SA will appoint an assessor team to carry out assessments. The team shall consist of a lead assessor and one or more than one technical assessors and/or experts from all technical fields from the scope of accreditation being assessed. The assessor team will carry out the assessment against the requirements of the relevant standard for the competence of the CAB, by verifying (among other also through witnessing the performance of the activities comprised within the scope of accreditation) the fulfilment of technical and organisational requirements or professional competence as well as the efficiency of the management system.
In its accreditation procedures, SA assesses the competence of different types of CABs against the requirements laid down in SA’s internal regulations, which regulate the requirements for accreditation and the accreditation rules, and which currently constitute the documentsS03, S05 and S10. Besides these, other guidance or generally accepted good practices will be observed in individual specific technical fields. At the conclusion of the assessment, the client will receive an assessment report, and in the case of any nonconformity found, carry out the necessary corrective actions and report of them to SA. The assessor team will then draw up a report on the review of corrective actions and make recommendation for decision on accreditation.