20 Years of Trust
Accreditation means trust. Trust in everyday life. Trust in the quality of products and services we use, and in the safety of the environment in which we live.
Slovenian Accreditation has been contributing to the creation of this trust for 20 years now. Indeed, an accreditation system was established in Slovenia in 1995, and this enabled us to carry out the first accreditation procedures. During all this time of operation we have set up accreditation in numerous fields and for numerous conformity assessment schemes. We believe that accreditation has, in the general sense, contributed to the improvement of quality and to the awareness of the importance of conformity assessment, and that it has been fulfilling its mission.
On this year’s Accreditation Day we celebrate our 20th anniversary, therefore we would like to look back at the path we have travelled, and at the same time remind ourselves of all the challenges awaiting us in the future.
We have invited to this event Mr Jacques McMillan, the creator of the idea and concept of accreditation system in Europe, who will speak about accreditation as it once was and as it is today, and reveal to us whether accreditation has met the expectations and vision of its creators.
An accredited body who was granted the first accreditation by Slovenian Accreditation will present to us his side of the story of development of accreditation in Slovenia. The development of accreditation through the eyes of assessors will be outlined to us by our long-standing assessor, who will also confide to us some of her experience in assessing accredited bodies.
You are cordially invited to join us, and with your presence, suggestions, questions and comments, let us create together the Accreditation Day, this year again without participation fee.
Registration deadline is Monday, 30 November 2015.
Main speakers
Jacques McMillan
Former Head of Unit in Directorate General Enterprise and Industry in the EU Commission
Peter Kunc
Director of Institut Scientis
Zoran Svetik
Deputy Director of SIQ
Viljem Ščuka
Doctor and psychotherapist
3. december 2015
8:15 - 9:00
Registration of participants
Welcome coffee or tea
9:00 - 9:15
Opening ceremony of 17th Accreditation Day
Musical introduction
9:15 - 10:00
20 years of accreditation
Welcome address by the representative of Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Boštjan Godec
Welcome address by the Director of Slovenian Accreditation
Jacques McMillan
Has accreditation justified the expectations?*
10:00 - 11:30
New developments and changes
Katja Otrin Debevc in Nataša Vesel Tratnik
New developments in accreditation system
Mile Keser in Franjo Kranjčevič
Guide to the application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012
Peter Kunc
ISO 9001:2015 and accreditation standards
11:30 - 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 - 13:00
A look back
Zoran Svetik
Accreditation once and today – experience of the first accredited body, SIQ
Vida Hudnik
Development of accreditation – from assessor's point of view
Viljem Ščuka
How to control stress
13:00 - 15:00
Catering and socializing
* Most speakers will speak in Slovene, simultaneous translation to English will be provided. The organizer reserves the right to change the program due to unforeseen circumstances.
We accept registrations for the event trough online application form. If you experience problems with application form please contact our Conference office. The Conference office is reachable every day between 8:00 in 16:00. For all content related questions, press releases and additional information contact the event organizer.
Applications for this event are closed!
Brdo pri Kranju
Conference center, Predoslje 39, Kranj
Slovenian accreditation
E: dejana.robic@slo-akreditacija.si
T: +386 1 5473 252
Contact person for applications
E: prijava@arnoldvuga.com
T: +386 1 244 3491