-3: Generic standards – Emission standard for residential, commercial and light industrial environments 336. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-6-4 EN 61000-6-4 IEC 61000-6-4 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 6-4. del: Osnovni (generični) standardi - Standard oddajanja motenj v industrijskih okoljih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial environments 337. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 61000-6-7 EN 61000-6-7 IEC 61000-6-7 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 6-7. del: Osnovni standardi - Zahteve za odpornost opreme, namenjene za opravljanje funkcij, povezanih z varnostjo (funkcijska varnost), v industrijskih okoljih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-7: Generic standards - Immunity requirements for equipment intended to perform functions in a safety- related system (functional safety) in industrial locations 338. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN IEC 61000-6-8 EN IEC 61000-6-8 IEC 61000-6-8 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - 6-8. del: Osnovni standardi - Standard oddajanja motenj za profesionalno opremo v poslovnih in manj zahtevnih industrijskih okoljih Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-8: Generic standards - Emission standard for professional equipment in commercial and light- industrial locations 339. Industrijska, znanstvena in medicinska oprema Industrial, scientific and medical equipment SIST EN 55011 EN 55011 CISPR 11 Industrijska, znanstvena in medicinska (ISM) radiofrekvenčna oprema - Karakteristike občutljivosti za radijske motnje - Mejne vrednosti in merilne metode Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio- frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 46 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 340. Električni gospodinjski aparati, električna ročna orodja in podobni aparati Household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus SIST EN 55014-1 EN 55014-1 CISPR 14-1 Elektromagnetna združljivost - Zahteve za (električne) gospodinjske aparate, električna ročna orodja in podobne aparate - 1. del: Oddajanje Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission 341. Električni gospodinjski aparati, električna ročna orodja in podobni aparati Household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus SIST EN 55014-2 EN 55014-2 CISPR 14-2 Elektromagnetna združljivost - Zahteve za (električne) gospodinjske aparate, električna ročna orodja in podobne aparate - 2. del: Odpornost - Standard za družino izdelkov Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard 342. Električna razsvetljava in podobna oprema Electrical lighting and similar equipment SIST EN 55015 EN 55015 CISPR 15 Mejne vrednosti in postopki merjenja radijskih motenj naprav električne razsvetljave in podobne opreme Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment 343. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 55016-2-1 EN 55016-2-1 CISPR 16-2-1 Specifikacija za merilne naprave in metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - 2-1. del: Metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - Merjenje motenj po vodnikih Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Conducted disturbance measurements 344. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 55016-2-2 EN 55016-2-2 CISPR 16-2-2 Specifikacija za merilne naprave in metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - 2-2. del: Metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - Merjenje moči motenj Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-2: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Measurement of disturbance power 345. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 55016-2-3 EN 55016-2-3 CISPR 16-2-3 Specifikacija merilnih naprav in metod za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - 2-3. del: Metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti - Merjenje sevanih motenj Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-3: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Radiated disturbance measurements 346. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 55016-2-4 EN 55016-2-4 CISPR 16-2-4 Specifikacija za merilne naprave in metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti – 2-4. del: Metode za merjenje radijskih motenj in odpornosti – Merjenje odpornosti Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-4: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Immunity measurements Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 47 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 347. Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo Information technology equipment SIST EN 55022 EN 55022 CISPR 22 Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Karakteristike občutljivosti za radijske motnje - Mejne vrednosti in merilne metode Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement 348. Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo Information technology equipment SIST EN 55024 EN 55024 CISPR 24 Oprema za informacijsko tehnologijo - Karakteristike odpornosti proti motnjam - Mejne vrednosti in merilne metode Information technology equipment – Immunity characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement 349. Vozila, plovila in naprave z motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines SIST EN 55025 EN 55025 CISPR 25 Vozila, plovila in naprave z motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem - Karakteristike občutljivosti za radijske motnje - Mejne vrednosti in metode merjenja za zaščito sprejemnikov na krovu Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on- board receivers 350. Večpredstavnostne opreme Multimedia equipment SIST EN 55032 EN 55032 CISPR 32 Elektromagnetna združljivost večpredstavnostne opreme - Zahteve glede elektromagnetnega sevanja Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Emission requirements 351. Večpredstavnostna oprema Multimedia equipment SIST EN 55035 EN 55035 CISPR 35 Elektromagnetna združljivost večpredstavnostne opreme - Zahteve za odpornost opreme Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment - Immunity requirements 352. Sistemi z neprekinjanim napajanjem Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) SIST EN 62040-2 EN 62040-2 IEC 62040-2 Sistemi z neprekinjanim napajanjem - 2. del: Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) -- Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements 353. Zahteve za odpornost sestavnih komponent požarnih, vlomnih in socialnih alarmnih sistemov Components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems SIST EN 50130-4 EN 50130-4 Alarmni sistemi - 4. del: Elektromagnetna združljivost - Standard za varnost proizvodov - Zahteve za odpornost sestavnih komponent požarnih, vlomnih in socialnih alarmnih sistemov Alarm systems – Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility – Product family standard: Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems 354. Dvigala, tekoče stopnice in steze Lifts, escalators and moving walks SIST EN 12015 EN 12015 Elektromagnetna združljivost - Standard skupine izdelkov za dvigala, tekoče stopnice in steze - Oddajanje motenj Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks – Emission 355. Dvigala, tekoče stopnice in trakovi Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors SIST EN 12016 EN 12016 Elektromagnetna združljivost - Standard skupine izdelkov za dvigala, tekoče stopnice in trakove - Odpornost proti motnjam Electromagnetic compatibility – Product family standard for lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors – Immunity Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 48 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 356. Medicinska električna oprema Medical electrical equipment SIST EN 60601-1-2 EN 60601-1-2 IEC 60601-1-2 Medicinska električna oprema - 1-2. del: Splošne zahteve za osnovno varnost in bistvene tehnične lastnosti - Spremljevalni standard: Elektromagnetna združljivost - Zahteve in preskušanje Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance - Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements and tests 357. Neavtomatske tehtnice Non-automatic weighing instruments samo EMC only EMC SIST EN 45501 EN 45501 Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments. 358. Oprema za obločno varjenje Arc welding equipment SIST EN 60974-10 EN 60974-10 IEC 60974-10 Oprema za obločno varjenje - 10. del: Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) Arc welding equipment - Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements 359. Nizkonapetostni stikalni napajalniki z enosmernim (DC) izhodom Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output SIST EN 61204-3 EN 61204-3 IEC 61204-3 Nizkonapetostni stikalni napajalniki z enosmernim (DC) izhodom - 3. del: Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) Low voltage power supplies, d.c. output - Part 3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 360. Električna oprema za merjenje, kontrolo in laboratorijsko uporabo Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use SIST EN 61326-1 EN 61326-1 IEC 61326-1 Električna oprema za merjenje, kontrolo in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 1. del: Splošne zahteve Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements 361. Električna oprema za merjenje, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use SIST EN 61326-3-1 EN 61326-3-1 IEC 61326-3-1 Električna oprema za merjenje, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve elektromagnetne združljivost (EMC) - 3-1. del: Zahteve za odpornost opreme, ki opravlja ali pa je namenjena za opravljanje funkcij povezanih z varnostjo (funkcijska varnost) - Splošna industrijska uporaba Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-1: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) - General industrial applications 362. Varnostni sistemi in oprema, namenjena za opravljanje z varnostjo povezanih funkcij Safety-related systems and equipment intended to perform safety-related functions SIST EN 61326-3-2 EN 61326-3-2 IEC 61326-3-2 Električna oprema za merjenje, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 3-2. del: Zahteve za odpornost varnostnih sistemov in za opremo, namenjeno za opravljanje z varnostjo povezanih funkcij (funkcijska varnost) - Industrijska uporaba v navedenih elektromagnetnih okoljih Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 3-2: Immunity requirements for safety-related systems and for equipment intended to perform safety-related functions (functional safety) - Industrial applications with specified electromagnetic environment Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 49 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 363. Oprema za razsvetljavo Lighting equipment SIST EN 61326-2-3 EN 61326-2-3 IEC 61326-2-3 Električna oprema za merjenje, kontrolo in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 2-3. del Posebne zahteve - Preskusna konfiguracija, obratovalni pogoji in merila za lastnosti pretvornikov z vgrajenim ali daljinskim kondicioniranjem signalov Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test configuration, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning 364. Električna oprema za merjenje, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use SIST EN 61326-2-4 EN 61326-2-4 IEC 61326-2-4 Električna oprema za merjenje, kontrolo in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 2-4. del: Posebne zahteve - Preskusne konfiguracije, obratovalni pogoji in merila za lastnosti naprav za stalno preverjanje izolacije po IEC 61557-8 in opreme za ugotavljanje mesta okvare izolacije po IEC 61557-9 (IEC 61326-2-4:2012) Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9 365. Diagnostična medicinska oprema in vitro In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment SIST EN 61326-2-6 EN 61326-2-6 IEC 61326-2-6 Električna oprema za merjenje, kontrolo in laboratorijsko uporabo - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - 2-6. del: Posebne zahteve - Diagnostična medicinska oprema in vitro Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-6: Particular requirements - In vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment 366. Elektromagnetne oklopljene sobe Electromagnetic shielding enclosures IEEE Std 299 IEEE Standardna metoda za merjenje učinkovitosti elektromagnetnih oklopljenih sob IEEE Standard Method for Measuring the Effectiveness of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosures 367. Sistemi prometne signalizacije Road traffic signal systems SIST EN 50293 EN 50293 Sistemi prometne signalizacije - Elektromagnetna združljivost Electromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic signal systems - Product standard 368. Cestna vozila (komponente) Road vehicles (components) ISO 7637-1 Road vehicles — Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling — Part 1: Definitions and general considerations 369. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 7637-2 Cestna vozila – Električne motnje zaradi prevodnosti in stikov – 2. del: Samo prehodno električno sevanje vzdolž napajalnih vodov Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling - Part 2: Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 50 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 370. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 7637-3 Cestna vozila – Električne motnje zaradi prevodnosti in stikov – 3. del: Prehodni električni prenos s kapacitivnimi in induktivnimi stiki preko vodov drugačnih od napajalnih Road vehicles - Electrical disturbances from conduction and coupling - Part 3: Electrical transient transmission by capacitive and inductive coupling via lines other than supply lines 371. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 11452-2 Cestna vozila – Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja – 2. del: Ohišje zaščiteno z absorbno podlogo Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 2: Absorber-lined shielded enclosure 372. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 11452-4 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja - 4. del: Metode ekscitacije snopa Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 4: Harness excitation methods 373. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 11452-5 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja - Del 5: Trakasti valovod Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 5: Stripline 374. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 11452-8 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja - Del 8: Odpornost na magnetna polja Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 8: Immunity to magnetic fields 375. Cestna vozila (komponente) Road vehicles (components) ISO 11452-9 Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Part 9: Portable transmitters 376. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 11452-10 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja - Del 10: Odpornost na prevodne motnje v razširjenem avdio frekvenčnem območju Road vehicles - Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy - Part 10: Immunity to conducted disturbances in the extended audio frequency range Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 51 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 377. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 10605 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode za električne motnje pri elektrostatični razelektritvi Road vehicles - Test methods for electrical disturbances from electrostatic discharge 378. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 16750-1 Cestna vozila – Okoljski pogoji in preskusi za električno in elektronsko opremo – 1. del: Splošno Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: General 379. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 16750-2 Cestna vozila – Okoljski pogoji in preskusi za električno in elektronsko opremo – 1. del: Električna bremena Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment - Part 2: Electrical loads 380. Cestna vozila Road vehicles ISO 21848 Cestna vozila - Električna in elektronska oprema za napajalno napetost 42 V - Električni obremenitve Road vehicles - Electrical and electronic equipment for a supply voltage of 42 V - Electrical loads 381. Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema Measuring relays and protection equipment SIST EN 60255-1 EN 60255-1 IEC 60255-1 Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema - 1. del: Skupne zahteve Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 1: Common requirements 382. Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema Measuring relays and protection equipment SIST EN 60255-26 EN 60255-26 IEC 60255-26 Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema - 26. del: Elektromagnetna združljivost Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 26: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements 383. Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema Measuring relays and protection equipment SIST EN 60255-25 EN 60255-25 IEC 60255-22-25 Merilni releji in zaščitna oprema – 25. del: Preskusi elektromagnetnih sevanj za merilne releje in zaščitno opremo Electrical relays - Part 25: Electromagnetic emission tests for measuring relays and protection equipment 384. Vgrajen sistem za polnjenje električnih vozil Off board electric vehicle charging systems SIST EN IEC 61851-21-2 EN IEC 61851-21-2 IEC 61851-21-2 Sistem kabelskega napajanja električnih vozil - 21-2. del: Zahteve EMC za vgrajen sistem za polnjenje električnih vozil pri kabelski priključitvi na izmenično/enosmerno napajanje Electric vehicle conductive charging system - Part 21- 2: Electric vehicle requirements for conductive connection to an AC/DC supply - EMC requirements for off board electric vehicle charging systems 385. Oprema za splošno razsvetljavo Equipment for general lighting purposes SIST EN 61547 EN 61547 IEC 61547 Oprema za splošno razsvetljavo - Zahteve za odpornost proti EMC Equipment for general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements 386. Oprema za razsvetljavo Lighting equipment SIST EN 62493 EN 62493 IEC 62493 Ocenjevanje opreme za razsvetljavo glede izpostavljenosti ljudi elektromagnetnim poljem - Standard za skupino izdelkov Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields - Product family standard Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 52 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 387. Zaščitne naprave na preostali (diferenčni) tok Residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) SIST EN 61543 EN 61543 IEC 61543 Zaščitne naprave na preostali (diferenčni) tok za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in podobne namene – Elektromagnetna združljivost Residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs) for household and similar use - Electromagnetic compatibility 388. Električni pogonski sistemi z nastavljivo hitrostjo Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems SIST EN 61800-3 EN 61800-3 IEC 61800-3 Električni pogonski sistemi z nastavljivo hitrostjo - 3. del: Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost in posebne preskusne metode Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods 389. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-1 EN 50121-1 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 1. del: Splošno Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1: General 390. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-2 EN 50121-1 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 2. del: Sevanje celotnega železniškega sistema v okolje Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Emissions of the whole railway system to the outside world 391. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-3-1 EN 50121-3-1 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 3-1. del: Vozna sredstva - Vlak in celotno vozilo Railway Applications - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 3-1: Rolling Stock - Train and complete vehicle 392. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-3-2 EN 50121-3-2 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 3-2. del: Vozna sredstva - Naprave Railway Applications - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Part 3-2 Rolling stock – Apparatus 393. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-4 EN 50121-4 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 4. del: Sevanje in odpornost signalnih in telekomunikacijskih naprav Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus 394. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50121-5 EN 50121-5 Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 5. del: Sevanje in odpornost stabilnih močnostnih napajalnih inštalacij in naprav Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus 395. Železniške naprave Railway applications SIST EN 50155 EN 50155 Železniške naprave - Elektronska oprema na voznih sredstvih Railway applications. Electronic equipment used on rolling stock 396. Elektronska oprema za naknadno vgradnjo v vozila Aftermarket electronic equipment in vehicles SIST EN 50498 EN 50498 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) - Standard za družino proizvodov elektronske opreme za naknadno vgradnjo v vozila Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Product family standard for aftermarket electronic equipment in vehicles Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 53 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom in certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product Certification on the basis of type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory and product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification. Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 397. Cesta vozila (komponente) Road vehicles (components) ISO 11452-11 Cestna vozila - Preskusne metode komponent za električne motnje iz ozkopasovnega elektromagnetnega sevanja - 11. del: Odbojna soba Road vehicles — Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy — Part 11: Reverberation chamber * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Tabela / Table 3 – Elektromagnetna združljivost / Electromagnetic Compatibility Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 398. Radijske frekvenčne naprave Radio frequency devices FCC part 15, subparts A, B, C and E FCC ( Federal Communications Commission ) Del 15 ( Radijske naprave) , poddela A (splošno), B (Nenamerni sevalci), C (Namerni sevalci) in E (Namerni sevalci z ali brez DFS) FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Part 15 (Radio Frequency Devices), subparts A (General), B (Unintentional Radiators), C (Intentional Radiators) and E (Intentional Radiators with and without DFS) 399. Industrijska, znanstvena in medicinska oprema Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment FCC part 18 FCC ( Federal Communications Commission ) Del 18 (industrijska, znanstvena in medicinska oprema) FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Part 18 (industrial, scientific, and medical equipment) 400. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment ANSI C63.4 Ameriški nacionalni standard za metode merjenja radijskih emisij nizkonapetostne električne in elektronske opreme v območju od 9 KHz početi 40 GHz American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low- Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz 401. Radijska oprema Radio apparatus RSS-Gen Splošne zahteve za skladnost radijske opreme General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus 402. Radijska oprema Radio apparatus RSS-210 Licenčno-Izvzeta radijska oprema: Oprema kategorije I Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I Equipment Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 54 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 403. Radijska oprema Radio apparatus RSS-247 Digitalni prenosni sistemi (DTS), sistemi za preskakovanje frekvence (FHS) in licenčno Izvzete naprave z lokalnim omrežjem (LE-LAN) Digital Transmission Systems (DTSs), Frequency Hopping Systems (FHSs) and Licence-Exempt Local Area Network (LE-LAN) Devices * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Tabela / Table 4 – Radijska oprema / Radio Equipment Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 404. Naprave kratkega dosega Short range devices SIST EN 300 220-1 EN 300 220-1 ETSI EN 300 220-1 Naprave kratkega dosega (SRD), ki delujejo v frekvenčnem območju od 25 MHz do 1000 MHz - 1. del: Tehnične karakteristike in merilne metode Short Range Devices (SRD) operating in the frequency range 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz - Part 1: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement 405. Naprave kratkega dosega Short range devices SIST EN 300 220-2 EN 300 220-2 ETSI EN 300 220-2 Naprave kratkega dosega (SRD), ki delujejo v frekvenčnem območju od 25 MHz do 1000 MHz - 2. del: Harmonizirani standard za dostop do radijskega spektra za nespecifično radijsko opremo Short Range Devices (SRD) operating in the frequency range 25 MHz to 1 000 MHz - Part 2: Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum for non specific radio equipment 406. Radijska oprema, namenjena predvsem za analogni prenos govora, ki uporablja vgrajeno anteno Radio equipment using integral antennas intended primarily for analogue speech SIST EN 300 296 EN 300 296 ETSI EN 300 296 Storitev kopenskih mobilnih komunikacij - Radijska oprema, namenjena predvsem za analogni prenos govora, ki uporablja vgrajeno anteno - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Land Mobile Service - Radio equipment using integral antennas intended primarily for analogue speech - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 55 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 407. Širokopasovni prenosni sistemi Wideband transmission systems SIST EN 300 328 EN 300 328 ETSI EN 300 328 Širokopasovni prenosni sistemi - Oprema za prenos podatkov v frekvenčnem pasu 2,4 GHz ISM, ki uporablja širokopasovne modulacijske tehnike - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Wideband transmission systems - Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU 408. Oprema za telekomunikacijsko omrežje Telecommunication network equipment SIST EN 300 330 EN 300 330 ETSI EN 300 330 Naprave kratkega dosega (SRD) - Radijska oprema v frekvenčnem območju od 9 kHz do 25 MHz in sistemi z indukcijsko zanko v frekvenčnem območju od 9 kHz do 30 MHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Short Range Devices (SRD) - Radio equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz to 25 MHz and inductive loop systems in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU 409. Brezžični mikrofoni v frekvenčnem območju od 25 MHz do 3 GHz Wireless microphones in the 25 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range SIST EN 300 422-2 EN 300 422-2 ETSI EN 300 422-2 Brezžični mikrofoni - Avdio PMSE na frekvencah do 3 GHz - 4. del: Pomožni slušni aparati, vključno z osebnimi ojačevalniki zvoka in induktivnimi sistemi do 3 GHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Wireless Microphones - Audio PMSE up to 3 GHz - Part 4: Assistive Listening Devices including personal sound amplifiers and inductive systems up to 3 GHz - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU 410. Naprave kratkega dosega Short Range Devices SIST EN 300 440 EN 300 440 ETSI EN 300 440 Naprave kratkega dosega (SRD) - Radijska oprema, ki se uporablja v frekvenčnem območju od 1 GHz do 40 GHz - Harmonizirani standard za dostop do radijskega spektra Short Range Devices (SRD) - Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range - Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum 411. Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES) SIST EN 301 360 EN 301 360 ETSI EN 301 360 Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU, za interaktivne satelitske terminale (SIT) in uporabniške satelitske terminale (SUT), ki oddajajo proti satelitom v geostacionarni orbiti in delujejo v frekvenčnih pasovih od 27,5 GHz do 29,5 GHz Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES) - Harmonised Standard for Satellite Interactive Terminals (SIT) and Satellite User Terminals (SUT) transmitting towards satellites in geostationary orbit, operating in the 27,5 GHz to 29,5 GHz frequency bands covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 56 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 412. Digitalne izboljšane brezvrvične telekomunikacije (DECT) Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) SIST EN 301 406 EN 301 406 ETSI EN 301 406 Digitalne izboljšane brezvrvične telekomunikacije (DECT) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU 413. Radijska oprema in storitve Radio equipment and services SIST EN 303 446-1 ETSI EN 303 446-1 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za kombinirano in/ali integrirano radijsko in neradijsko opremo - 1. del: Zahteve za opremo, ki je namenjena za uporabo v stanovanjskih in poslovnih prostorih ter v prostorih lahke industrije ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio and non-radio equipment - Part 1: Requirements for equipment intended to be used in residential, commercial and light industry locations 414. Radijska oprema in storitve Radio equipment and services SIST EN 303 446-2 ETSI EN 303 446-2 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za kombinirano in/ali integrirano radijsko in neradijsko opremo - 2. del: Zahteve za opremo, ki je namenjena za uporabo v industriji ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio and non-radio equipment - Part 2: Requirements for equipment intended to be used in industrial locations 415. Radijska oprema in storitve Radio equipment and services SIST EN 301 489-1 EN 301 489-1 ETSI EN 301 489-1 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 1. del: Splošne tehnične zahteve - Harmonizirani standard za elektromagnetno združljivost ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 1: Common technical requirements - Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility 416. Naprave kratkega dosega (SRD), delujoče na frekvencah med 9 kHz in 246 GHz Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz SIST EN 301 489-3 EN 301 489-3 ETSI EN 301 489-3 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 3. del: Posebni pogoji za naprave kratkega dosega (SRD), delujoče na frekvencah med 9 kHz in 246 GHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.1(b) direktive 2014/53/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 3: Specific conditions for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 246 GHz - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU 417. Zasebni mobilni radio (PMR) in pomožna oprema (govorna oziroma negovorna) Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) SIST EN 301 489-4 EN 301 489-4 ETSI EN 301 489-4 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) in zadeve v zvezi z radijskim spektrom (ERM) - Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 4. del: Posebni pogoji za fiksne radijske povezave ter pomožno opremo in storitve Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 4: Specific conditions for fixed radio links and ancillary equipment and services Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 57 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 418. Zasebni mobilni radio (PMR) in pomožna oprema (govorna oziroma negovorna) Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) SIST EN 301 489-5 EN 301 489-5 ETSI EN 301 489-5 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 5. del: Posebni pogoji za zasebni mobilni radio (PMR), pomožno opremo (govorno in negovorno) in prizemni snopovni radio (TETRA) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.1(b) direktive 2014/53/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 5: Specific conditions for Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) and Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU 419. Oprema digitalnih izboljšanih brezvrvičnih telekomunikacij (DECT) Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) equipment SIST EN 301 489-6 EN 301 489-6 ETSI EN 301 489-6 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 6. del: Posebni pogoji za opremo digitalnih izboljšanih brezvrvičnih telekomunikacij (DECT) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.1(b) direktive 2014/53/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 6: Specific conditions for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) equipment - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of the Directive 2014/53/EU 420. Brezžični mikrofoni in podobna oprema za radiofrekvenčne (RF) zvokovne povezave, brezvrvične avdio in ušesne slušne naprave Wireless microphones, similar Radio Frequency (RF) audio link equipment, cordless audio and inear monitoring devices SIST EN 301 489-9 EN 301 489-9 ETSI EN 301 489-9 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 9. del: Posebni pogoji za brezžične mikrofone, podobno opremo za radiofrekvenčne (RF) zvokovne povezave, brezvrvične zvokovne naprave in naprave za spremljanje stanja v ušesu - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.1(b) direktive 2014/53/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 9: Specific conditions for wireless microphones, similar Radio Frequency (RF) audio link equipment, cordless audio and in-ear monitoring devices - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU 421. Radijska in pomožna oprema CB (govorno in negovorno) Citizens' Band (CB) radio and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) SIST EN 301 489-13 EN 301 489-13 ETSI EN 301 489-13 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) in zadeve v zvezi z radijskim spektrom (ERM) – Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve – 13. del: Posebni pogoji za radijsko in pomožno opremo CB (govorno in negovorno) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) – ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services – Part 13: Specific conditions for Citizens' Band (CB) radio and ancillary equipment (speech and non-speech) Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 58 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 422. Širokopasovni sistemi za prenos podatkov Broadband data transmission systems SIST EN 301 489-17 EN 301 489-17 ETSI EN 301 489-17 Elektromagnetna združljivost in zadeve v zvezi z radijskim spektrom (ERM) – Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo – 17. del: Posebni pogoji za širokopasovne sisteme za prenos podatkov Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment - Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems 423. Opremo prizemnega snopovnega radia (TETRA) Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) equipment SIST EN 301 489-18 EN 301 489-18 ETSI EN 301 489-18 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) in zadeve v zvezi z radijskim spektrom (ERM) – Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve – 18. del: Posebni pogoji za opremo prizemnega snopovnega radia (TETRA) ElectroMagnetic compatibilityand Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 18: Specific conditionsfor Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) equipment 424. Sprejemne mobilne zemeljske postaje (ROMES), ki zagotavljajo podatkovne komunikacije in delujejo v pasu 1,5 GHz Specific conditions for Receive Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications SIST EN 301 489-19 EN 301 489-19 ETSI EN 301 489-19 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 19. del: Posebni pogoji za sprejemne mobilne zemeljske postaje (ROMES), ki delujejo v pasu 1,5 GHz in zagotavljajo podatkovne komunikacije, ter za sprejemnike GNSS, ki delujejo v pasu RNSS (ROGNSS) in zagotavljajo določanje položaja, navigacijo in časovne podatke - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.1(b) direktive 2014/53/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 19: Specific conditions for Receive Only Mobile Earth Stations (ROMES) operating in the 1,5 GHz band providing data communications and GNSS receivers operating in the RNSS band (ROGNSS) providing positioning, navigation, and timing data - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1(b) of Directive 2014/53/EU 425. Talna mobilna in fiksna letalniška (aeronavtično) VHF radijska oprema Ground-based VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment SIST EN EN 301 489-22 EN 301 489-22 ETSI EN 301 489-22 Elektromagnetna združljivost (EMC) in zadeve v zvezi z radijskim spektrom (ERM) – Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve – 22. del: Posebne zahteve za talno mobilno in fiksno letalniško (aeronavtično) VHF radijsko opremo Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 22: Specific requirements for ground-based VHF aeronautical mobile and fixed radio equipment Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 59 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 426. Zunanji napajalniki (EPS) za mobilne telefone External power supply (EPS) for mobile phones SIST EN 301 489-34 EN 301 489-34 ETSI EN 301 489-34 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 34. del: Posebni pogoji za zunanje napajalnike (EPS) za mobilne telefone - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 6 direktive 2014/30/EU ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 34: Specific conditions for External Power Supply (EPS) for mobile phones - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.1b of the Directive 2014/53/EU and the essential requirements of article 6 of the Directive 2014/30/EU 427. Celično komunikacijska uporabniška (UE) radijska in pomožna oprema Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment SIST EN 301 489-52 EN 301 489-52 ETSI 301 489-52 Standard elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) za radijsko opremo in storitve - 52. del: Posebni pogoji za celično komunikacijsko uporabniško (UE) radijsko in pomožno opremo - Harmonizirani standard za elektromagnetno združljivost ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services - Part 52: Specific conditions for Cellular Communication User Equipment (UE) radio and ancillary equipment - Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility 428. Bazne postaje in oprema za ponavljalnike Base Station and Repeater equipment SIST EN 301 502 EN 301 502 ETSI EN 301 502 Globalni sistem mobilnih komunikacij (GSM) - Oprema bazne postaje - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) - Base Station (BS) equipment - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU 429. Mobilne postaje v pasovih GSM 900 in DCS 1800 Mobile stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands SIST EN 301 511 EN 301 511 ETSI EN 301 511 Globalni sistem mobilnih komunikacij (GSM) - Oprema mobilnih postaj (MS) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) - Mobile Stations (MS) equipment - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU 430. Zelo zmogljivo radijsko lokalno omrežje (RLAN) na 5 GHz 5 GHz high performance RLAN SIST EN 301 893 EN 301 893 ETSI EN 301 893 5 GHz RLAN - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU 5 GHz RLAN - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU 431. Celična omrežja IMT IMT cellular networks SIST EN 301 908-2 EN 301 908-2 ETSI EN 301 908-2 Celična omrežja IMT - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU - 2. del: CDMA z neposrednim razprševanjem (“Direct Spread”) (UTRA FDD) (UE) IMT cellular networks - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU - Part 2: CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) User Equipment (UE) Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 60 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 432. Uporabniška oprema za razviti prizemni radijski dostop za UMTS (E- UTRA) Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE) SIST EN 301 908-13 ETSI EN 301 908-13 EN 301 908-13 Celična omrežja IMT - Harmonizirani standard za dostop do radijskega spektra - Uporabniška oprema za razviti prizemni radijski dostop za UMTS (E-UTRA) IMT cellular networks - Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum - Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE) 433. Celična omrežja IMT IMT cellular networks SIST EN 301 908-14 EN 301 908-14 ETSI EN 301 908-14 Celična omrežja IMT - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU - 14. del: Bazne postaje za razviti prizemni radijski dostop za UMTS (E-UTRA) IMT cellular networks - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU - Part 14: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Base Stations (BS) 434. Oprema za radiofrekvenčno identifikacijo, ki deluje v pasu od 865 MHz do 868 MHz z močnostnimi nivoji do 2 W in v pasu od 915 MHz do 921 MHz z močnostnimi nivoji do 4 W Radio Frequency Identification Equipment operating in the band 865 MHz to 868 MHz with power levels up to 2 W and in the band 915 MHz to 921 MHz with power levels up to 4 W SIST EN 302 208 EN 302 208 ETSI EN 302 208 Oprema za radiofrekvenčno identifikacijo, ki deluje v pasu od 865 MHz do 868 MHz z močnostnimi nivoji do 2 W in v pasu od 915 MHz do 921 MHz z močnostnimi nivoji do 4 W - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Radio Frequency Identification Equipment operating in the band 865 MHz to 868 MHz with power levels up to 2 W and in the band 915 MHz to 921 MHz with power levels up to 4 W - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU 435. Fiksni širokopasovni sistemi za prenos podatkov na frekvenci 5,8 GHz 5,8 GHz fixed broadband data transmitting systems SIST EN 302 502 EN 302 502 ETSI EN 302 502 Brezžični dostopovni sistemi (WAS) - Fiksni širokopasovni sistemi za prenos podatkov na frekvenci 5,8 GHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Wireless Access Systems (WAS) - 5,8 GHz fixed broadband data transmitting systems - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU 436. Oprema za telekomunikacijsko omrežje Telecommunication network equipment SIST EN 300 386 EN 300 386 ETSI EN 300 386 Telecommunication network equipment - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of the Directive 2014/30/EU Oprema za telekomunikacijska omrežja - Zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve direktive 2014/30/EU Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 61 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 437. Mobilni telefoni Mobile phones SIST EN 50360 EN 50360 Produktni standard za prikaz skladnosti brezžičnih komunikacijskih naprav z osnovnimi ali izvedenimi mejnimi vrednostmi v povezavi z izpostavljenostjo prebivalstva elektromagnetnim sevanjem v frekvenčnem območju od 300 MHz do 6 GHz: naprave, ki se uporabljajo v bližini ušesa Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of wireless communication devices, with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 6 GHz: devices used next to the ear 438. Naprave, ki delujejo v frekvenčnem obsegu od 0 Hz do 300 GHz in se uporabljajo za elektronski nadzor blaga (EAS), radiofrekvenčno razpoznavanje (RFID) in podobne namene Devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications SIST EN 50364 EN 50364 Produktni standard za izpostavljenost ljudi elektromagnetnim sevanjem naprav, ki delujejo v frekvenčnem območju od 0 Hz do 300 GHz in se uporabljajo za elektronski nadzor blaga (EAS), radiofrekvenčno razpoznavanje (RFID) in podobne namene Product standard for human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and similar applications 439. Elektronski in električni aparati majhne moči Low power electronic and electrical apparatus SIST EN 50371 EN 50371 Osnovni standard za prikaz skladnosti elektronskih in električnih aparatov majhne moči z osnovnimi omejitvami v zvezi s človekovo izpostavljenostjo elektromagnetnim poljem (od 10 MHz do 300 GHz) - Širša javna uporaba Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz - 300 GHz) - General public 440. Radijske bazne postaje in fiksne terminalske postaje za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme Radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems SIST EN 50383 EN 50383 Osnovni standard za izračunavanje in merjenje moči elektromagnetnega polja in SAR v povezavi z izpostavljenostjo ljudi sevanjem zaradi radijskih baznih postaj in fiksnih terminalskih postaj za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme (110 MHz - 40 GHz) Basic standard for the calculation and measurement of electromagnetic field strength and SAR related to human exposure from radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems (110 MHz - 40 GHz) Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 62 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 441. Radijske bazne postaje in fiksne terminalske postaje za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme Radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems SIST EN 50384 EN 50384 Produktni standard za prikaz skladnosti radijskih baznih postaj in fiksnih terminalskih postaj za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme z osnovnimi ali izvedenimi mejnimi vrednostmi v povezavi z izpostavljenostjo elektromagnetnim sevanjem (110 MHz - 40 GHz) – Poklicno Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz - 40 GHz) – Occupational 442. Radijske bazne postaje in fiksne terminalske postaje za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme Radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems SIST EN 50385 EN 50385 Standard za proizvod za prikaz skladnosti radijskih baznih postaj in fiksnih terminalskih postaj za brezžične telekomunikacijske sisteme z osnovnimi ali izvedenimi mejnimi vrednostmi v povezavi z izpostavljenostjo elektromagnetnim sevanjem (110 MHz - 40 GHz) – Prebivalstvo Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz - 40 GHz) - General public 443. Elektronske in električne naprave Electronic and electrical apparatus SIST EN 50392 EN 50392 Splošni standard za prikaz skladnosti elektronskih in električnih naprav z osnovnimi mejnimi vrednostmi glede izpostavljenosti človeka elektromagnetnim sevanjem (0 Hz – 300 GHz) Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz) 444. Stacionarna oprema za radijski prenos (110 MHz - 40 GHz), namenjena za uporabo v brezžičnih telekomunikacijskih omrežjih Fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks SIST EN 50401 EN 50401 Produktni standard za prikaz skladnosti stacionarne opreme za radijski prenos (110 MHz - 40 GHz), namenjene za uporabo v brezžičnih telekomunikacijskih omrežjih z osnovnimi ali izvedenimi mejnimi vrednostmi v povezavi z izpostavljenostjo prebivalstva elektromagnetnim sevanjem Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz - 40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 63 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 445. Brezžiče komunikacijske naprave, ki se držijo v roki ali pritrdijo na telo Radio frequency fields from hand-held and body- mounted wireless communication devices SIST EN 62209-1 EN 62209-1 IEC 62209-1 Izpostavljenost ljudi elektromagnetnim sevanjem brezžičnih komunikacijskih naprav, ki se držijo v roki ali pritrdijo na telo - Modeli človeka, instrumenti in postopki - 1. del: Postopki za določanje stopnje specifične absorpcije (SAR) za ročne naprave, ki se uporabljajo v bližini ušesa (frekvenčno območje od 300 MHz do 3 GHz) (IEC 62209-1:2005) Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand- held and body-mounted wireless communication devices - Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand-held devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz) 446. Brezžične komunikacijske naprave, ki se držijo v roki ali pritrdijo na telo Radio frequency fields from hand-held and body- mounted wireless communication devices SIST EN 62209-2 EN 62209-2 IEC 62209-2 Izpostavljenost ljudi elektromagnetnim sevanjem brezžičnih komunikacijskih naprav, ki se držijo v roki ali pritrdijo na telo - Modeli človeka, instrumenti in postopki - 2. del: Postopki za določanje stopnje specifične absorpcije (SAR) za brezžične komunikacijske naprave, ki se uporabljajo v bližini telesa (frekvenčno območje od 30 MHz do 6 GHz) Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand- held and bodymounted wireless communication devices - Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz) 447. Elektronska in električna oprema Electronic and electrical equipment SIST EN 62311 EN 62311 IEC 62311 Ocena elektronske in električne opreme glede omejevanja izpostavljenosti ljudi elektromagnetnim sevanjem (0 Hz - 300 GHz) Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz) 448. Nizkonapetostni elektronski in električni aparati Low power electronic and electrical equipment SIST EN 62479 EN 62479 IEC 62479 Ocena ustreznosti nizkonapetostnih elektronskih in električnih aparatov glede na osnovne mejne vrednosti izpostavljenosti ljudi elektromagnetnemu sevanju (10 MHz - 300 GHz) Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical equipment with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz) 449. Mobilne in prenosne naprave Mobile and Portable Devices Supplement C (Edition 01-01) to OET Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-01) Preverjanje skladnosti z vodili FCC za izpostavljenost ljudi radio frekvenčnim elektromagnetnim poljem Dodatne informacije za preverjanje skladnosti mobilnih in prenosnih naprav s FCC mejami za izpostavljenost ljudi radio frekvenčnim emisijam Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Additional Information for Evaluating Compliance of Mobile and Portable Devices with FCC Limits for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 64 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 450. Brezžične komunikacijske naprave Wireless Communications Devices IEEE Std 1528 IEEE priporočljivi načini za določanje vrha prostorsko- povprečene specifične absorpcije (SAR) v človeški glavi iz naprav z brezžično komunikacijo: Merilni postopki IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques 451. Nizkonapetostni elektronski in električni aparati Low power electronic and electrical equipment SIST EN 62479 EN 62479 Ocena ustreznosti nizkonapetostnih elektronskih in električnih aparatov glede na osnovne mejne vrednosti izpostavljenosti ljudi elektromagnetnemu sevanju (10 MHz - 300 GHz) Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical equipment with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz to 300 GHz) 452. Celična omrežja IMT IMT cellular networks EN 301 908-1 Celična omrežja IMT - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU - 1. del: Uvod in splošne zahteve TC IMT cellular networks - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the Directive 2014/53/EU - Part 1: Introduction and common requirements 453. Celična omrežja IMT IMT cellular networks EN 301 908-2 Celična omrežja IMT - Harmonizirani EN, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU - 2. del: CDMA z neposrednim razprševanjem (“Direct Spread”) (UTRA FDD) (UE) IMT cellular networks - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU - Part 13: Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) User Equipment (UE) 454. Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) - Sprejemniki globalnih navigacijskih satelitskih sistemov (GNSS) Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES) - Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers SIST EN 303 413 ETSI EN 303 413 EN 303 413 Satelitske zemeljske postaje in sistemi (SES) - Sprejemniki globalnih navigacijskih satelitskih sistemov (GNSS) - Radijska oprema, ki deluje v frekvenčnem območju od 1164 MHz do 1300 MHz in od 1559 MHz do 1610 MHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES) - Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers - Radio equipment operating in the 1 164 MHz to 1 300 MHz and 1 559 MHz to 1 610 MHz frequency bands - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 65 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 455. Brezžični prenos električne energije s tehnologijami, ki ne uporabljajo radiofrekvenčnega snopa v območjih 19–21 kHz, 59–61 kHz, 79–90 kHz,100–300 kHz, 6765– 6795 kHz Wireless power transmission (WPT) systems, using technologies other than radio frequency beam, in the 19 - 21 kHz, 59 - 61 kHz, 79 - 90 kHz, 100 - 300 kHz, 6 765 - 6 795 kHz ranges SIST EN 303 417 EN 303 417 ETSI 303 417 Brezžični prenos električne energije s tehnologijami, ki ne uporabljajo radiofrekvenčnega snopa v območjih 19–21 kHz, 59–61 kHz, 79–90 kHz,100–300 kHz, 6765–6795 kHz - Harmonizirani standard, ki zajema bistvene zahteve člena 3.2 direktive 2014/53/EU Wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam in the 19 - 21 kHz, 59 - 61 kHz, 79 - 90 kHz, 100 - 300 kHz, 6 765 - 6 795 kHz ranges - Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU 456. Električni proizvodi in oprema Electrical products and equipment SIST EN 303 645 EN 303 645 Kibernetska varnost za porabniški internet stvari: osnovne zahteve Cyber Security for Consumer Internet of Things: Baseline Requirements * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Tabela / Table 5 – Stroji / Machinery Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 457. Stiskalnice Presses SIST EN ISO 16092-1 EN ISO 16092-1 Varnost obdelovalnih strojev - Stiskalnice - 1. del: Splošne varnostne zahteve Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 1: General safety requirements 458. Mehanske stiskalnice Mechanical presses SIST EN ISO 16092-2 EN ISO 16092-2 Varnost obdelovalnih strojev - Stiskalnice - 2. del: Varnostna zahteva za mehanske stiskalnice Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 2: Safety requirement for mechanical presses 459. Hidravlične stiskalnice Hydraulic presses SIST EN ISO 16092-3 EN ISO 16092-3 Varnost obdelovalnih strojev - Stiskalnice - 3. del: Varnostne zahteve za hidravlične stiskalnice Machine tools safety - Presses - Part 3: Safety requirements for hydraulic presses Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 66 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 460. Prenosni motorni obrezovalniki žive meje Powered hand-held hedge trimmers SIST EN ISO 10517 EN ISO 10517 Prenosni motorni obrezovalniki žive meje - Varnost Powered hand-held hedge trimmers - Safety 461. Mobilni stroji Mobile machinery SIST EN 1032 EN 1032 Mehanske vibracije - Preskušanje mobilnihstrojev za ugotavljanje karakteristik vibracij – Splošno Mechanical vibration - Testing of mobile machinery in order to determine the whole-body vibration emission value - General 462. Prenosni ročni in ročno vodeni stroji Hand-held and hand- guided machinery SIST EN ISO 20643 EN ISO 20643 Mehanične vibracije – Prenosni ročni in ročno vodeni stroji – Načela vrednotenja oddajanja vibracij Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission 463. Vozila za zbiranje odpadkov z nakladanjem zadaj Rear-end loaded refuse collection vehicles SIST EN 1501-1 EN 1501-1 Vozila za zbiranje odpadkov - Splošne in varnostne zahteve - 1. del: Vozila za zbiranje odpadkov z nakladanjem zadaj Refuse collection vehicles and their associated Iifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 1: Rear-end loaded refuse collection vehicles 464. Vozila za zbiranje odpadkov in pripadajoči iztresalniki Rear-end loaded refuse collection vehicles SIST EN 1501-4 EN 1501-4 Vozila za zbiranje odpadkov in pripadajoči iztresalniki - Splošne in varnostne zahteve - 4. del: Navodilo za merjenje hrupa vozil za zbiranje odpadkov Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 4: Noise test code for refuse collection vehicles 465. Namizne tračne žage in žage za rezanje desk Table band saws and band re-saws SIST EN 1807-1 EN 1807-1 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Tračne žage - 1. del: Namizne tračne žage in žage za rezanje desk Safety of woodworking machines - Band sawing machines - Part 1: Table band saws and band re- saws 466. Žage za razrez hlodovine Log sawing machines SIST EN 1807-2 EN 1807-2 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Tračne žage - 2. del: Žage za razrez hlodovine Safety of woodworking machines - Band sawing machines - Part 2: Log sawing machines 467. Čelilne žage za rezanje od zgoraj navzdol in kombinirane čelilne in krožne žage z delovno mizo Down cutting cross-cut saws and dual purpose down cutting/circular saw benches SIST EN 1870-3 EN 1870-3 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 3. del: Čelilne žage za rezanje od zgoraj navzdol in kombinirane čelilne in krožne žage z delovno mizo Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 3: Down cutting cross-cut saws and dual purpose down cutting/circular saw benches 468. Večlistne krožne žage za vzdolžni rez z ročnim podajanjem in ali odvzemom Single and multi-blade rip sawing machines with manual loading and or unloading SIST EN 1870-4 EN 1870-4 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 4. del: Večlistne krožne žage za vzdolžni rez z ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 4: Single and multi-blade rip sawing machines with manual loading and/or unloading Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 67 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 469. Krožne žage z delovno mizo krožne žage za prečni rez od spodaj navzgor Combined circular saw bench/up cutting cross cut saw SIST EN 1870-5 EN 1870-5 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 5. del: Krožne žage z delovno mizo/krožne žage za prečni rez od spodaj navzgor Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 5: Combined circular saw bench/up cutting cross cut saw 470. Krožne žage za drva in večnamenske žage za drva z delovno mizo z ročnim podajanjem in ali odvzemom Firewood sawing machine/circular saw bench with manual loading and/or unloading SIST EN 1870-6 EN 1870-6 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 6. del: Krožne žage za drva in večnamenske žage za drva z delovno mizo z ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 6: Firewood sawing machine/circular saw bench with manual loading and/or unloading 471. Enolistne krožne žage za razrez hlodov z vgrajeno podajalno mizo in ročnim podajanjem in ali odvzemom Circular log sawing machine with integrated feeding table and manual loading and or unloading SIST EN 1870-7 EN 1870-7 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 7. del: Enolistne krožne žage za razrez hlodov z vgrajeno podajalno mizo in ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 7: Circular log sawing machine with integrated feeding table and manual loading and/or unloading 472. Enolistne obrezovalne krožne žage s pogonsko enoto in ročnim podajanjem in ali odvzemom Single blade edging circular rip sawing machines with power driven saw unit and manual loading and or unloading SIST EN 1870-8 EN 1870-8 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 8. del: Enolistne obrezovalne krožne žage s pogonsko enoto in ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines – Part 8: Single blade edging circular rip sawing machines with power driven saw unit and manual loading and/or unloading 473. Večlistne krožne žage za prečni rez z mehanskim pomikom obdelovanca in ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Multi-blade cross-cut sawing machines with integrated feed of the workpiece and manual loading and/or unloading SIST EN 1870-15 EN 1870-15 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 15. del: Večlistne krožne žage za prečni rez z mehanskim pomikom obdelovanca in ročnim podajanjem in/ali odvzemom Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 15: Multi-blade cross-cut sawing machines with integrated feed of the workpiece and manual loading and/or unloading 474. Krožne žage (z dodajalno mizo ali brez nje) in krožne žage, ki se uporabljajo na gradbišču Circular saw benches (with and without sliding table) and building site saws SIST EN 1870-19 EN 1870-19 Varnost lesnoobdelovalnih strojev - Krožne žage - 19. del: Krožne žage (z dodajalno mizo ali brez nje) in krožne žage, ki se uporabljajo na gradbišču Safety of woodworking machines - Circular sawing machines - Part 19: Circular saw benches (with and without sliding table) and building site saws Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 68 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 475. Motorni vitli Power driven winches SIST EN 14492-1 EN 14492-1 Dvigala (žerjavi) – Motorni vitli in dvižni mehanizmi – 1. del: Motorni vitli Cranes – Power driven winches and hoists – Part 1: Power driven winches 476. Električni pogonski sistemi z nastavljivo hitrostjo Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems SIST EN 61800-5-2 EN 61800-5-2 Električni pogonski sistemi z nastavljivo hitrostjo - 5- 2. del: Varnostne zahteve – Funkcijske Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-2: Safety requirements – Functional 477. Vezani električni, elektronski in programirljivi elektronski krmilni sistemi Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems SIST EN 62061 EN 62061 Varnost strojev – Funkcijska varnost na varnost vezanih električnih, elektronskih in programirljivih elektronskih krmilnih sistemov Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety- related electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems 478. Električna oprema strojev Electrical equipment of machines SIST EN 60204-1 EN 60204-1 Varnost strojev - Električna oprema strojev – 1. del: Splošne zahteve Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements 479. Krmilni sistemi strojev Control systems of machinery SIST EN ISO 13849-1 EN ISO 13849-1 Varnost strojev - Z varnostjo povezani deli krmilnih sistemov - 1. del: Splošna načela za načrtovanje Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design 480. Krmilni sistemi strojev Control systems of machinery SIST EN ISO 13849-2 EN ISO 13849-2 Varnost strojev - Z varnostjo povezani deli krmilnih sistemov - 2. del: Potrjevanje Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 2: Validation 481. Enoosni traktorji s priključenim prekopalnikom, motorni prekopalniki in motorni prekopalniki s pogonskim(a) kolesom(a) Pedestrian controlled tractors with mounted rotary cultivators, motor hoes, motor hoes with drive wheel(s) SIST EN 709 EN 709 Kmetijski in gozdarski stroji - Enoosni traktorji s priključenim prekopalnikom, motorni prekopalniki in motorni prekopalniki s pogonskim(a) kolesom(a) – Varnost Agricultural and forestry machinery - Pedestrian controlled tractors with mounted rotary cultivators, motor hoes, motor hoes with drive wheel(s) - Safety 482. Ročno vodene motorne kosilnice Pedestrian controlled motor mowers SIST EN 12733 EN 12733 Kmetijski in gozdarski stroji - Ročno vodene motorne kosilnice – Varnost Agricultural and forestry machinery - Pedestrian controlled motor mowers – Safety 483. Kmetijski stroji Agricultural machinery SIST EN ISO 4254-1 EN ISO 4254-1 Kmetijski stroji - Varnost - 1. del: Splošne zahteve Agricultural machinery - Safety - Part 1: General requirements 484. Cepilniki s klinom Wedge splitters SIST EN 609-1 EN 609-1 Kmetijski in gozdarski stroji - Varnost cepilnikov lesa - 1. del: Cepilniki s klinom Agricultural and forestry machinery - Safety of log splitters - Part 1: Wedge splitters Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 69 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CN218 – Certifikacija proizvodov / Product certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CN218 – Product certification Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 485. Premične dvižne delovne ploščadi Mobile elevating work platforms SIST EN 280-1 EN 280-1 Premične dvižne delovne ploščadi - 1. del: Konstrukcijski izračuni - Merila stabilnosti - Konstrukcijska izvedba - Varnost - Pregledi in preskusi Mobile elevating work platforms - Part 1: Design calculations - Stability criteria - Construction - Safety - Examinations and tests 486. Premične dvižne delovne ploščadi Mobile elevating work platforms SIST EN 280-2 EN 280-2 Premične dvižne delovne ploščadi - 2. del: Dodatne varnostne zahteve za naprave za dvigovanje tovora na dvižni napravi in delovni ploščadi Mobile elevating work platforms - Part 2: Additional safety requirements for load lifting appliances on the extending lifting structure and work platform * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Tabela / Table 6 – Merilni instrumenti / Measuring instruments Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi pregleda zasnove skladno s shemo, MID DD001: Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID / Product Certification on the basis of design examination in accordance with the scheme, MID DD001: Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 487. Merilni instrumenti - števci električne energije Measuring instruments - electricity meters Modul H1, tč. 4 - Pregled zasnove Module H1, paragraph 4 - Design examination Pravilnik o merilnih instrumentih UL RS, št. 19/2016, Poglavje MI-003, Direktiva MID 2014/32/EU, Poglavje MI-003 Rules on measuring instruments Official Journal of RS, no. 19/2016, Annex MI-003, Directive MID 2014/32/EU, Annex MI-003 Tabela / Table 7 – Merilni instrumenti / Measuring instruments Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, MID DD001 - Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID Product Certification on the basis of type testing / Description of certification system in accordance with the scheme, MID DD001 - Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 70 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, MID DD001 - Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID Product Certification on the basis of type testing / Description of certification system in accordance with the scheme, MID DD001 - Organizacija in vodenje priglašenega organa za MID Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 488. Merilni instrumenti - števci električne energije Measuring instruments - electricity meters Modul B, EU - pregled tipa Module B; EU - type examination Pravilnik o merilnih instrumentih UL RS, št. 19/2016, Poglavje MI-003, Direktiva MID 2014/32/EU, Poglavje MI-003 Rules on measuring instruments Official Journal of RS, no. 19/2016, Annex MI-003, Directive MID 2014/32/EU, Annex MI-003 Tabela / Table 8 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Product Certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 489. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 15198 Metodologija za oceno tveganja neelektrične opreme in komponent, namenjenih za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Methodology for the risk assessment of non- electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres 490. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita – 1. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology 491. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita pred njo – 2. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija za rudarstvo Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining 492. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1710 Oprema in komponente, namenjene za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah v podzemnih rudnikih Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines 493. Vozila za talni transport Industrial trucks EN 1755 Vozila za talni transport – Varnostne zahteve in preverjanje – Dodatne zahteve za obratovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Industrial Trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Supplementary requirements for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 71 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Product Certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 494. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-36 EN ISO 80079-36 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 36. del: Neelektrična oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere – Osnovne metode in zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Basic methods and requirements 495. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-37 EN ISO 80079-37 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 37. del: Neelektrična oprema za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah – Neelektrična vrsta zaščite s konstrukcijsko varnostjo "c", kontrolo virov vžiga "b", s potopitvijo v tekočino "k" Explosive atmospheres – Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Non electrical type of protection constructional safety "c", control of ignition sources "b", liquid immersion "k" 496. Bencinski servisi Petrol filling stations EN 13617-1 Bencinski servisi – 1. del: Varnostne zahteve za izdelavo in lastnosti tlačnih in sesalnih naprav za točenje goriva in naprav za točenje goriva z daljinskim vodenjem Petrol filling stations – Part 1: Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units 497. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 14460 Oprema, odporna proti eksploziji Explosion resistant equipment 498. Točilne naprave za utekočinjeni naftni plin Dispensers for LPG EN 14678-1 Oprema in pribor za utekočinjeni naftni plin (UNP) – Izdelava in lastnosti opreme za UNP za bencinske servise – 1. del: Točilne naprave LPG equipment and accessories – Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations – Part 1: Dispensers 499. Ventilatorji za eksplozijsko ogrožene prostore Fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 14986 Načrtovanje ventilatorjev za delovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres 500. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 50303 Oprema skupine I, kategorije M1, ki ostane v delovanju v atmosferah, ki jih ogroža jamski eksplozivni plin ali premogov prah Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in atmospheres endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust 501. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment CLC/TR 50427 Ugotavljanje nenamernega vžiga vnetljivih atmosfer z radiofrekvenčnim sevanjem – Vodilo Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation – Guide 502. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-0 EN IEC 60079-0 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 0. del: Oprema – Splošne zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements 503. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 1. del: Zaščita opreme z neprodirnim okrovom "d" Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d" Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 72 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Product Certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 504. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-2 EN 60079-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 2. del: Zaščita opreme z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure "p" 505. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-5 EN 60079-5 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 5. del: Zaščita opreme s polnjenjem s peskom "q" Explosive atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q" 506. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-6 EN 60079-6 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 6. del: Zaščita opreme s potopitvijo v tekočino "o" Explosive atmospheres – Part 6: Equipment protection by liquid immersion "o" 507. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-7 EN IEC 60079-7 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 7. del: Zaščita opreme s povečano varnostjo "e" Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e" 508. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-11 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 11. del: Zaščita opreme z lastno varnostjo "i" Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" 509. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 60079-13 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 13. del: Zaščita opreme z zaprtimi prostori z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p" 510. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-15 EN 60079-15 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 15. del: Zaščita opreme v vrsti protieksplozijske zaščite "n" Explosive atmospheres – Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n" 511. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC/TR 60079-16 Električne naprave za eksplozivne plinske atmosfere – 16. del: Prisilna ventilacija za zaščito ohišij analizatorjev Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses 512. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-18 EN 60079-18 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 18. del: Zaščita opreme z zalivanjem z zalivno maso "m" Explosive atmospheres – Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m" 513. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-25 EN 60079-25 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 25. del: Lastnovarni električni sistemi Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Intrinsically safe systems 514. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-26 EN 60079-26 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 26. del: Oprema s stopnjo zaščite (EPL) Ga Explosive atmospheres – Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga 515. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-28 EN 60079-28 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 28. del: Zaščita opreme, ki uporablja optično sevanje, in sistemov za prenos optičnega sevanja Explosive atmospheres – Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 73 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Product Certification on the basis of type testing in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 516. Električni uporovni grelni trakovi Electrical resistance trace heating EN 60079-30-1 IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 30-1. del: Električni uporovni grelni trakovi – Splošne zahteve in zahteve za preskušanje Explosive atmospheres – Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating – General and testing requirements 517. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-31 EN 60079-31 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 31. del: Zaščita opreme pred vžigom gorljivega prahu z ohišjem "t" Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure "t" 518. Rudarske naglavne svetilke Caplights for use in mines IEC 60079-35-1 EN 60079-35-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 35-1. del: Rudarske naglavne svetilke za uporabo v rudnikih, kjer se lahko pojavi jamski eksplozivni plin – Splošne zahteve – Konstruiranje in preskušanje zaradi tveganja eksplozije Explosive atmospheres – Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp – General requirements – Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion 519. Sestavi Ex-opreme Equipment assemblies IEC TS 60079-46 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 46. del: Sestavi Ex-opreme Explosive atmspheres – Part 46: Equipment assemblies * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Tabela / Table 9 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi preverjanja skladnosti vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje z odobrenim tipom skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / oduct certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every product in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 520. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 15198 Metodologija za oceno tveganja neelektrične opreme in komponent, namenjenih za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Methodology for the risk assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres 521. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita – 1. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 74 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi preverjanja skladnosti vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje z odobrenim tipom skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / oduct certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every product in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 522. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita pred njo – 2. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija za rudarstvo Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining 523. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1710 Oprema in komponente, namenjene za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah v podzemnih rudnikih Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines 524. Vozila za talni transport Industrial trucks EN 1755 Vozila za talni transport – Varnostne zahteve in preverjanje – Dodatne zahteve za obratovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Industrial Trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Supplementary requirements for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres 525. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-36 EN ISO 80079-36 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 36. del: Neelektrična oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere – Osnovne metode in zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Basic methods and requirements 526. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-37 EN ISO 80079-37 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 37. del: Neelektrična oprema za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah – Neelektrična vrsta zaščite s konstrukcijsko varnostjo "c", kontrolo virov vžiga "b", s potopitvijo v tekočino "k" Explosive atmospheres – Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Non electrical type of protection constructional safety "c", control of ignition sources "b", liquid immersion "k" 527. Bencinski servisi Petrol filling stations EN 13617-1 Bencinski servisi – 1. del: Varnostne zahteve za izdelavo in lastnosti tlačnih in sesalnih naprav za točenje goriva in naprav za točenje goriva z daljinskim vodenjem Petrol filling stations – Part 1: Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units 528. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 14460 Oprema, odporna proti eksploziji Explosion resistant equipment 529. Točilne naprave za utekočinjeni naftni plin Dispensers for LPG EN 14678-1 Oprema in pribor za utekočinjeni naftni plin (UNP) – Izdelava in lastnosti opreme za UNP za bencinske servise – 1. del: Točilne naprave LPG equipment and accessories – Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations – Part 1: Dispensers 530. Ventilatorji za eksplozijsko ogrožene prostore Fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 14986 Načrtovanje ventilatorjev za delovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 75 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi preverjanja skladnosti vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje z odobrenim tipom skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / oduct certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every product in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 531. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 50303 Oprema skupine I, kategorije M1, ki ostane v delovanju v atmosferah, ki jih ogroža jamski eksplozivni plin ali premogov prah Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in atmospheres endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust 532. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment CLC/TR 50427 Ugotavljanje nenamernega vžiga vnetljivih atmosfer z radiofrekvenčnim sevanjem – Vodilo Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation – Guide 533. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-0 EN IEC 60079-0 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 0. del: Oprema – Splošne zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements 534. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 1. del: Zaščita opreme z neprodirnim okrovom "d" Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d" 535. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-2 EN 60079-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 2. del: Zaščita opreme z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure "p" 536. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-5 EN 60079-5 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 5. del: Zaščita opreme s polnjenjem s peskom "q" Explosive atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q" 537. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-6 EN 60079-6 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 6. del: Zaščita opreme s potopitvijo v tekočino "o" Explosive atmospheres – Part 6: Equipment protection by liquid immersion "o" 538. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-7 EN IEC 60079-7 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 7. del: Zaščita opreme s povečano varnostjo "e" Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e" 539. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-11 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 11. del: Zaščita opreme z lastno varnostjo "i" Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" 540. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 60079-13 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 13. del: Zaščita opreme z zaprtimi prostori z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p" 541. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-15 EN 60079-15 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 15. del: Zaščita opreme v vrsti protieksplozijske zaščite "n" Explosive atmospheres – Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n" 542. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC/TR 60079-16 Električne naprave za eksplozivne plinske atmosfere – 16. del: Prisilna ventilacija za zaščito ohišij analizatorjev Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 76 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi preverjanja skladnosti vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje z odobrenim tipom skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / oduct certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every product in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 543. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-18 EN 60079-18 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 18. del: Zaščita opreme z zalivanjem z zalivno maso "m" Explosive atmospheres – Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m" 544. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-25 EN 60079-25 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 25. del: Lastnovarni električni sistemi Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Intrinsically safe systems 545. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-26 EN 60079-26 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 26. del: Oprema s stopnjo zaščite (EPL) Ga Explosive atmospheres – Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga 546. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-28 EN 60079-28 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 28. del: Zaščita opreme, ki uporablja optično sevanje, in sistemov za prenos optičnega sevanja Explosive atmospheres – Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation 547. Električni uporovni grelni trakovi Electrical resistance trace heating EN 60079-30-1 IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 30-1. del: Električni uporovni grelni trakovi – Splošne zahteve in zahteve za preskušanje Explosive atmospheres – Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating – General and testing requirements 548. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-31 EN 60079-31 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 31. del: Zaščita opreme pred vžigom gorljivega prahu z ohišjem "t" Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure "t" 549. Rudarske naglavne svetilke Caplights for use in mines IEC 60079-35-1 EN 60079-35-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 35-1. del: Rudarske naglavne svetilke za uporabo v rudnikih, kjer se lahko pojavi jamski eksplozivni plin – Splošne zahteve – Konstruiranje in preskušanje zaradi tveganja eksplozije Explosive atmospheres – Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp – General requirements – Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion 550. Sestavi Ex-opreme IEC TS 60079-46 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 46. del: Sestavi Ex-opreme Explosive atmspheres – Part 46: Equipment assemblies * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 77 / 86 Tabela / Table 10 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi preverjanja skladnosti vsakega proizvoda iz proizvodnje z odobrenim tipom skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Product certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every from production / Product certification based on verification of conformity to type by examination of every from production in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: iksni / fixed Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 551. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment kategoriji M1 in 1 ter komponente M1 in 1 categories M1 and 1 and components M1 and 1 Modul F: Skladnost s tipom na podlagi preverjanja proizvodov Direktiva 2014/34/EU o harmonizaciji zakonodaj držav članic v zvezi z opremo in zaščitnimi sistemi, namenjenimi za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah, Priloga V Module F: Conformity to type based on product verification Directive 2014/34/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, Annex V Tabela / Table 11 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi nadzora notranje kontrole proizvodnje in nadzorovanih preskusov proizvodov preverjanja skladnosti vsak proizvod iz proizvodnje skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji / Product certification based on surveillance of internal production control and supervised product testing off all products from production in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 552. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment električna oprema: kategoriji M2 in 2 ter komponente M2 in 2 electrical equipment: categories M2 and 2 and components M2 and 2 Modul C1: Skladnost s tipom na podlagi notranje kontrole proizvodnje in nadzorovanih preskusov proizvodov Direktiva 2014/34/EU o harmonizaciji zakonodaj držav članic v zvezi z opremo in zaščitnimi sistemi, namenjenimi za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah, Priloga VI) Module C1: Conformity to type based on internal production control plus supervised product testing Directive 2014/34/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, Annex VI Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 78 / 86 Tabela / Table 12 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi preverjanja proizvodnje (enote) skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Certification based on unit verification in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 553. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 15198 Metodologija za oceno tveganja neelektrične opreme in komponent, namenjenih za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Methodology for the risk assessment of non-electrical equipment and components for intended use in potentially explosive atmospheres 554. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita – 1. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 1: Basic concepts and methodology 555. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1127-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – Preprečevanje eksplozije in zaščita pred njo – 2. del: Osnovni pojmi in metodologija za rudarstvo Explosive atmospheres – Explosion prevention and protection – Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining 556. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 1710 Oprema in komponente, namenjene za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah v podzemnih rudnikih Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines 557. Vozila za talni transport Industrial trucks EN 1755 Vozila za talni transport – Varnostne zahteve in preverjanje – Dodatne zahteve za obratovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Industrial Trucks – Safety requirements and verification – Supplementary requirements for operation in potentially explosive atmospheres 558. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-36 EN ISO 80079-36 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 36. del: Neelektrična oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere – Osnovne metode in zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Basic methods and requirements 559. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment ISO 80079-37 EN ISO 80079-37 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 37. del: Neelektrična oprema za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah – Neelektrična vrsta zaščite s konstrukcijsko varnostjo "c", kontrolo virov vžiga "b", s potopitvijo v tekočino "k" Explosive atmospheres – Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for use in explosive atmospheres – Non electrical type of protection constructional safety "c", control of ignition sources "b", liquid immersion "k" 560. Bencinski servisi Petrol filling stations EN 13617-1 Bencinski servisi – 1. del: Varnostne zahteve za izdelavo in lastnosti tlačnih in sesalnih naprav za točenje goriva in naprav za točenje goriva z daljinskim vodenjem Petrol filling stations – Part 1: Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 79 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi preverjanja proizvodnje (enote) skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Certification based on unit verification in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 561. Neelektrična Ex-oprema Non-electrical Ex-equipment EN 14460 Oprema, odporna proti eksploziji Explosion resistant equipment 562. Točilne naprave za utekočinjeni naftni plin Dispensers for LPG EN 14678-1 Oprema in pribor za utekočinjeni naftni plin (UNP) – Izdelava in lastnosti opreme za UNP za bencinske servise – 1. del: Točilne naprave LPG equipment and accessories – Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations – Part 1: Dispensers 563. Ventilatorji za eksplozijsko ogrožene prostore Fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres EN 14986 Načrtovanje ventilatorjev za delovanje v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres 564. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 50303 Oprema skupine I, kategorije M1, ki ostane v delovanju v atmosferah, ki jih ogroža jamski eksplozivni plin ali premogov prah Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in atmospheres endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust 565. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment CLC/TR 50427 Ugotavljanje nenamernega vžiga vnetljivih atmosfer z radiofrekvenčnim sevanjem – Vodilo Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation – Guide 566. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-0 EN IEC 60079-0 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 0. del: Oprema – Splošne zahteve Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements 567. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 1. del: Zaščita opreme z neprodirnim okrovom "d" Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d" 568. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-2 EN 60079-2 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 2. del: Zaščita opreme z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure "p" 569. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-5 EN 60079-5 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 5. del: Zaščita opreme s polnjenjem s peskom "q" Explosive atmospheres – Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q" 570. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-6 EN 60079-6 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 6. del: Zaščita opreme s potopitvijo v tekočino "o" Explosive atmospheres – Part 6: Equipment protection by liquid immersion "o" 571. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-7 EN IEC 60079-7 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 7. del: Zaščita opreme s povečano varnostjo "e" Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased safety "e" 572. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-11 EN 60079-11 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 11. del: Zaščita opreme z lastno varnostjo "i" Explosive atmospheres – Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i" Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 80 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi preverjanja proizvodnje (enote) skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Certification based on unit verification in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 573. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment EN 60079-13 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 13. del: Zaščita opreme z zaprtimi prostori z nadtlakom "p" Explosive atmospheres – Part 13: Equipment protection by pressurized room "p" 574. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-15 EN 60079-15 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 15. del: Zaščita opreme v vrsti protieksplozijske zaščite "n" Explosive atmospheres – Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection "n" 575. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC/TR 60079-16 Električne naprave za eksplozivne plinske atmosfere – 16. del: Prisilna ventilacija za zaščito ohišij analizatorjev Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyzer(s) houses 576. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-18 EN 60079-18 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 18. del: Zaščita opreme z zalivanjem z zalivno maso "m" Explosive atmospheres – Part 18: Equipment protection by encapsulation "m" 577. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-25 EN 60079-25 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 25. del: Lastnovarni električni sistemi Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres – Intrinsically safe systems 578. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-26 EN 60079-26 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 26. del: Oprema s stopnjo zaščite (EPL) Ga Explosive atmospheres – Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga 579. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-28 EN 60079-28 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 28. del: Zaščita opreme, ki uporablja optično sevanje, in sistemov za prenos optičnega sevanja Explosive atmospheres – Part 28: Protection of equipment and transmission systems using optical radiation 580. Električni uporovni grelni trakovi Electrical resistance trace heating EN 60079-30-1 IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 30-1. del: Električni uporovni grelni trakovi – Splošne zahteve in zahteve za preskušanje Explosive atmospheres – Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating – General and testing requirements 581. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment IEC 60079-31 EN 60079-31 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 31. del: Zaščita opreme pred vžigom gorljivega prahu z ohišjem "t" Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure "t" 582. Rudarske naglavne svetilke Caplights for use in mines IEC 60079-35-1 EN 60079-35-1 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 35-1. del: Rudarske naglavne svetilke za uporabo v rudnikih, kjer se lahko pojavi jamski eksplozivni plin – Splošne zahteve – Konstruiranje in preskušanje zaradi tveganja eksplozije Explosive atmospheres – Part 35-1: Caplights for use in mines susceptible to firedamp – General requirements – Construction and testing in relation to the risk of explosion Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 81 / 86 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje na podlagi preverjanja proizvodnje (enote) skladno s shemo, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote / Certification based on unit verification in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 07 – EU pregled tipa, skladnost s tipom in preverjanje enote Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Materiali oz. proizvodi Materials or Products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 583. Sestavi Ex-opreme IEC TS 60079-46 Eksplozivne atmosfere – 46. del: Sestavi Ex-opreme Explosive atmspheres – Part 46: Equipment assemblies * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Certificiranje procesov / Certification of processes Tabela / Table 13 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji / Factory quality control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Proizvodi / skupine proizvodov Products / Group of products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 584. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment ISO/IEC 80079-34 EN ISO/IEC 80079-34 Potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere – 34. del: Uporaba sistemov kakovosti za električno in neelektrično opremo Explosive atmospheres – Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 82 / 86 Tabela / Table 14 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje skladnosti s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvodnje in z rednim nadzorom nad kakovostjo proizvodnje skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji / Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process and regular surveillance of production control in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Proizvodi / skupine proizvodov Products / Group of products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 585. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment kategoriji M1 in 1 ter komponente M1 in 1 categories M1 and 1 and components M1 and 1 Modul D: Skladnost s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvodnje Direktiva 2014/34/EU o harmonizaciji zakonodaj držav članic v zvezi z opremo in zaščitnimi sistemi, namenjenimi za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah, Priloga IV Module D: Conformity to type based on quality assurance of the production process Directive 2014/34/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, Annex IV Tabela / Table 15 – Električne in neelektrične naprave in oprema za potencialno eksplozivne atmosfere / Electrical and non electrical devices and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje skladnosti s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvoda in z rednim nadzorom nad kakovostjo proizvoda skladno s shemo, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji / Conformity to type based on product quality assurance and regular surveillance of product control in accordance with the scheme, CNEx 09 Presoja sistema kakovosti v proizvodnji Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Proizvodi / skupine proizvodov Products / Group of products Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 586. Ex-oprema Ex-equipment električna oprema: kategoriji M2 in 2 ter komponente M2 in 2 electrical euqipment: categories M2 and 2 and components M2 and 2 Modul E: Skladnost s tipom na podlagi zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvoda Direktiva 2014/34/EU o harmonizaciji zakonodaj držav članic v zvezi z opremo in zaščitnimi sistemi, namenjenimi za uporabo v potencialno eksplozivnih atmosferah, Priloga VII Module E: Conformity to type based on product quality assurance Directive 2014/34/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres, Annex VII Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 83 / 86 Certificiranje storitev / Certification of services Tabela / Table 16 – Kvalificirane storitve zaupanja / Qualified trust services Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: ETSI EN 319 403-1, v. 2.3.1 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje kvalificiranih storitev zaupanja iz Uredbe (EU) št. 910/2014 skladno s shemo, CN440 / Certification of qualified trust services under Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 in accordance with the scheme, CN440 Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Storitve Services Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) 587. Izdaja kvalificiranih potrdil za elektronske podpise Creation of qualified certificates for electronic signatures ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-2 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to natural persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 588. Potrjevanje veljavnosti kvalificiranih elektronskih podpisov Validation of qualified electronic signatures ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements. ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-2 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to natural persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 589. Hramba kvalificiranih elektronskih podpisov Preservation of qualified electronic signatures ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements. ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-2 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to natural persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 590. Izdaja kvalificiranih potrdil za elektronske žige Creation of qualified certificates for electronic ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 84 / 86 Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: ETSI EN 319 403-1, v. 2.3.1 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje kvalificiranih storitev zaupanja iz Uredbe (EU) št. 910/2014 skladno s shemo, CN440 / Certification of qualified trust services under Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 in accordance with the scheme, CN440 Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Storitve Services Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) seals ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-3 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to legal persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 591. Potrjevanje veljavnosti kvalificiranih elektronskih žigov Validation of qualified electronic seals ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements. ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-3 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to legal persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 592. Hramba kvalificiranih elektronskih žigov Preservation of qualified electronic seals ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-3 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for certificates issued to legal persons ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements 593. Kvalificiranih elektronskih časovnih žigov Qualified electronic time stamps ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 421 v. 1 Policy and Security Requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing Time-Stamps ETSI EN 319 422 v. 1 Time-stamping protocol and time-stamp token profiles 594. Kvalificirana storitev elektronske priporočene dostave Qualified electronic registered delivery services ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers ETSI EN 319 421 v. 1 Policy and Security Requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing Time-Stamps ETSI EN 319 422 v. 1 Time-stamping protocol and time-stamp token profiles 595. Kvalificirana potrdila za avtentikacijo spletišč ETSI EN 319 401 v. 2 General Policy Requirements for Trust Service Providers Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 85 / 86 Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: ETSI EN 319 403-1, v. 2.3.1 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje kvalificiranih storitev zaupanja iz Uredbe (EU) št. 910/2014 skladno s shemo, CN440 / Certification of qualified trust services under Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 in accordance with the scheme, CN440 Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes to the schemes)* Št. No. Storitve Services Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta (v celoti ali delno) Reference to standard or normative document (entirely or partly) Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka) Title of standard or normative document entirely or partly (e.g. part, chapter, article) Qualified certificates for website authentication ETSI EN 319 411-1 v. 1 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: General requirements. ETSI EN 319 411-2 v. 2 Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates: Requirements for trust service providers issuing EU qualified certificates ETSI EN 319 412-1 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Overview and common data structures ETSI EN 319 412-4 v. 1 Certificate Profiles; Certificate profile for web site certificates ETSI EN 319 412-5 v. 2 Certificate Profiles; QCStatements * Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are maintained by the certification body and published on the website. Akreditacija za namen priglasitve / Accreditation for notification purposes Tabela / Table 17 – Gradbeni proizvodi / Construction products Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) no 305/2011 Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo, CPR DD001/ Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in accordance with the scheme, CPR DD001 Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Sklep komisije Commission Decision Družina proizvodov, proizvod / predvidena uporaba Product family, Product / Intended use Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti Assessment and Verification of Constancy of performance (AVCP) Standard / specifikacija Standard / specification 596. Sklep komisije Commission Decision 96/579/EC Oprema za nadzor in vodenje cestnega prometa - Signalne luči Traffic control equipment - Signal heads Sistem / System 1 SIST EN 12368:2006 (identičen z / identical with EN 12368:2006) 597. Sklep komisije Commission Decision 96/579/EC Pokončni cestni znaki - Prometni znaki s spremenljivo vsebino Road vertical signs - Variable message traffic signs Sistem / System 1 SIST EN 12966-1:2005 + A1:2010 (identičen z / identical with EN 12966-1:2005 + A1:2009) Priloga k akreditacijski listini Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-001 Velja od / Valid as of 14. oktober 2024 Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 31. julij 2023 Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status available at www.slo-akreditacija.si Mašera – Spasićeva ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 86 / 86 Tabela / Table 18 – Radijska oprema / Radio equipment Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Direktiva 2014/53/EU / Directive 2014/53/EU Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: EU-pregled tipa skladno s shemo, RED DN001 / EU-type examination in accordance with the scheme, RED DN001 Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed Št. No. Družina proizvodov, proizvod / predvidena uporaba / nabor izdelkov Product family, product / Intended use / Product range Postopek / Moduli Procedure / Modules Priloge ali členi direktive/uredbe Annexes or articles of the Directive/Regulation 598. Radijska oprema / Radio equipment Člen / Article 3.1.a Člen / Article 3.1.b Člen / Article 3.2 Člen / Article 3.3.d Člen / Article 3.3.e Člen / Article 3.3.f Člen / Article 3.3.g NI uporabljen v povezavi z odločitvami Komisije, sprejetimi na podlagi R&TTED / NOT applied in conjunction with the Commission Decisions adopted under the R&TTED Člen 3.3.g uporabljen v povezavi z odločitvami Komisije, sprejetimi na podlagi R&TTED / applied in conjunction with the Commission Decisions adopted under the R&TTED Člen / Article 3.4 Modul B Module B Člen 17 in Priloga III / Article 17 and Annex III Opombe / Notes: Seznam akreditiranih dejavnosti z aktualnimi podatki o dejavnostih iz fleksibilnega dela obsega certifikacijski organ objavlja na: https://www.siq.si/nase-dejavnosti/preizkusanje-in-certificiranje-proizvodov/akreditacije/ A list of accredited activities with up-to-date information on the activities of flexible part of the scope is available on the certification body’s website: https://www.siq.si/nase-dejavnosti/preizkusanje-in-certificiranje-proizvodov/akreditacije/ Lokacije v tujini, vključene v obseg akreditacije / Foreign locations included under the accreditation: − ni relevantno / not relevant Datum / Date: 14.10.2024 Direktor / Director Dr. Boštjan Godec Kopija priloge k akreditacijski listini za objavo na spletnem mestu. Podpisani original priloge na vpogled na sedežu SA. Copy of Annex to the accreditation certificate for web publishing. Signed original of Annex available for consultation at the SA head office.

Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije / Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 1 / 18

Reg. št. / Ref. No.: 3150-0073/10-0024

Velja od / Valid as of: 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of: 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost je mogoče preveriti na spletni strani SA, www.slo-akreditacija.si.
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn. Information on current status is available at the SA website, www.slo-akreditacija.si.

Annex to Accreditation Certificate


1 AKREDITIRANI ORGAN / Accredited Body

Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije / Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute

Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

2 ZAHTEVE ZA USPOSOBLJENOST / Competence Requirements

SIST EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012

Dodatne zahteve, ki veljajo za nekatere vrste ugotavljanja skladnosti, so opredeljene v podrobnem opisu

obsega akreditacije za to vrsto ugotavljanja skladnosti, v poglavju 3.2. / Additional requirements

applicable to certain types of conformity assessment are defined in the detailed description of

accreditation scope for this type of conformity assessment, under 3.2.

3 OBSEG AKREDITACIJE / Scope of accreditation

V okviru te akreditacijske listine Slovenska akreditacija priznava akreditiranemu organu usposobljenost

za opravljanje naslednjih dejavnosti: / SA hereby recognizes the accredited body as being competent to

perform the following activities:

3.1 Skrajšan opis obsega akreditacije / Brief description of the scope

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 2 / 18

Certificiranje proizvodov:

• Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje

kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom (1+):

embalaža za prevoz nevarnega blaga, cement, toplotno izolacijski proizvodi za stavbe

• Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje

kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (1): kanalski pokrovi in

rešetke, okna in vrata

Certification of products:

• Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by
surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from
the factory (1+): Packaging for the transportation of dangerous goods, cement, thermal insulation
products for buildings

• Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by
surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control (1): gully tops, windows and

Certificiranje procesov:

Certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene in odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje
rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (2+): betoni, toplotno izolacijski proizvodi za stavbe

Certification of processes:
Factory quality control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control (2+):
Concrete, thermal insulation products for buildings

Akreditacija za namen priglasitve: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011

Accreditation for notification purposes: Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 3 / 18

3.2 Podroben opis obsega akreditacije / Detailed scope of accreditation

3.2.1 Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

Certificiranje proizvodov / Certification of products

Tabela / Table 1 – Embalaža za prevoz nevarnega blaga / Packaging for the transportation of dangerous

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o prevozu nevarnega blaga (Uradni list RS, št. 33/06 –
uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 41/09, 97/10 in 56/15), Pravilnik o odobritvi embalaže za prevoz nevarnega blaga (Uradni list RS, št. 37/02)
/ Act on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 33/06 – official consolidated text, 41/09 ,
97/10 and 56/15 ), Rules on the approval of packaging for the transport of dangerous goods (Official Gazette of the Republic
of Slovenia, No. 37/02, Date of publication 26.4.2002),

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa proizvoda
in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad proizvodom (1+)
skladno s shemo SR 50 / Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance followed by surveillance
that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory (1+) in accordance with scheme
SR 50

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor changes
to the schemes )*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document (entirely
or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

1. embalaža za prevoz
nevarnega blaga –
plastične vreče
packaging for the
transport of dangerous
goods - plastic bags

ADR, poglavje 6.1
ADR, Chapter 6.1

Evropski sporazum o mednarodnem prevozu
nevarnih snovi po cesti, poglavje 6.1
European Agreement concerning the International
Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, Chapter

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce
minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 2 – Cement / Cement

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o gradbenih proizvodih (ZGPro-1, Uradni list RS,
82/13) / Construction Product Act (ZGPro-1, Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenija, No 82/13)

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad
proizvodom (1+) skladno s shemo SR 148 / Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance
followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory (1+)
in accordance with scheme SR 148

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

2. cement

SIST EN 197-5 Portlandski mešani cement CEM II/C-M in Mešani
cement CEM VI
Portland-composite cement CEM II/C-M and
Composite cement CEM VI

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 4 / 18

minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 3 – Toplotno izolacijski proizvodi za stavbe / Thermal insulation products for buildings


Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad
proizvodom (1+) skladno s shemo SN 26 / Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance
followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory (1+)
in accordance with scheme SN 26

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

3. proizvodi iz ekspandiranega
polistirena (EPS)
expanded polystyrene
(EPS) products

SIST EN 13163 Toplotnoizolacijski proizvodi za stavbe - Proizvodi iz
ekspandiranega polistirena (EPS) – Specifikacija
Thermal insulation products for buildings - Expanded
polystyrene (EPS) products - Specification

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce
minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are by the
certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 4 – Kanalski pokrovi in rešetke / Gully tops

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o gradbenih proizvodih (ZGPro-1, Uradni list RS,
82/13) / Construction Product Act (ZGPro-1, Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenija, No 82/13)

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad
proizvodom (1) skladno s shemo SR 104, SR 149 / Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance
followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory (1) in
accordance with scheme SR 104, SR 149

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

4. pokrovi za odtoke in jaške
na voznih površinah in
površinah za pešce iz litega
Gully tops and manhole
tops for vehicular and
pedestrian areas made of of
cast iron

SIST EN 124-2 Pokrovi za odtoke in jaške na voznih površinah in
površinah za pešce – 2.del: Pokrovi za odtoke in
jaške iz litega železa
Covers for drains and manholes in carriageway and
pedestrian areas - Part 2: Cast iron covers for drains
and manholes

5. pokrovi za odtoke in
jaške na voznih
površinah in površinah
za pešce iz jekla ali
aluminijeve zlitine
gully tops and manhole tops
for vehicular and pedestrian
areas made of steel or
aluminium alloys

SIST EN 124-3 Pokrovi za odtoke in jaške na voznih površinah in
površinah za pešce - 3. del: Pokrovi za odtoke in
jaške iz jekla ali aluminijeve zlitine
Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and
pedestrian areas - Part 3: Gully tops and manhole
tops made of steel or aluminium alloys

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 5 / 18

minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 5 – Okna in vrata / Windows and doors

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o gradbenih proizvodih (ZGPro-1, Uradni list RS,
82/13) / Construction Product Act (ZGPro-1, Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenija, No 82/13)

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje proizvodov na podlagi tipskega preskusa
proizvoda in ocene ter odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje in nad
proizvodom (1) skladno s shemo SR 144, SR 146 / Type testing and assessment of factory quality system control and its acceptance
followed by surveillance that takes into account the audit of factory quality control and the testing of samples from the factory (1) in
accordance with scheme SR 144, SR 146

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Materiali oz. proizvodi
Materials or Products

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

6. požarna in/ali dimotesna
fire and/or smoke doors

SIST EN 16034 Vrata, okna, vrata v industrijske in javne prostore,
garažna vrata in okna, ki se odpirajo - Standard za
proizvod, značilne lastnosti - Požarna odpornost in/ali
Pedestrian doorsets, industrial, commercial, garage
doors and openable windows - Product standard,
performance characteristics - Fire resisting and/or
smoke control characteristics

7. notranja vrata za
evakuacijske poti
interior doors for escape

SIST EN 14351-2 Okna in vrata - Standard za proizvod, zahtevane
lastnosti - 2. del: Notranja vrata
Windows and doors - Product standard, performance
characteristics - Part 2: Internal pedestrian doorsets

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce
minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Certificiranje procesov / Certification of processes

Tabela / Table 6 – Betoni / Concrete

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o gradbenih proizvodih (ZGPro-1, Uradni list RS,
82/13) / Construction Product Act (ZGPro-1, Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenija, No 82/13)

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene in
odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (2+) skladno s shemo SR 27 / Factory
production control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control (2+) in accordance with scheme SR 27

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Proizvodi / skupine

Products / Group of

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega

(v celoti ali delno)
Reference to standard or normative document

(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

8. beton

SIST EN 206 Beton - Specifikacija, lastnosti, proizvodnja in
Concrete- Specification, performance, production and

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 6 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Zakon o gradbenih proizvodih (ZGPro-1, Uradni list RS,
82/13) / Construction Product Act (ZGPro-1, Official Gazette of Republic of Slovenija, No 82/13)

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene in
odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (2+) skladno s shemo SR 27 / Factory
production control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control (2+) in accordance with scheme SR 27

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Proizvodi / skupine

Products / Group of

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega

(v celoti ali delno)
Reference to standard or normative document

(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

9. beton

SIST 1026 Beton - Specifikacija, lastnosti, proizvodnja in
skladnost - Pravila za uporabo SIST EN 206
Concrete- Specification, performance, production and
conformity - Rules for the application of SIST EN 206

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce
minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Tabela / Table 7 – Toplotno izolacijski proizvodi za stavbe / Thermal insulation products for buildings


Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Certificiranje notranje kontrole proizvodnje na podlagi ocene in
odobritve notranje kontrole proizvodnje z rednim nadzorom nad notranjo kontrolo proizvodnje (2+) skladno s shemo SN 84 / Factory
production control and its acceptance followed by surveillance of factory quality control (2+) in accordance with scheme SN 84

Tip obsega: fleksibilni (možnost uvajanja manjših sprememb sheme)* / Type of scope: flexible (possibility of introducing minor
changes to the schemes)*


Proizvodi / skupine

Products / Group of

Oznaka standarda ali normativnega dokumenta
(v celoti ali delno)

Reference to standard or normative document
(entirely or partly)

Naslov standarda ali normativnega dokumenta v
celoti oz. delno (npr. poglavje, del, točka)

Title of standard or normative document entirely or
partly (e.g. part, chapter, article)

10. proizvodi iz ekspandiranega
polistirena (EPS) za uporabo
v fasadnih sistemih (ETICS)
expanded polystyrene (EPS)
products for use in facade
systems (ETICS)

SIST EN 13163 + ETAG 004 / EAD 040089 / EAD

Toplotnoizolacijski proizvodi za stavbe - Proizvodi iz
ekspandiranega polistirena (EPS) – Specifikacija
Zunanji toplotno izolacijski sestavljeni sistemi z
Zunanji kompozitni toplotno izolacijski sistemi z
ometom za uporabo na zgradbah z lesenim
Zunanji kompozitni toplotno izolacijski sistemi z
ometom (ETICS)
Thermal insulation products for buildings -
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) products -
External thermal insulation composite systems with
Composite external thermal insulation systems with
render for use on timber-framed buildings
External thermal insulation composite systems
(ETICS) with renderings.

*Certifikacijski organ lahko po potrebi uvede manjše spremembe sheme (npr. prilagoditev novim izdajam normativnega dokumenta). Podatke o
trenutnem stanju obsega vzdržuje certifikacijski organ in jih objavlja na spletni strani. / When necessary, the certification body may introduce
minor changes to the scheme (e.g .adaptation to new editions of the normative document). Data on the current status of the scope are
maintained by the certification body and published on the website.

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 7 / 18

Akreditacija za namen priglasitve / Accreditation for notification purposes

Tabela / Table 8 - Gradbeni proizvodi / Construction products

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed



Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

11. Sklep komisije

Konstrukcijska ležišča
Structural bearings

Sistem / System 1

EAD 040773-00-1201

12. Sklep komisije

Dimniki, zračniki in posebni proizvodi
Chimneys, flues and special products

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 12446:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13063-1:2006+A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13063-2:2005+A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13063-3:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13084-7:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1856-1:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1856-2:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN

13. Sklep komisije

Vgrajeni protipožarni sistemi
Fire-fighting systems

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 671-1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN 671-
SIST EN 14339:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14384:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12101-2:2003
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12101-3:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12101-7:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 8 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

14. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi za prometno ureditev
Circulation fixtures

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 12899-1:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12899-3:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012
(identičen z / identical with
EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012)
SIST EN 1317-5:2007
(identičen z / identical with
EN 1317-5:2007+A2:2012/AC:2012)
EAD 230011-00-0106

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 9 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

15. Sklep komisije

Geosintetika in sorodni proizvodi
Geosynthetics and related products

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 13249:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13250:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13251:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13252:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13253:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13254:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13255:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13256:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13257:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13265:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13361:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13361:2004/ A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13362:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13491:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13491:2005/ A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13492:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13492:2005/ A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13493:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15382:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 10 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

16. Sklep komisije

Strukturno tesnjeni zasteklitvenim
sistemi in kovinskimi sidri za beton -
kovinska sidra za uporabo v betonu
(mehanska pritrdila)
Structural sealant glazing systems and
metal anchors for concrete - metal
anchors for use in concrete (mechanical

Sistem / System 1

ETAG 001 - 1 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 001 - 2 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 001 - 3 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 001 - 4 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 001 - 5 - Art 66(3)
EAD 330232-00-0601
EAD 330232-01-0601
EAD 330499-00-0601
EAD 330499-01-0601
EAD 330087-00-0601
EAD 330087-01-0601

17. Sklep komisije

Kovinska sidra za uporabo v betonu za
pritrjevanje nenosilnih sistemov
Metal anchors for use in concrete for
fixing lightweight systems

Sistem / System 2+

ETAG 001 - 6 - Art 66(3)
EAD 330747-00-0601

18. Sklep komisije

Leseni nosilni in vezni konstrukcijski
Structural timber products and ancillaries

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 14080:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15497:2014
(identičen z / identical with EN
EAD 130002-00-0304

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 14081-1:2006+A1:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14250:2010
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14229:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
EAD 130002-00-0304

19. Sklep komisije

Kovinska injicirana sidra za uporabo v
Metal injected anchors for use in

Sistem / System 1

ETAG 029 - Art 66(3)
EAD 330076-00-0604
EAD 330076-01-0604

20. Sklep komisije

Lesne plošče
Wood-based panels

Sistem / System 1, 2+

SIST EN 13986:2005 +A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN

21. Sklep komisije

Plastična sidra za uporabo v betonu in
opečnih zidovih
Plastic anchors for use in concrete and

Sistem / System 2+

ETAG 014 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 020 - 1 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 020 - 2 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 020 - 3 - Art 66(3)
ETAG 020 - 4 - Art 66(3)
EAD 330196-01-0604
EAD 330284-00-0604

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 11 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

22. Sklep komisije

Cement, gradbeno apno in druga
hidravlična veziva
Cement, building lime and other
hydraulic binders

Sistem / System 1+

SIST EN 197-1:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN 197-
SIST EN 14647:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14647:2005/AC:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 413-1:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN 413-

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 459-1:2010
(identičen z / identical with EN 459-
SIST EN 15368:2008+A1:2010
(identičen z / identical with EN

23. Sklep komisije

Zunanji toplotnoizolacijski sestavljeni
sistemi/sklopi z ometom
External thermal insulation composite
systems/assemblies with render

Sistem / System 1, 2+

ETAG 004 - Art 66(3)
EAD 040016-00-0404
EAD 040016-01-0404
EAD 040089-00-0404
EAD 040083-00-0404

24. Sklep komisije

Zidarski in sorodni proizvodi
Masonry and related products

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 771-1:2011+A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN 771-
SIST EN 771-2:2011+A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN 771-
SIST EN 771-3:2011+A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN 771-
SIST EN 771-4:2011+A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN 771-
SIST EN 998-2:2017
(identičen z / identical with EN 998-
2 :2016)

25. Sklep komisije

Sistemi mehansko pritrjenih elastičnih
folij za zagotavljanje neprepustnosti
streh za vodo
Systems of mechanically fastened
flexible roof waterproofing membranes

Sistem / System 2+

EAD 030351-00-0402

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 12 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

26. Sklep komisije

Konstrukcijski kovinski elementi in
pomožni proizvodi
Structural metallicproducts and

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 1090-1:2009 + A1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 10025-1:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 10219-1:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15088:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
EAD 200020-00-0102
EAD 332229-00-0602

27. Sklep komisije

Nenosilni trajni opažni sklopi/sistemi, ki
temeljijo na votlih blokih ali opažnih
elementih iz izolacijskega materiala in
včasih betona
Non load- bearing permanent shuttering
kits/systems based on hollow blocks or
panels of insulating materials and,
sometimes, concrete

Sistem / System 1, 2+

ETAG 009 - Art 66(3)
EAD 340309-00-0305

28. Sklep komisije

Strešne kritine, svetlobniki, strešna okna
in pomožni proizvodi
Roof coverings, roof-lights, roof windows
and ancillary products

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 14509:2014
(identičen z / identical with z EN

29. Sklep komisije

Notranje in zunanje stenske in stropne
Interior and exterior wall and ceiling

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 14509:2014
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 13 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

30. Sklep komisije
Decision 98/598/ES


Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 12620:2002+A1:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13043:2002
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13043:2002/ AC:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13055-1:2002
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13055-1:2002/AC:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13139:2002
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13139:2002/AC:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13242:2003+A1:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13383-1:2002
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13383-1:2002/AC:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13450:2003
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13450:2003/ AC:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 14 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

31. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi za gradnjo cest
Road construction products

Sistem / System 1, 2+

SIST EN 13108-1:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-1:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-2:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-2:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-3:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-3:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-4:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-4:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-5:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-5:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-6:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-6:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-7:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13108-7:2006/AC:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 13808:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN
13808: 2013)
SIST EN 14695:2010
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 15 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

32. Sklep komisije


Sistem / System 1, 2+

SIST EN 13967:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13969:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13969:2005/ A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13707:2005+A2:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13956:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN

33. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi za toplotno izolacijo
Thermal insulatiing products

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 13162:2013 +A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13163:2013 +A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13164:2013 +A1:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN
EAD 040643-00-1201

34. Sklep komisije

Vrata, okna, naoknice, roloji, vhodna
vrata in ustrezno stavbno okovje
Doors, windows, shutters, blinds,
gates, and related hardware

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 14351-1:2006 +A2:2016
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 16034:2015
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 16 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

35. Sklep komisije
Decision 99/94/ES

Montažni navadni/lahki/avtoklavni
proizvodi iz celičastega betona
Precast normal/lightweight/autoclaved
aerated concrete products

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 1168:2005+A3:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12794:2005+A1:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12794:2005+A1:2007/
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12843:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13224:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13225:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13693:2004+A1:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13747:2005+A2:2010
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 13978-1:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14843:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14844:2006+A2:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14991:2007
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14992:2007+A1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15037-1:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15037-2:2009 +A1:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15037-3:2009 +A1:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15037-4:2010+A1:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15050:2007 +A1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1520:2011
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 15258:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 17 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

36. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi za gašenje in dušenje požara
ter protipožarno zaščito
Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protective products

Sistem / System 1

EAD 350141-00-1106

37. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi z lesenim okvirom in sklopi
polizdelkov iz hlodovine
Timber frame and prefabricated building

Sistem / System 1

ETAG 007 - Art 66(3)
EAD 340308-00-0203

38. Sklep komisije

Proizvodi povezani z betonom, malto
in injekcijsko maso
Products related to concrete, mortar
and grout

Sistem / System 1+

SIST EN 450-1:2013
(identičen z / identical with EN

Sistem / System 1

SIST EN 14889-1:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 14889-2:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN

Sistem / System 1, 2+

SIST EN 1504-2:2004
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1504-3:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1504-4:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1504-6:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN

Priloga k akreditacijski listini
Annex to Accreditation Certificate CP-002

Velja od / Valid as of 3. september 2024

Zamenjuje izdajo, veljavno od dne / Replaces the Annex valid as of 16. maj 2023

Akreditacija je veljavna do preklica. Veljavnost preveriti na
This accreditation shall remain in force until withdrawn.

Information on current status available at

Certifikacijska služba, Dimičeva ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana

OB05-36  Izdaja / Revision: 12 Stran / Page: 18 / 18

Dodatne zahteve za usposobljenost / Additional requirements for competence: Uredba (EU) št. 305/2011 / Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

Certificiranje v skladu s shemo / Certification in accordance with scheme: Ocenjevanje in preverjanje nespremenljivosti lastnosti
gradbenih proizvodov skladno s shemo CPR / Assessment and verification of constancy of performance of construction products in
accordance with the scheme CPR

Tip obsega: fiksni / Type of scope: fixed


Sklep komisije


Družina proizvodov, proizvod /
predvidena uporaba

Product family, Product / Intended

Ocenjevanje in preverjanje
nespremenljivosti lastnosti

Assessment and Verification
of Constancy of performance


Standard / specifikacija

Standard / specification

Sistem / System 2+

SIST EN 1504-5:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 1504-7:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 934-2:2009 +A1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 934-3:2009 +A1:2012
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 934-4:2009
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 934-5:2008
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12878:2005
(identičen z / identical with EN
SIST EN 12878:2005/ AC:2006
(identičen z / identical with EN

39. Sklep komisije

Sklopi proizvodov za montažne hiše s
kovinsko okvirno konstrukcijo, sklopi
proizvodov za montažne hiše z
betonsko okvirno konstrukcijo,
montažne stavbne enote, sklopi
proizvodov za hladilnice in sklopi
proizvodov za zaščito pred padajočim
Metal frame building kits, concrete
frame building kits,
prefabricated building units, cold
storage room kits and
rock-fall protection kits

Sistem / System 1

ETAG 023 - Art 66(3)

Seznam akreditiranih dejavnosti z aktualnimi podatki o dejavnostih iz fleksibilnega dela obsega certifikacijski organ objavlja na:

A list of accredited activities with up-to-date information on the activities of flexible part of the scope is available on the certification body’s
website: https://www.zag.si/certifikati-in-soglasja/certifikacijska-sluzba/akreditirane-dejavnosti/

Lokacije v tujini, vključene v obseg akreditacije / Foreign locations included under the accreditation:

− ni relevantno / not relevant

Datum / Date: 3.9.2024 Direktor / Director

Dr. Boštjan Godec

Kopija priloge k akreditacijski listini za objavo na spletnem mestu.
Podpisani original priloge na vpogled na sedežu SA.

Copy of Annex to the accreditation certificate for web publishing.

Signed original of Annex available for consultation at the SA head office.