General information

General information on the body and on public information possesses

Brief description of the body’s work area

Slovenian Accreditation (SA) is a public institute performing, in the Republic of Slovenia, the assignments of national accreditation service in the manner and under the conditions applicable to a public service, in compliance with the Accreditation Act (RS Official Gazette No. 59/99) and the Decision on the Establishment of Public Institute Slovenian Accreditation (RS Official Gazette Nos. 36/00, 23/01, 121/04, 22/08, 19/16). SA was founded by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.

SA associates and cooperates with other institutions in the field of technical quality infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia with the purpose of achieving harmonious development of these fields and coordinating the interests of the Republic of Slovenia. SA cooperates in particular with:

  • ministries and other state authorities,
  • national institutions in the fields of metrology, standardization, testing and other conformity assessment activities and their associations,
  • professional associations in its field of activity, and
  • higher education institutions.


SA’s bodies

Pursuant to the Decision on the Establishment, SA consists of the following bodies:

  • The Board,
  • The Director, and
  • The Accreditation Committee.

Organisation chart of the body

Internal organisation of SA is laid down in the document S09, Rules on Internal Organisation and Job Classification in Slovenian Accreditation (organisation chart).

Number of employees: 17

Dejana Robič, Senior Sector Adviser II

Slovenian Accreditation, Šmartinska 152, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 1 547 32 50, Fax: +386 1 547 32 72

National regulations

National Register of Regulations

SA’s Website

Basic legal acts:

  • Accreditation Act, RS Official Gazette No. 59/99
  • Decision on the Establishment of Public Institute Slovenian Accreditation, RS Official Gazette No.36/00, 23/01, 121/04, 22/08, 19/16)
  • Statutes of the Public Institute Slovenian Accreditation, (RS Official Gazette Nos. 63/02 and 136/04)

EU regulations

European Register of Regulations

Legal acts of the European Union and other international organisations, which provide the basis for the work of SA

The work of SA is also based on the guides of the international cooperations for accreditation, including:

National Register of Regulations

There are currently no new proposals for legislation relevant to the work of SA.

Types of procedures conducted by the body

SA does not conduct any administrative, judicial or legislative procedures.

SA conducts accreditation procedures in compliance with the Accreditation Act and on the basis of a contract and general accreditation rules, including: S03, Rules of Accreditation, and S05, Rules for the use of the SA Logo, the Use of Accreditation Mark and for Making Reference to Accreditation. The costs of accreditation procedures are calculated according to the Rules on Price Formation for the Services Provided by Slovenian Accreditation (S10).

Catalogue of Accredited CABs

The records are based on the Accreditation Act. They contain information on accredited CABs and on the corresponding ‘accredited’ scopes. SA obtains information for the Catalogue on the basis of Accreditation Certificates issued. The Catalogue is available on the SA Website, and in written format at the SA Central Office.

List of SA’s internal regulations laying down the requirements for accreditation and the rules of accreditation procedure

The list of SA’s internal regulations consists of the following documents, namely:

SA does not manage any online database.

The internal legal acts of SA and their fields of application are shown in the SA Quality Manual (SA00)

SA provides general information on accreditation in the form of the SA Bulletin, through publications on its Website, and through occasional communications in other media.